Saturday, April 25, 2009

Must hate running aka damn 5k

I've noticed lately that everyone I know seems to be jumping onto this running bandwagon. It seems like every FB status update I see has something to do with running this many miles or that 5k or what not. And I have been just as guilty. My current attempt at running as mostly to do with my fat belly, my fear of diabetes or heart disease, and my love of food and drink. I sense that my inability to lose my fat belly is directly related to the food and drink.

I am up to 1 mile, on the treadmill, at .5 incline. Outside is a whole other story. Case in point: the Race for Charity 5k we did this morning. Obviously NOT my idea.

Our friends, Emily and Clay, are doing a missions trip to Africa and they were able to raise money at this Race for Charity 5k and somehow I said Paul and I would "run" this 5k with them. I truly feel I must have been drunk when I made that promise; however, I do like to keep my promises to my friends so...

6:45am dawned bright and much earlier than I typically like to get up on a Saturday or any other day for that matter (my usual wake up time is anywhere between 8:30am and 10am...getting a real job in Boston is SO going to SUCK). I downed half a granola bar (Paul ate the other half) and a glass of milk and off we went.

The race started at 8am and there really were not a lot of people racing. It was going to be painfully obvious who the LAST runner was; however, I feel that somehow has to be last...might as well be me.

We start off at the track at the middle school. I am highly out of breath before we get off the track onto the road portion. Emily keeps telling me to breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth. A good theory, but one that interferes with my ability to SUCK in air as fast as I possibly could. At this point I am just trying not to pass out...not even an entire mile into the race.

I tell Paul that he can go on without me and Emily sacrifices herself to stay with me. If she hadn't then I totally would've been the absolute last runner. We then get passed by a man in a wheelchair; however, we are able to overtake him...I think only because we are going uphill. Once we hit the downward side he passed us with nary a glance our way. We never caught up with him again. Yes, a man in a wheelchair beat me (I say me because I definitely held Emily back from reaching her potential which I totally appreciated).

Emily talked the entire time we ran. I tried to answer; however, when she sensed that answering her was interfering with my ability to breathe she told me I didn't have to answer her to which I grunted out my gratitude. I will say that she was an awesome running coach. Besides her impractical advice on breathing, she did motivate me to push myself and tell me what spots to walk to and what spots to run to. She guessed I ran about 75% of the time which was a lot better than I thought I would do.

To give you a guess as to how slow we were...a cop had to bring up the rear of the runners because we were on a road. I don't even think the cop car would idle as slow as we were running. Even more embarrassing is that none of the cars behind the cop could pass him so it was like we were leading a parade. Some of the cops were super nice (they were at every intersection) and would give us encouragement as we ran by (while secretly thinking what the hell are these girls doing aka hurry the fuck up I'm sure); however, eventually the cop behind us gave up and drove off.

There was a water station and anyone who knows me knows I am big into recycling. We both got cups of water and as we were running Emily drank her's and threw it on the ground. I actually stopped and looked at her with my mouth open. She assured me that they come and pick them up and I said do you promise and she said yes and I begrudgingly through my cup down. I still feel uncomfortable about it.

On the way back, around mile 2, I did not feel good. I have bad sinuses, there's a lot of phlegm involved in my airways, and Emily asked me if I was going to throw up. I did not...mostly out of sheer embarrassment at throwing up on the side of a busy road. At this point I felt like I was running through jello as my legs were moving so slow.

When we got closer to the event I said something to Emily about being surprised Paul hadn't come back for us and then he came around the corner! Emily said how blessed I am to have him and she is totally right! He ran with us the entire end. We got back to the track and slowly made our way back around towards the finish line. Mile 3 and only 2/10ths left to go. Paul told us if we sprinted we could make sub 40 so we did and came in at 39 minutes...the last ones to complete the race!

We then did a cool down lap (walking of course) and had some water and were home by 9:30am. I showered and took a nap. And when Paul woke up from his nap we went to lunch and then I went and saw the Hannah Montana movie (which was really cute so don't hate). My legs hurt so bad I had to take a bath when I got home. I still can't bend my knees, or feel my toes, but eventually my chest pains stopped. Thank god for small miracles I guess. Or maybe a large one as who knows whats going on inside there.

No, I didn't win any prizes today; however, I did get to spend 39 minutes with a great friend, have more proof of how much Paul loves me (not that I needed it) and completed the goal I set for myself. All in all, I definitely came out a winner today and what could be better than that!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Well, I've been afraid of changing cause I've
Built my life around you
Time makes you bolder
Even children get older
And I'm getting older, too.
--Dixie Chicks, Stevie Nicks, Fleetwood Mac (?)

I've been thinking a lot lately about collections and the things that people collect. My dad loves...well, lets just say old crap...clocks, art, glass punch spoons. My mom hates collections of any kind. This is partially why my parents are now divorced. Paul is not a hoarder. I've inherited my love of collecting from my dad.

We are getting ready to move to Boston. I am lucky because I have several Kappa Delta sisters from Rollins up in Boston, including my big sis Janet who I haven't seen since she graduated, and others close by in Rhode Island. I know that the bonds that we formed in KD are enough for us to sit down together. We recently had a KD/Rollins reunion and when we were all together it was like no time had passed. We laughed and joked and it was like we were all 20 years old again. Sorority sisters, to me, is a given friendship.

But what about the other friends? Our move has made me melancholy and nostalgic. It has brought to mind all the friends that I've collected along the way. I remember co-facilitating a group for adolescents one time and my co-facilitator (my good friend Heather) made the comment that these teens would likely not have the same group of friends as adults as they did now (most of them were there for substance abuse and getting in trouble with the law with their friends) and she asked me how many of my high school friends I had. I was able to say that I have a lot of the same friends now that I had in high school, that I have been blessed to find really great friends, and I've worked really hard to keep them in my life. Although I may not see them or talk to them as much as I like that doesn't mean I don't cherish them and our shared history and shared future.

When I sit down and think about it, it amazes me that some of my friends and I have gotten to the point in our lives that we have known each other longer now than we haven't known each other...meaning we have been friends over half our lives. Kristy-friends since 4th grade. Robyn & Sean-friends since age 13. Josh & Justin-friends since age 16. Amanda & Cory-friends since 9th grade. Katie & Jen-friends since 7th grade. Kelly, Suzanne, Leah, Nadine, all my KD sisters-friends since college (and many of us just celebrated 10 years out of college). Kelley & Danielle and all my CFC compadres-friends for 9 years. Karin-friends for our entire lives. Not to mention the friends I made upon my divorce--Katie R., SamE, LeaAnn, Jane & Ty, Lisa B. & Lisa C., Alex, Nichele, Mary, Melissa, Mimi & David, Breun, Amanda H., Tara & Jeff.

When I left Florida, I was so heartbroken to leave my friends. Although I consider Paul to be my bestest, it's not quite the same as a girlfriend. I have always had a strong connection to my girlfriends. They have always gotten me through those times...good and bad. They have been the ones I've turned to when my family, life, boyfriends, job has been driving me crazy. Without them I wouldn't have survived.

I thought for sure I would never find the kind of friends in Valdosta, GA that I had in Florida...and I was wrong. Here I am...8 months after moving to GA, hating the first 4 months I was here, and finding now that I don't want to leave. Even though Valdosta doesn't have a ton of amazing restaurants, much less an Olive Garden, and tons of cool bars, and the beach, and all the things I miss about has my friends...Emily, Anne-Marie, Brittney, Beth-Anne, Courtney, Erika, and all the other wonderful women I've met in Valdosta, GA.

I wonder in 9 years, when Paul retires from the Air Force, and we are done moving, how many amazing people will have been brought into my life. I wonder how many amazing friends I will have made and where we will all be in life. Kids will be grown, jobs will have changed, but I will continue to work hard to hold on to those who are important to me and I know that forever our lives will be connected. And when we are old and wrinkly we will look back at our lives...and laugh...and laugh...

Old friends,
Old friends
Sat on their park bench
Like bookends.
A newspaper blown though the grass
Falls on the round toes
Of the high shoes
Of the old friends.

Old friends,
Winter companions,
The old men
Lost in their overcoats,
Waiting for the sunset.
The sounds of the city,
Sifting through trees,
Settle like dust
On the shoulders
Of the old friends.

Can you imagine us
Years from today,
Sharing a park bench quietly?
How terribly strange
To be seventy.
Old friends,
Memory brushes the same years
Silently sharing the same fears.
--Simon and Garfunkel

PS If I didn't mention you by name, it doesn't mean I cherish our friendship any less. It just means I had too much wine at Bunco tonight.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Day 2...Fat...I mean flat belly diet

So, I realized why you lose weight on this diet...because you FREAKIN starve to death...literally. Weighed myself upon waking and weighed 174.6...3 lbs. lighter, but am attributing it to water weight and not actual weight loss. We'll see what happens tomorrow.

Mornings are rough because I'm not a big get up and eat a big breakfast kind of person. I am a slow mover in the am. Never been a get up and go to the gym person either. I am a sleep late, hit snooze a lot, stretch, yawn, fight off the day kind of person. But now I'm having to get up earlier to fit in this breakfast thing. Today's breakfast was a cup of skim milk, cup of rice krispies (generic because I'm poor), unsweetened apple sauce, and 1/4 cup of sunflower seeds. I know 1/4 cup of sunflower seeds probably doesn't seem like a lot, but trust me when I say those seeds are tiny and 1/4 cup is a LOT of seeds. I probably will never eat sunflower seeds again. The book says to eat unsalted, roasted seeds, but that didn't really work for me...mostly because my Publix kind of sucks and didn't have unsalted ones, so I'm rocking the salted sunflower seeds.

Lunch was 3 oz. of PLAIN tuna, steamed carrots, a string cheese, and sassy water. I gave up on the sassy water because it was disgusting so I just did plain water (oh, I cheated and had bottled iced tea). I did the little midget can of PLAIN tuna which was kind of gross (I really like regular mayo laden tuna with cut up celery and gerkins) and I had no way to steam carrots so I did raw. Most of my bites consisted of a forkful of tuna eaten WITH a raw carrot to cover up the tuna taste. I had previously eaten my string cheese as a snack so didn't have one of those. Just so you know, a 3 oz can of tuna is the SMALLEST can they make. It's like the size of a silver dollar.

Dinner was 3 oz. of oven baked boneless, skinless chix breast, brown rice (which I broke down and put a little butter and a little low sodium salt on), and mushrooms. I did have an extra half glass of milk because I'm soooooo hungry! I may go to bed just so this day ends and I can wake up and eat breakfast.

I didn't go to the gym today, but Paul and I did take the dogs on a walk after dinner.

I may extend my 4 day anti-bloat diet to 5 so I can go to lunch with Paul tomorrow. They are going to Japanese and I LOVE Japanese. Of course then I'll probably feel guilty so who knows.

So, I've survived 2 days of torture. Only 2 more to go and then hopefully some genuine healthy changes in eating habits.

PS So, I go to the Verizon cell phone/tech center today and they welcome me and ask how they can help me and I say well, I have sort of a weird situation so the girl is like um okay and I say, "I kind of have an international stalker...from India. I need to know if y'all can block the number." I confused everyone in the store because who in the hell picks up an overseas stalker, but regardless they could NOT help me. Bastards. I told them I was NOT changing my number, that I will go to India first and find this person and beat his ass. And it's not even like a telemarketing kind of call. It is someone calling me from his home, multiple times a week, at various times through out the day (3 this morning including a voicemail from his child). And he doesn't speak English so I can't even find out why the hell he keeps calling me! So, if you know anyone from India who can translate my saved voicemails please let me know. Thanks!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Flat belly diet...Day 1

So, Flat Belly Diet...hmmm...let's just be glad I only have 3 more days on the anti-bloat portion. I do have some fears and trepidation about this diet though. My biggest fear...that I will have spent these 4 days and my weekly grocery money on all this healthy food and that I will not lose any weight nor will my belly be any smaller. One time when I was in the hospital for a stomach issue (origin still unknown, but continued much love to Karin for cleaning out my garbage can and driving me to the doctor and then to the hospital). The nurse came in to feel my stomach and she asked if I was always that bloated. I looked at her and said, "Let's be honest here...Yes, I am always this fat." She said she was trying to be nice. As much as I appreciated her attempts at not acknowledging my plump midsection...yeah...

Actually you do get to eat quite a bit on the flat belly diet. Almost too much in fact. I could not eat the entire portions of each meal. Of course when I finish these 4 days I will never want to eat another deli turkey slice again...4 oz. of turkey is MUCH more than I thought it was. I expected it to be like 4 slices, but when I weighed it on my LA Weight Loss food scale (from the LA Weight Loss diet that I paid umpteen good dollars for and then ditched) it was like 20 slices. Plus they want you to eat a pint of cherry tomatos. That is an entire package of cherry tomatos...who can possibly eat that many tomatos in one sitting? The last time I had a pint of anything it was Bacardo Limon and I threw up for an entire day afterwards.

On day 1 I weigh 177.6 lbs. I gained 2 lbs. in Boston (which should tell you how much delicious foods I ate while we were there since we did walk several days while we were up there). I can remember in high school thinking I was fat and weighing 135 lbs. If I had known then how much I would weigh now I NEVER would've complained then about being fat. I also like to think I would've eaten less, drank less alcohol, and worked out more.

I did go to the gym again today and ran my mile. It was slightly harder today as my legs seemed a little sore from yesterday plus the weather changed which always jacks up my allergies. Hence, my current headache I'm sure.

I did cheat a little today. The sassy water they want you to make and drink kind of makes me gag a little so I probably will NOT be drinking the 2 liters of that they want you to consume a day. I also had 6 gummy bears, hot tea with honey, an extra string cheese, and a spoonful of peanut butter. Since the days are based on 1200 calories for the first 4 days I am thinking I didn't do too much damage given my mile run and weights at the gym.

We shall see how day 2 goes...

Monday, April 6, 2009

A whole mess of stuff

Wow. It's been a long time since I've written anything. I guess that's a good thing since most of my old blogs were about the awful guys I've dated and the hilarious situations I would end up in from dating. God, I've dated some losers. But I digress.

I do go about my days and come across situations that I feel I could blog about, but I'm kind of lazy and don't do it as soon as I get home and then I forget. So, I decided to put a whole bunch of random stuff in this blog.

1) My grammy is hilarious! She is very feisty and her favorite trick is putting her leg upside her head while she's sitting (you know like dancers do standing). She does this trick for everyone and anyone who will watch. Unfortunately Grammy is now in a nursing home which she hates. When Grammy was young she was a little racist. She had a roommate, Mrs. Cooper. Mrs. Cooper is a funny, older black woman and she is just as feisty as Grammy. One day my aunt was there visiting (do not get me started on the rest of the family's appalling lack of concern in visiting my Grammy) and she said something about Mrs. Cooper being black or something (not anything bad, just a comment). Grammy's response..."What? Mrs. Cooper's black?" She had lived with this woman for almost a year and did not even notice that she was black. I would've given anything to have been there to hear that comment.

2) When Paul was at SOS for 5 weeks I went to visit him one weekend at the AF base. One night we went down to the officers club. It was like a fraternity party of 30 somethings. Very disturbing and slightly sad. Everyone was wasted to the point that A) one guy in Paul's flight spilled an entire cup of beer on my feet. I was wearing sandals. Don't think I didn't plop my beer soaked feet into his lap for him to wipe off; B) a guy and a girl got into a physical fight to the point that the guy had the girl in a, okay...then someone seperated them and all was forgotten and they were back to being BFF...granted the girl looked more like a man than a woman, but; C) Another 2 guys almost got into a fight and the drunkest guy there stepped in to break them up with all his mature, drunk logic; D) this same guy kept coming over to a girl in Paul's flight telling her how beautiful she was and asking me "Isn't she beautiful?" over and over and over (to which I repeatedly reminded him that she was married--she was way nicer to him than I ever would've been cause my response would've been Leave me the fuck along drunk ass), she's okay, drunk ass...she's not like a supermodel...certainly not like the time I was at a bar with a Jacksonville Jaguar cheerleader (now her I could understand why the 5 guys came over to ask me to introduce them to her), but not this girl was not anything special...of course, being a female in the military is much like being a female in Alaska...I don't think I need to say anything more than get my point.

3) Paul and I just stayed in Hanscom AFB outside of Boston for a week while we looked at houses. On the base we saw an animal. It was either a groundhog, woodchuck, beaver, muskrat, or otter. So everytime we saw this animal I had to yell all 5 animals out. We also walked and Paul convinced me it would be shorter to get back to our room if we climbed up this steep ass hill. When we got to the top I was fairly certain I was having a heart attack and had to literally stop and rest.

4) Paul and I went into Salem one day to look around and eat lunch. Paul...let's just say he's not used to driving anywhere where there are people and other cars apparently. He became slightly stressed out. Northeastern roads are not for him. I laughed like a hyena of course. We decided that I would drive us everywhere and Paul would only drive himself to work and home once we live up there. We were in the car on the interstate and I kept poking Paul in the arm and he said something about me being mean and I said "I'm going to be aggressive Jenn by the time we leave Boston" to which he replied, "And I'm going to be pyschologically damaged Paul." And again I laughed like a hyena.

5) We went to the Bunker Hill monument. Paul decides we need to walk the 294 steps to the top. I don't really want to, but I don't want him to do it without me. So, up we go. About step 25 I start to breath hard. Step 50 I have to stop and rest. Step 75 I am fairly certain I am having a heart attack. Step 100 I am dizzy, have to rest, can't feel my feet, and want to go home. I give up (I can be a quitter at times) and head back down. Paul walks partially down because I think he wants to make sure I don't fall and go careening to my death. I was him to wait until a time when we are in better shape and can both do it together. Much like a small child he wants to do it RIGHT THEN and up he goes. I head back inside to search for an EMT. About 15 minutes later Paul comes in...covered in sweat...unable to speak...breathing like he's just run a marathon. This was Saturday. Today is Monday. He is still complaining how sore he is and hobbling about like a 90 year old man. My response, "I told ya so!"

6) And finally today...I basically do nothing, but do hunt down my 2007 tax return for my account (which involved me going onto H&R Blocks website, finding my log in information, and printing it out because of course I have zero idea where I put it when I did my taxes last year and am prety certain I probably didn't print or save a copy for myself anyways. Then I drop that off (this tax stuff better freaking be worth it...if I owe money I am going to be so pissed) and head to the gym. Holy shit! I ran an entire mile on an incline. Of course I am running at turtle speed and the woman running on the treadmill next to me finishes 2 miles in the time it takes me to do 1, but screw it she probably weighed 100 lbs. less than me. And I was proud of myself! Then I come home and mow the yard which takes like an hour. Halfway through the lawnmower conks out and I have to stop and clean out the bottom which is disgusting. It's like a slimy, old grass, old dog poo soup. It stinks and of course I only find a small stick with which to clean this out which of course breaks in half causing this sludge to get under my fingernails. I finally get it all cleaned out and leave this big pile of crap (literally) in the yard. Then I let the dogs back out and Sasha is EATING IT! Now I have to get 2 plastic bags and go out there and clean this sludge crap out of the grass with plastic bags (plastic Publix bags NOT an effective glove--FYI if I wanted things wrapped in plastic bags Publix why then WOULD I BRING MY OWN BAGS??? That annoys the crap out of me. I am so the person who makes them take the items out of the plastic bags). Finally I finish and get to take a much needed shower.

Tomorrow starts my 4 day belly bloat cleanse of my flat belly diet. Yes, this is an actual diet from an actual book bought at Barnes and Noble. I am fairly certain I will be extremely cranky for the next 4 days. I will let you know how it goes.


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