Tuesday, November 30, 2010

There's a whale in the tub!

After my cerclage my high risk ob didn't want me to take baths.  Well, I had to wait 3 weeks to heal anyways and then he preferred I take quick showers.  Finally I couldn't stand it anymore because I love baths and 2 weeks ago I asked my regular ob if I could take a bath and she said okay.  I feel like a kid playing mom and dad against each other.  One ob says no, go ask the other ob!  Regular ob said no mall wheelchair, high risk ob is going to okay that in a couple weeks.  lol 

We have a big, corner, jacuzzi tub.  Getting in and out of it by myself is not an option anymore as I'm a little front heavy.  Have you seen those crane and tarp contraptions they use to lift and transport whales?  That is what we really need in our bathroom as I resemble a white whale in the tub. 

So, Paul and I have devised this system for getting me in and out of the tub.  In is actually not bad.  We have a step on the one side.  I step on that, Paul holds me around the waist and arms, and I grab the spout as I step into the tub.  Once in the tub I splash around happily making whale sounds, reading my book, and drinking wine sparkling grape juice.

When I'm ready to get out I send Paul a text message and then start to drain the water.  We put a beach towel washcloth on the end of the tub.  I struggle to my feet by first rolling onto all floors and then with an abnormal display of strength push myself into an upright position.  I then sit on the beach towel washcloth.  Paul stands behind me and with his hands under my arms and his chest supporting my back pivots me around.  I can get the first leg over fairly easily; however, he manually has to reach in to lift my other leg up and over the edge of the tub. 

It then takes me 20 minutes to dry off because I can't reach my feet or lift my legs high enough to dry them due to some soreness in areas best left unmentioned.  Putting my granny panties and jammy bottoms on is equally challenging (Paul has commented that the granny panties are the most unattractive things about me right now and this is saying a lot as he's seen me throw up and pee on the floor myself all at the same time).

All this activity leaves me completely out of breath so I spend the next 20 minutes trying to resume breathing in a normal fashion. 

All in all my 30 minutes in the tub is a 2 hour endeavor. 

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