Monday, November 1, 2010

Sex and the City

I know there are a lot of people who see the Sex and the City franchise as just another sign of what is wrong with our society--sex, drugs, and rock & roll are all present in this series. But I never saw the series that way.

My friend Kelley finally watched the 2nd movie--honestly, I don't know how she waited so long as I went BY MYSELF to see it when it came out in the theater (because I was so excited and couldn't wait to find anyone to go with me). But of course that got me thinking about the movie and so today I decided to watch the 1st movie (which I love and cry every time I've seen it!) again.

And watching the movie got me thinking about what the series has meant in my life. Some of you may scoff that a television show (cable no less) can mean something in a person's life, but as someone whose marriage ended during season 6 and then spent several years as a single 20 something this show did mean a lot to me. It got me through the end of my marriage and all my bad relationships and messy break ups that came afterwards. It inspired me in my friendships and helped cement the great friends I had in Sarasota (who also loved SaTC as much as me) and inspired me to try and look fashionable when going out at night and inspired me to keep looking for love.

And when the 1st movie came out we all got dolled up, went out for martinis, and then went and saw the movie. I started tearing up during the credits because it was like being reunited with old friends I hadn't seen in awhile. And it was made even better by the fact that I was seeing it with my girlfriends who I love so much. And then I saw it a second time with another friend and loved it just as much.

People that know me well know that my friendships mean everything to me. I count my blessings everyday in the friends that I have--from the ones that I've had for over half my life to the ones I've made in the last 5 years to the ones I've made in the last year. I may not talk to them or see them as much as I like, but they are always in my thoughts and prayers. And the amazing thing about my friends (other than the fact that they are all incredibly talented, inspiring, strong women) is that whether we talk every day, once a month or once a year our friendships have remained unchanged and we pick up where we left off as if never a day has gone by.

Good friends are the people who have seen you at your ugliest (both physically, mentally, and emotionally), who know the real you, who don't judge you, and who don't care if you call them at 2am crying hysterically for no reason. They are the ones who laugh with you and may not even know why they are laughing...they just know something made you laugh and that's good enough for them.

I feel bad for women that have never known the joy of female friendships. Female friendships are a gift from God and I could never imagine my life without my friends. Whether you have 1 good friend or a 100 a friend brings something extra to your life, something that family or a spouse can't provide and shouldn't be expected to provide.

So I think Sex and the City is about more than cocktails and sex and money. It ultimately is about friendship...deep, enduring, abiding friendships.

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