Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Apparently our house...also a pig pen

So Paul has taken to calling me Pig Pen (sooo funny) and apparently our house...also a pig pen.

Our housecleaner started today. No, we did no suddenly win the lottery. When my dad asked what we wanted for Christmas I quickly realized that having to clean our house may put Paul over the edge combined with all the other chores he's had to take on with my bedrest coupled with the sheer length of my bedrest so I immediately said housecleaner please!

Having watched a little too many Criminal Minds and seen too many Dateline/48 Hours specials I was a little leery of hiring someone off say Craigslist. Who knows what kind of psycho I'd end up with???? So a friend recommended care.com and I checked it out. It is this whole awesome website where people advertise their services for senior care, pet care, housecleaning, babysitting, etc. and the website does all the background checks and references (which you can access). I emailed some people and actually only interviewed one, checked another reference she gave me besides the website ones, and voila...we have a housecleaner!

She started today (at 10am and was here till 5pm and only charged me $100) and let me just say...she cleaned areas I always think about cleaning and never do like under the bed! Every week I look at the bed and think about how many dust bunnies are living under there...well, not anymore! She dusted things that desperately needed to be dusted and mopped the entire house! The guest bathroom tub has NEVER been so clean...seriously, like magic. And she did laundry and washed the dishes in the sink. And she brought all her own equipment and supplies. How great is she!

If you can't tell I'm a little enamoured of my housecleaner. I did feel a little bit like a tool laying my fat ass on the couch while she cleaned around me, but what are you gonna do? I may have to go back to work after the baby is born just so I can afford to continue to have her come clean the house. Her cleaning...way better than mine! So worth it! Ahhhhh....

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