Saturday, November 13, 2010

Things you learn about your husband while playing Wii

Paul and I have spent the last 2 nights playing Wii Super Mario Brothers (I know you are super jealous that you aren't as cool as us) and let me just tell you what...

ya know how in every military/war movie at some point someone always utters a line to the effect of "no man left behind." Apparently those people are not in the Air Force. In the new Super Mario Bros multiple people can play (up to 4) so Paul and I were playing at the same time (I am Mario, he is Luigi). I never really realized how competitive my sweet hubby is. Usually when we play board games I am the super competitive one. After what I saw last night I think Paul far surpassed me as being the super competitive one.

In Mario if you get too far ahead of the other player then the other player dies. If Paul felt like I was holding him back he just kept going until my Mario died! Of course that isn't the worst of it...several times Paul's Luigi actually intentionally KILLED MY MARIO! He pushed me into hot lava, threw a barrel at me, knocked me into a bad character, jumped on top of me, and sacrificed me to win at the castle.

He did say he had never beaten the original Mario Bros game and I think this was part of the problem...he was trying to compensate for some childhood failure!

It's good to know though if we are ever in a situation where I can't go on that Paul will just leave my ass to save himself. lol (Just kidding...Paul could never do that because my dad has "friends" from NJ/NY--you know "friends.")

But I do recommend this game. We laughed so hard while we were playing. I'm surprised I didn't pee on myself.

Poor Emma--she doesn't have any chance of being non-competitive.

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