Monday, November 15, 2010

26 week 4 days update aka 94 days to go!

So, the reality of how close we are getting to having our little girl is starting to sink my regular ob appointment today we got our registration packet for the hospital and the doctor is going to see me in 3 weeks and then every 2 weeks after until I deliver! The regular ob did not feel I was at risk for pre-term labor, but may be at risk for early delivery. I think I'll at least make it till my cerclage comes out at week 36 or 37 and then all bets are off. It'll be nice to have some more freedom after the holidays. I am excited because the ob said I could take a bath again! I've been dreaming of this for so many weeks now!

Emma is looking great and I'm doing great. Dr. C said she may be a big baby, but there isn't any way of knowing right now.

Next week I go back to the high risk ob and will do my diabetes test at the hospital. Not looking forward to that, but at least it'll be over and done with. I haven't gained as much weight as I thought I would although I was pretty much a fatty going into this and didn't really need to gain any weight (as my previous ob so kindly pointed out).

I'm actually sort of glad I can't go to work right now. 2 other women I work with are pregnant also (one a couple weeks behind me and the other about a month behind me) and they look like models for Motherhood Maternity. I, on the other hand, look like a pregnant troll whose hair is brushed by a monkey. My limited sense of style has fled faster than Laurie running away from Michael Myers. I do get a sense of envy when I see all the cute prego women at my various doctors appointments as I'm just happy not be throwing up or passing out in the waiting room to worry what my hair (troll doll) and make up (none) and clothes (1 step up from jammies) look like.

The women in my bedrest baby club ( all talk about their grooming (shaving legs in bed, plucking eyebrows, getting dressed, blah, blah, blah). I say screw that. If I am gonna be stuck at home then I'm gonna be comfy. Perhaps once I hit 30 weeks and can have a little more freedom (maybe enjoy dinner out, a trip to the mall at some point, etc.) I will take more pride in my appearance. Until then Paul gets to love me in all my hairy troll glory. Ain't he a lucky man?????

So, that's my update for today. Hope everyone is well out there in the real world! I wish it would snow already so I at least could look at something pretty!

1 comment:

  1. Girl-you crack me up with your blogs. I'm praying for you and your baby's continued health! You're doing a great job growing a human!



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