Saturday, November 6, 2010

The truth about pregnancy

I think pregnant women tell their non-pregnant friends lies upon lies in an attempt to get them to give in and become pregnant...this,in large part, must be so that other people can be as miserable as they are (the pregnant and the parenting).

I'm giving you fair warning that this may be TMI so if you can choose to stop reading if you want. Also, I want to put it out there that I love my little girl already more than my own life, but facts are facts and the facts are...

During my earlier pregnancy I threw up all day every day to the point of landing in the ER with dehydration. This in spite on the Zofran that I was taking and only to end in a heartbreaking miscarriage. Although I thank God that I was still early on because I know the loss could've been so much worse.

This pregnancy I wasn't as sick. Oh, I still had to take Zofran several times a day and I still threw up on occasion, but it wasn't all day every day. Added to that the fact that my breasts felt like huge rocks and were so sore I woke up at night when I rolled over and it was fun times all around. I thought when my first trimester ended and I started to feel better that I was in the clear...bring on the second trimester sex that everyone brags about when you aren't pregnant!

Then I had an abnormal AFP (and thank God I did) which resulted in no physical markers being seen on ultrasound for DS or SB, but did result in a finding of a shortened cervix with funneling. Basically my cervix is open on the baby's side. Love that little sac she's in that keeps her from falling in to the cavern that is my cervix! Weekly doctors appointments have ended in bed rest (going on week 6 I believe--time flies when you're having fun) as well as progesterone suppositories (also a good time--any women who has used an over the counter yeast medicine can relate to what I'm going through here) twice a day and an emergency cerclage at 22 weeks.

Today has been a physically painful day. A wicked sore back, sore legs (I feel like I'm about to get a charlie horse in my left calf at any minute), and weird sharp pains in my pelvic area (round ligament pain I'm thinking) and I hobble around like a 90 year old. Luckily Emma is getting stronger and her kicks are packing a little bit more of a punch. Babycenter says she has a distinct awake/sleep pattern now and that I might be able to discern what that is. Well, I'm here to tell ya that I can't. She seems to be super active after I eat (or when I drink caffeine...oh hush I don't have caffeine every day and when I do I maybe have a coke or some chocolate...tea and coffee are decaf) and when I want to sleep, but as long as I feel her I'm happy.

The thing is I don't remember any of my friends talking about all the stretching and ligaments and pressure and what not that is going on down there. And no one ever told me that I would develop so much post nasal drip that I'd feel like I was suffocating all the time or that I would vomit several times a week because of it or because I ate too much (yeah pregos all that eating for two crap you've been fed your whole life...not so much because your stomach has no room for eating more than a thimble full at a time!).

Oh, and that second trimester sex...guess what???? When you are on bed rest you don't get to have any! So, 15 more weeks to go followed by 6 weeks post birth=like a virgin! Luckily the granny panties and breathe right strips I've taken to wearing have pretty much quelled any desire that Paul may have had.

BUT I can't wait to meet our little girl. I pray every night for a healthy, full term, February baby and I know that this faux reality that I'm living in now (I'm like bubble boy except my bubble is my whole house) will someday seem like a dream. Right now she is safe and snuggly in her little bubble and that is all that matters.

So, this coming week another check up with the high risk ob and then the following week an exam AND my gestational diabetes test with the regular ob. Hope I can get that drink now without throwing up or passing out (see post on the joys of pregnancy).

I love you Emma and I wouldn't change any of our journey together!

1 comment:

  1. Well I hope you guys do have a second kid because I'm pretty sure you just talked me out of ever having one... so we'll need you guys to have two and give one to us. Thanks! :-D



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