Sunday, July 31, 2011

We did it!

We finally made it to church!  Emma wore a pretty outfit and truthfully she looked much nicer than me.  I am always a little skeptical when people wear shorts to church and then when I got inside I understood air conditioning!  And almost 90 degrees today.  Luckily I wore a top that you couldn't tell was soaking wet in the back from all the sweating I did.  I sure wish I had worn sandals though. 
Everyone was so friendly and Emma, as usual, was like a little celebrity.  I think she met just about everyone at the church before the service even started.  She was so good natured about it all, too, and didn't even fuss that her six ounce bottle drinking kept getting interrupted. 

The message was "God loves a 'hilarious' giver."  And that is me...I love to do for others for the sake of helping, not for anything for myself.  Of course helping others always leads to good feelings in yourself.  It's like when Phoebe tried to find some way to give without getting something in return and she couldn't do it because she felt good inside when she helped others.  (I miss Friends.)  Although reading this paragraph I sort of feel like I'm bragging, but I'm not really.  I promise.  I just wish everyone could take more time to be kind to one another and focus on the little things that brighten someone's day.   I wish I did more for society because there are so many amazing people out there doing amazing things for the world.

Of course after Emma's huge bottle she fell asleep and missed most all of the sermon.

She woke up just in time for the postlude and benediction though and boy oh boy did the Spirit move her.  She chimed in with her own special prayers and singing.  lol 

Speaking of prayers...keep your prayers coming for Tripp Roth.  He is feeling a little better and his mama knows that everyone's prayers are helping.  Her faith and his spirit continue to amaze me.  I think I am a little in love with this beautiful boy. 

So once again my plan was to be up in bed at 9pm and here it is 9:30pm.  Sigh...ok, I am letting the dogs and getting in bed!  Hope everyone had a great weekend and has a good week.  One month down...only 5 more to go!

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