Sunday, July 31, 2011

27-31 July (a Paul post)

July 27

Well, my luck finally worked out with flights today. There was a chopper scheduled for 0830 to take me back home and another one was scheduled for 0835 that went to another FOB that I could go to and get back easier. I figured I would use that one as a back-up in case mine didn’t show (like what always happens to me). Well low and behold the back-up plan arrived first. I had to decide if I go for the sure thing and get off the tiny FOB I was on or take the gamble that my other one would show up. I decided to stay and it paid off. Now I’m back to my home base.

When I got home there were three packages waiting for me from Jenn. One had some stuff I had set up for her to mail, another had movies and the complete Friends series season 5 for me to watch, and the third was her attempt to keep me fat. It had Oreos, Pringles, and blueberry muffins. She is testing my resolve to get in shape. I fought back by going to the gym for 1.5 hours and then playing basketball for two more hours. As I write this I can barely stay awake.

The weather here has been nice almost every day except today. There seemed to be a haze, but it was really sand in the air. I later found out I was experiencing a sandstorm. It was not like they show on TV. It was so bad that I could feel the sand in my teeth when I would breathe. Oh what a great location this is…haha I think when we leave we should be able to turn all these FOBs into Club Meds. We could make a fortune.

FRUIT UPDATE: So the chow hall has implemented a new policy because people are drinking all the sodas and other drinks. You are now limited to two drinks per meal and people are upset they can’t take extras back to their room. I have been good and don’t drink any sodas. Well we had a shipment of food come in so there is fresh fruit for the first time in a while. I have successfully negotiated a soda for fruit swap. Now I’m stocking up on my granny smith apples and tangerines. I love it when a plan comes together.

July 28

Not a whole lot of excitement this day. The biggest news is that I was able to run commercial internet to my room. I was hoping for some crystal clear Skyping as a result and was sadly disappointed. It is a perk to be able to get to Facebook, my wife’s blog, and fantasy football sites from my room. It is $80 a month, so unless the video chat gets better I may not be renewing next month. Of course I have to make it past my fantasy football drafts first.

One casualty of today’s internet install was my workout. I am a creature of routine and the install happened at the same time as my normal workout. That along with complete exhaustion from my 3 hour workout yesterday entitled me to a day of rest. I’ll hit it hard again tomorrow.

July 29

Today was another relaxing day. I woke up to a phone call from my honey, so the day started off good. I took a tour of our chow hall with the Food Inspector. It’s amazing how small of a world it is. We got to talking about high school wrestling and low and behold this guy (from New Jersey) wrestled against a kid I knew when he was little. Sometimes we forget how small the world really is.

I had another great workout day. I worked the legs with weights, followed by 45 minutes running hills on the treadmill, and then 2 hours of basketball. I’ll be going to sleep early tonight.

Not only did I talk to my wonderful wife, but also talked to my mom and Grams. It was nice chatting with them even if it was only for a few minutes.

The big surprise of the night was for dinner we had steak and shrimp. This isn’t good just because we had a good meal, but steak is our Friday meal. I didn’t even know it was Friday. One more week down!!!

POINT TO PONDER: Here are three things that I wish normal civilian life would learn from the deployed environment:

1. People here have to walk around without iPods, cell phones, or other devices that keep people from talking to each other. Granted we can’t have these items because of possible incoming rockets, but it is nice to sit next to someone and strike up a conversation.

2. Enjoy the little things. It’s amazing how people here take such joy in a pick-up basketball game either playing or watching. Or the fact we had cake and steak tonight. Because we don’t have all the comforts of home at the tip of our fingers people seem to really enjoy the few things we have.

3. When we walk into the chow hall the first thing EVERYONE has to do is wash their hands. There are sinks right inside the entrance. How great would it be if every restaurant made every customer do that?

July 30

There was nothing interesting to write about today. I just sat around relaxing, worked out, and then played some basketball. More of the same tomorrow.

July 31

Jenn, Emma, and I have completed the first month of our deployment. I left our home on the first in what was one of the most emotional moments of my life. I have amazed myself that I have actually written every day since I have been gone. For those that have been reading up on my little adventures I’m sure you have noticed a lot of downtime. I knew I would have slow moments, but there has been far more than I was expecting. I’ve seen some very interesting things since I have been over here. Although I miss my wife and little girl more than anything, this has been a great experience so far.

Jenn and I have gotten into a routine and Skype just about every day. It is my nightly ritual and her prior to lunch ritual. We just chat about nothing while we watch Emma roll around and play. At times it feels as though I am there. I think tonight Emma started to actually interact with me on the computer. I’m sure that will continue to grow over the next few months. Although she has some hard moments, Jenn has been a superstar during the last month. She always has a smile on her face when we talk and makes me believe I have nothing to worry about back home. I believe her and that is one stress I don’t have.

In conversations with my coworkers I have realized how healthy and strong Jenn and my relationship is. I hear of other people’s struggles while we’re here. I lend a kind ear, but think to myself how lucky I am. I’ve started to have quite a few acquaintances on this FOB. I won’t say I have any friends, but that’s pretty normal for me. Acquaintances are a joy to have, but friends require work and upkeep…haha

A huge chunk of my time is spent working out and playing basketball. It’s been a long time since I played on a regular basis, but I’m slowly getting my game back. I have reached a point where people don’t seem upset to have me on their team, so that is an improvement. I have reached the first goal of losing 10 lbs. Six more and I’m under 200lbs for the first time in a few years. I have been pretty hardcore with my diet, but once I hit 199lbs I’ll let myself enjoy a few treats now and then. It’s amazing that I really don’t miss a lot of the junk I used to eat and drink. I haven’t had a soda in over three weeks and to be honest I don’t even want one. The chow hall does have ice cream and chocolate chip cookies and both of those are my downfall. I’ll be strong.

My final remarks as we close out this month reinforces something I already knew. When a deployment comes up it is truly the whole family that deploys. Jenn has had to make as many adjustments and sacrifices during this past month as I have. And I thank each and every person that has made the effort to help her out and keep her company while I’m gone. This deployment has been pretty easy for me mainly because I don’t have the stress of worrying about my life back home. A little over 5 months from now and I’ll be on my way home to kiss my wife and hold my little girl. I can’t wait.

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