So, my snoring has been out of control since Paul has been home from Afghanistan. And when I mean out of control I mean I stayed in ATL with my friend Emily who wears ear plugs every night and she could HEAR me snoring with the ear plugs IN HER EARS!
I finally went to see my doctor who referred me to a sleep clinic for a sleep study, but I can't go in for the consultation until May 15th. But I found a list of sleep apnea symptoms. Lets just review them and see what applies to me.

Loud snoring: Check and double check
Always tired: Check
Waking with headaches: at least 4 times a week
Waking with a choking sensation: Occasionally, but I attribute that more to acid reflux (ya know cause I went to medical school and all)
Excessive sweating at night: Um sheet soaking, am I going through menopause yes
Waking with dry mouth: Every day
And check check check to every single thing in the next column. Sigh. I don't wanna wear a scuba mask to bed!!! Nothing says sexy like a big ole apnea machine.
Last night was rough apparently. Paul woke me up in the middle of the night to tell me I was snoring. I was laying on my back, rolled to my side, fell back asleep, and immediately started snoring again so he woke me again to tell me I was snoring. So then I couldn't fall back asleep and was awake THE REST OF THE NIGHT! Holy tired. I slept from 6:35 to 7:05 and had this weird dream about moths and then felt like crap when I woke up because I was so groggy. I should've just gotten up at 5am.
So I don't know what to do. Paul shouldn't have to listen to me snoring all night and yet I get so little sleep as it is that I can't afford to be woken up because I'm snoring. Paul can't sleep with ear plugs so do we sleep in separate bedrooms until I have my sleep study???? Let me tell you (before you say how awful that sounds because we're married) that we would probably have the best nights sleep ever if we did that (because Paul occasionally wakes me up with some weird chicken clucking sound he makes when he sleeps). Maybe one night a week we'll take one for the team and sleep in separate rooms. lol
Thank God for coffee! Or I'm sure Paul is saying thank God for mountain dew! haha
Oh, and in baby sweet little stinky is saying daddy now, but has yet to say mama or mommy or mom or mum or any variation of mother. Apparently she thinks I am just the slave who changes her diapers, wipes her snotty nose, and feeds her all day. I think I have a little Stewie in the making. Heaven help us.

Thanks slave for leaving this box of tissues where I can reach them!
Try some of those snore stopper remedies at the drug store to see if they will help until you can get a permanent fix. The breath right strips help too, I think.