Sunday, April 15, 2012

Big Girl

What a weekend...we spent some well loved family time together. Saturday we went to Home Depot to order new storm doors for the front door and mudroom (cannot wait for them to be installed!) and I got some flowers, tomatoes, and strawberries to do some container gardening (got to get ready to host my friend Sarah's bridal shower). While Em had her very short afternoon nap Paul fertilized and put down grass seed while I fixed up my container gardens. I am very very proud of myself! They turned out great. If I wasn't so lazy I would go out and take a picture so y'all can be proud of me, too. lol

Today we went to a farmers market. I forget that up north spring is still considered a cold season and they only had indoor stuff which amounted to about 4 tables. Apparently starting in JUNE they begin their outdoor season so I guess we will wait and go back then. I was so disappointed. We were going to Buffalo Wild Wings afterwards and got there waaaaayy early because we were finished at the farmers market in 4 minutes (including a potty break). Luckily the BWW is in a mall and we could walk around for about 30 minutes.

Lunch was yummy and even though it wasn't quite noon I did indulge in a Blue Moon. Sitting outside, eating wings I just couldn't resist. Plus I got to drink up now because who knows when I might get prego again. Hopefully sooner rather than later. My miscarriage finally ended on Friday so I'll have a physical in a couple weeks. I forgot to go get my blood test on Friday so I guess I'll be doing that tomorrow. Yay.

Tomorrow I have to get back on the weight loss wagon. I've been on a sugar binge this weekend (damn you devil dogs and chocolate Cadbury eggs which fyi are WAY more delicious than the regular ones!), but I feel good about restarting couch to 5k this week, going back to Stroller Strides, and eating right. I found this recipe for grilled chicken with cucumbers and tomatoes and feta so that is what we are having for dinner tomorrow after my Lean Cuisine lunch.

And even though we had a great weekend I still feel an underlying layer of sadness. Not so much about the miscarriage, but just still in shock that someone I was friends with, someone I dated killed himself. My heart is so sad for what his life became and I hate that all he could've been will forever be defined by that moment.

I've started taking SamE again so hopefully this will help my blue mood.

Hope y'all had a great weekend! I can't believe its going to be almost 90 here tomorrow!

OMG I totally forgot while I titled this post Big Girl. So, Em's crib is right next to her bookshelf which in the past wasn't a problem except now she can pull books into her crib. And then try to tear them up. She also loves to play with the video baby monitor and we'll laugh as we look at our end and all we see is her finger or giant face. I guess I'll need to put it higher on the wall, but we are also talking about moving her furniture around so that her grabby little fingers can't cause destruction from her cage. I've also caught her pulling clothes from her dirty clothes basket into her crib. The other day she pulled a crib sheet in there! To say this little girl never stops moving is an understatement. Heaven help us when she starts to walk!

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