Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Liebster Award and No Greater Joy Mom

My friend Ali gave me a Liebster Award for this blog.  What is it you ask?  It's German for "dearest" and it's to show love for blogs with under 200 followers (those of us just trying to put thoughts out there to share with others! Um, that I took directly from Ali's blog through cut and paste rather than trying to come up with a witty way to describe it myself.  lol 

So, now I have to pick 5 blogs that I follow to pass this award on to.  I actually feel very honored that Ali picked me (ya know cause I assume she reads WAY more than just 5 blogs that have under 200 followers.  I bet she follows 1000 blogs and mine just rocks that much). 

I started blogging on myspace (myspace?  what's that you ask.  I know.  Doesn't it seem like myspace was a million years ago) because of all the horrific dates/relationships I had.  You can read about them on the link on my blog called old myspace blog (clever, right?).  So now I blog here. 

Here are the blogs I passed the Liebster on to (in no particular order):
1) A Daily Dose of Metros
2) Baby Gavin
3) The Knox Family Journey
4) my friend Erika's blog which is private for family & friends
5) LIJT House

And here's what the blog owners of THOSE blogs should do:
1. Thank the person who presented you with the award on your blog.
2. Link back to the blogger who gave you the award on your blog.
3. Copy and paste the award on your blog.
4. Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 other bloggers with less than 200 followers.
5. Let them know you've chosen them by leaving a comment on their blog.

I also wanted to pass along a blog that I'm sure has over 200 followers, but who I think is doing amazing work in the world of adopting special needs children from horrific circumstances.  To say that she is doing the work of God is an understatement.  I wholeheartedly believe that she and her husband are angels here on earth.  Her blog continues to inspire me and I continue to pray for the Lord to work in our lives in ways so that we can someday adopt a special needs child from overseas.  This post more than breaks my heart imagining how these little babies are suffering in orphanages that you and I would not leave our dogs in and yet the we sit back and do nothing.  I know that adoption is not a calling for everyone, but if you believe in God then please pray for these orphans.  And if you want to read about the amazing calling of this family please go to No Greater Joy Mom.  Her husband also blogs at No Greater Joy Dad.  She is currently raising money not only for their adoption, but also to help other children in need of adoption.  Please go check it out!

"Once our eyes are opened, we can't pretend we don't know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls, knows what we know, and holds us responsible to act." Prov. 24:12

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