Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It's Just One of Those Days

Our day started super early. Okay, it started regular time for Paul, 30 minutes early for Emma, and 45 minutes early for me. Em has had this weird dry patch of skin that we couldn't get cleared up so I wanted the pedi to look at it and since she got sick over the weekend today seemed like the perfect early morning for a 7:40am appointment. Yikes! Luckily the base clinic has a yummy bagel and coffee kiosk so I sacrificed my breakfast at home to support the economy and buy an everything bagel with olive pimento cream cheese and a large french vanilla coffee. Heavenly!

Turns out Em just has a bug, which we suspect, and a slight touch of eczema for which we got a prescription cream.

After the pedi we dropped Paul's laundry off at the bx (base exchange) dry cleaner and ran into our friend Corey. He was meeting our friend Cody for breakfast and before Cody saw me I snuck up behind him and gave him a wet willy. Yes, I have the sense of humor of a 3rd grade boy.

Em fell asleep in the van. Thankfully I had planned ahead and had my Nook at the ready for such an event. I have learned my lesson trying to transfer Em into her crib.

So, this is where the day gets better. I had some paperwork I needed get signed by the board of social workers so we drove into the city to get them signed. I parked in the garage and saw that they validated parking (score!), went inside, had to sign in with my drivers license, and proceeded up to the 7th floor. A man came out and I explained while I was there and he asked me to hold on. Apparently the social work woman was out to lunch (it was like 2pm! What!) so he went to ask her supervisor. He then comes back and tells me that I need to leave my papers, that the supervisor wants to run it by their attorney. Excuse me????

Now I'm totally frustrated and head out to my car. I go to pull up to the attendant's booth and hit a pole. Yes, I said hit. It was more like the mini van got stuck on the pole. The attendant came out to guide me into position to get out of the garage. I thank him and then he says "I have to charge you $8." "Oh, I got my ticket validated." "I know. $8 is the validation price. It's $35 without it." $35 for AN HOUR of parking. Are you kidding me????

Em then cried the entire 30 minutes home and then wouldn't take a nap. Serenity now!

But on the other hand how can you be frustrated by a sweet baby who folds her hands together when you tell her its time for prayers.

I told Emma to give Sasha a hug and she crawled over and did this. How sweet is she!

Look at this cute face. Heart.

Sasha apparently also makes a good pillow.

We are looking forward to our good friends Brittany and Corey coming to visit this weekend. We met them when we were living in south GA and the first night Brittany and I went out to dinner there was a tornado. The first night B and C hung out our friend AM texted me a photo of Corey with his arm around Brittany (yes, we are middle schoolers). Last summer they came to keep me company the weekend Paul left for Afghanistan and B made me buy a Coach purse. And they are fierce spoons competitors. So we are very excited to see them this weekend. We def made some good friends in south GA.

And lately I have been obsessed with instragram. Keep in mind I had to google what it was, but since them I've gone picture crazy. You can follow me on instagram at AMilitaryMommy or on twitter @AMilitaryMommy. If you want. If you don't have enough social media in your life already. lol

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