Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The National Zoo

Even though Em went to bed way past her bedtime she still woke up at 6am.  I brought her into bed with us in hopes that she'd fall back asleep...and she did...an hour later.  At 8am we finally woke up and got ready for breakfast and to met our friends at the National Zoo. 

Despite some confusion finding the metro stop we did finally find one and yes, we were those people who brought their stroller (with their child in it) down the escalator.  It was certainly a testament to how much I trust Paul to let him convince me that he could hold the stroller with Em in it while going up and down the escalator.  I can barely get up and down an escalator if I have a purse. 

It was a gorgeous day...and by gorgeous I mean 60.  But it was nice enough to not have to wear a sweatshirt and the sun was out which was awesome.  We enjoyed the zoo immensely.  Although someone did piss me off when we were going back to the hotel.  There is one elevator to go up and down to the metro.  We had to wait in line with all the other parents with strollers.  One woman tried to get onto the elevator without waiting in line and a woman near the front told her there was a line.  She walked back a little and when the elevator came the next time she got on the elevator causing a man with a stroller not to be able to ride down with his wife and other child.  Are you freaking kidding me????  Of course I felt the need to tell this woman how rude her behavior was, not that it caused her to get off the elevator.  However, if I had been in the front of the line I would have bodily blocked her from getting on the elevator.  I was sooo annoyed.  I made a loud comment about "rude ass northerners" which Paul swears I said "rude ass foreigners" because she was Indian.  We then debated about whether DC is in the north or south (I said north, Paul said south).  Let's not talk about it anymore.  The whole situation still irritates me. 

My lovely cousins then met us for dinner at our hotel.  It's  awesome that this is the second time I've seen them in less than 4 months as we, at times, have gone years and years without seeing each other.  We definitely are making a great effort to spend time together which I love.  The only person missing was Karin.  Stupid California.  Come home Karin so you can hang with us!!!!  My cousin Kathryn works at the White House and brought Paul a White House Military Office coin.  If you are in the military then you know how cool this is. 

Tomorrow is Easter brunch with the Beaches and my cousin Devon and her fiance.  Unlimited champagne, mimosas, and bloody marys have me very excited...and you know Jesus Christ (and the Easter basket my dad sent that I brought with us).  And hopefully we'll spend the afternoon with our friend's the Early's. 

This has been a great weekend so far.  Of course Em has had no naps and late bedtimes, but she is a champ (tomorrow she is getting a morning nap and to bed on time!).  And I am off to eat some potato chips and try to read The Hunger Games (I started it once before and found it disturbing so I stopped but everyone raves about it so much that I'm giving it a second chance). 

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