Wife, mother, Rodan + Fields consultant, Adjunct Professor....love my family, friends, wine, and God.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
So, I've been trying to think of new things to do with her. I've been wanting to finger paint with her, but where the heck do you find finger paints that are cheap?
We are planning on going to a local farm as soon as the weather is a little nicer, but today we played with ooblek. I saw this on facebook and thought why not. Originally I had planned to have her play with it this while I made dinner as daddy was working late, but I made it a little bit earlier and off we went into the kitchen.
If you don't know what ooblek is (I had to google it) apparently it is a liquid and a solid (which has a long fancy scientific word that I couldn't tell you if my life depended on it) and also was in Dr. Seuss. You take 1 cup of water to 1 1/2-2 cups of corn starch. I started with 1 1/2 cups of corn starch and then added a little more to thicken it up. I'm not super big on measurements so I can't tell you how much extra I added.
I will caution you against dumping it on your child's high chair tray which is what I did. It's a little challenging to clean up because you aren't supposed to be it down your drain. I had a hard time getting it off the tray and into the garbage while holding the tray and trying not to spill it. The nice thing is that once it dries on things (like your grandmother's old, wood, one of a kind hutch) it is super easy to get up.
Here is Em checking out her ooblek. Oh, and I may have made a little much. But it was so cool! I'm not gonna lie...I sat and played with her.
Poor girl was so tired tonight. Her naps have been crazy. She's napping at 8am for 45 minutes and then falling asleep at 11:45am for about an hour to hour and a half and then not wanting to sleep any more so by dinner she is exhausted. Although considering she was on a napping strike earlier this week due to not feeling well I'm just glad she's napping. I feel like I've spent the last 14 months of my life obsessing over her sleep schedule.
So, now I've had my glass of wine, a bowl of popcorn (I've been obsessed with stove popped popcorn lately), and my husband is watching the NFL draft (yay!) and talking out loud to himself and yelling at the tv. I, on the other more refined hand, need to get back to my book as all the ebooks I've requested from my library are suddenly available. Yikes!
Cheers to the almost weekend!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Sleep Apnea
So, my snoring has been out of control since Paul has been home from Afghanistan. And when I mean out of control I mean I stayed in ATL with my friend Emily who wears ear plugs every night and she could HEAR me snoring with the ear plugs IN HER EARS!
I finally went to see my doctor who referred me to a sleep clinic for a sleep study, but I can't go in for the consultation until May 15th. But I found a list of sleep apnea symptoms. Lets just review them and see what applies to me.

Loud snoring: Check and double check
Always tired: Check
Waking with headaches: at least 4 times a week
Waking with a choking sensation: Occasionally, but I attribute that more to acid reflux (ya know cause I went to medical school and all)
Excessive sweating at night: Um sheet soaking, am I going through menopause yes
Waking with dry mouth: Every day
And check check check to every single thing in the next column. Sigh. I don't wanna wear a scuba mask to bed!!! Nothing says sexy like a big ole apnea machine.
Last night was rough apparently. Paul woke me up in the middle of the night to tell me I was snoring. I was laying on my back, rolled to my side, fell back asleep, and immediately started snoring again so he woke me again to tell me I was snoring. So then I couldn't fall back asleep and was awake THE REST OF THE NIGHT! Holy tired. I slept from 6:35 to 7:05 and had this weird dream about moths and then felt like crap when I woke up because I was so groggy. I should've just gotten up at 5am.
So I don't know what to do. Paul shouldn't have to listen to me snoring all night and yet I get so little sleep as it is that I can't afford to be woken up because I'm snoring. Paul can't sleep with ear plugs so do we sleep in separate bedrooms until I have my sleep study???? Let me tell you (before you say how awful that sounds because we're married) that we would probably have the best nights sleep ever if we did that (because Paul occasionally wakes me up with some weird chicken clucking sound he makes when he sleeps). Maybe one night a week we'll take one for the team and sleep in separate rooms. lol
Thank God for coffee! Or I'm sure Paul is saying thank God for mountain dew! haha
Oh, and in baby news...my sweet little stinky is saying daddy now, but has yet to say mama or mommy or mom or mum or any variation of mother. Apparently she thinks I am just the slave who changes her diapers, wipes her snotty nose, and feeds her all day. I think I have a little Stewie in the making. Heaven help us.

Thanks slave for leaving this box of tissues where I can reach them!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
It's Just One of Those Days
Turns out Em just has a bug, which we suspect, and a slight touch of eczema for which we got a prescription cream.
After the pedi we dropped Paul's laundry off at the bx (base exchange) dry cleaner and ran into our friend Corey. He was meeting our friend Cody for breakfast and before Cody saw me I snuck up behind him and gave him a wet willy. Yes, I have the sense of humor of a 3rd grade boy.
Em fell asleep in the van. Thankfully I had planned ahead and had my Nook at the ready for such an event. I have learned my lesson trying to transfer Em into her crib.
So, this is where the day gets better. I had some paperwork I needed get signed by the board of social workers so we drove into the city to get them signed. I parked in the garage and saw that they validated parking (score!), went inside, had to sign in with my drivers license, and proceeded up to the 7th floor. A man came out and I explained while I was there and he asked me to hold on. Apparently the social work woman was out to lunch (it was like 2pm! What!) so he went to ask her supervisor. He then comes back and tells me that I need to leave my papers, that the supervisor wants to run it by their attorney. Excuse me????
Now I'm totally frustrated and head out to my car. I go to pull up to the attendant's booth and hit a pole. Yes, I said hit. It was more like the mini van got stuck on the pole. The attendant came out to guide me into position to get out of the garage. I thank him and then he says "I have to charge you $8." "Oh, I got my ticket validated." "I know. $8 is the validation price. It's $35 without it." $35 for AN HOUR of parking. Are you kidding me????
Em then cried the entire 30 minutes home and then wouldn't take a nap. Serenity now!
But on the other hand how can you be frustrated by a sweet baby who folds her hands together when you tell her its time for prayers.
I told Emma to give Sasha a hug and she crawled over and did this. How sweet is she!
Look at this cute face. Heart.
Sasha apparently also makes a good pillow.
We are looking forward to our good friends Brittany and Corey coming to visit this weekend. We met them when we were living in south GA and the first night Brittany and I went out to dinner there was a tornado. The first night B and C hung out our friend AM texted me a photo of Corey with his arm around Brittany (yes, we are middle schoolers). Last summer they came to keep me company the weekend Paul left for Afghanistan and B made me buy a Coach purse. And they are fierce spoons competitors. So we are very excited to see them this weekend. We def made some good friends in south GA.
And lately I have been obsessed with instragram. Keep in mind I had to google what it was, but since them I've gone picture crazy. You can follow me on instagram at AMilitaryMommy or on twitter @AMilitaryMommy. If you want. If you don't have enough social media in your life already. lol
Monday, April 23, 2012
Me: Mama
Em: Dada
Me: Mama
Em: Dada
Me: Ma
Em: Da
Me: Maaaaa
Em: Daaaa
Me: Maaaamaaaa
Em: Daaaadaaaa
Me: Mama
Em: Dada
Sigh. She is so my daughter.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
In Honor of Baseball Season or Why I HATE Ken Griffey Jr.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Spring training and head injuries...
Current mood: sleepy
For all you Reds fans.
I went to the Reds spring training game last night with a friend. Reds vs. Pirates. Game time 7:05pm. We go into the stadium. I buy my $6 bottle of Bud Light and we find our seats. Pirates are up to bat first. 3 outs and Reds are up. Someone bats and then Ken Griffey Junior is up. Now, I had kind of been making fun of him to my friendtalking about how he only got the job b/c his daddy's a coach, how he's always injured, etc. He gets a couple of balls and a strike and then he hits a foul. It is now 7:20pm. And I watch this ball fly up into the air and then start to make its way down towards where we were sitting. My friend stands up like he's gonna catch the ball so I'm thinking, "Oh, he's gonna catch it, oh he's gonna catch it." But as the ball continues to come closer I begin to think, "He's not gonna catch it, he's not gonna catch it." I truly believe though that it is going to go over our heads and maybe be caught by someone a couple seats down or the row behind us. This does not stop me from putting my hand on the side of my head and ducking a little though. My eyes are closer and all of the suddenEXCRUTIATINGLY BLINDING PAIN IN MY HEAD. Yes, I got hit with the baseball. Full on, not deflected by anyone grabbing at itjust straight from Ken Griffey Junior's bat to my skull. About 3 seconds pass where I do nothing except sit there with my hand attached to my head as security runs over and I hear about 300 people gasp and say, "Oh my god, that girl got hit with the ball." And then I start crying hysterically b/c I am pretty sure my hand is on fire and my skull has been split open. And of course the ball hits the part of my hand b/n my thumb and pointer finger where there is a big gap and my head. I have marks on my hand from the stitching on the ball. I didn't spill my beer though.
As we walk to the first aid station (and Ken is hitting a home run) I really feel as if I might vomit and I'm thinking about how badly I do not want to vomit in front of all these people. I am able to save it until I get to the first aid station and a trash can and then the toilet. They call an ambulance and then I am wheeled on a gurney out of the stadium. B/c that's not embarrassing at all. The very nice security guy got me a game ball (not the one that hit me thoughbastards sitting around me kept it! I sent a letter to the editor of the newspaper about it and Mr. Ken Griffey Junior will also be getting a letter).
After some x-rays and a CAT scan they determined nothing was broken and no serious head injury and I am released. But still the worst pain of my life! Seriously. Like nothing you can imagine. I feel like I got hit by a truck. I wake up to come to work today (late) and have a message from a client, "Oh my god. I was at the game last night and saw you get hit by the ball. Are you okay?" Yes, had a client sitting 2 rows behind me who saw me A) drinking a beer and B) getting hit by a baseball.
Who does this happen to? Ken, where's my autographed baseball?
Baseball tickets$24
ER visit$2500
Getting hit in the head by a Ken Griffey Junior baseballpriceless.
Comments from my friends...
That is the funniest and most painful thing I have ever heard!! It is truly classic and should be sent into a magazine. Love, Coll
OMG!!!! This is hilariousWell, no. Really it is NOT funny! But damn ONLY you could have something like this happen and then write it up in a way that makes everyone laugh out loud! I hope your head feels better soon. And damn the bastards for keeping your ball! Karen J
You are the funniest person I know! That has to be a karma thing, for sure. But on the lighter side, what a story for the grandkids. Lisa
I realize this makes me a bad person.... but I really wish I would have taken you up on your offer to go to the baseball game. Only you Jennifer. Only you. I really needed a good laugh. I appreciate you sharing this with me. That is truly hilarious. Jane PS I forwarded this to Ty, he will agree.
All I can say is this could only happen to you------ which was worse getting hit or knowing your client saw you drinking. But do like the statement that through it all you didn't drop the beer (after all it cost $6.00). Seriously, glad you're o.k. and some day you'll have a big story to tell your children/grandchildren but by then, they won't know who Ken Giffey, Sr. or Jr. were. Hey, keep in touch. and watch for slow (or high) flying balls) jd
oh jenn. i hope you're ok. but i have to say... i was hysterically laughing OUT LOUD while i was reading this. only you. karmic retribution for past indescretions!! Jessica
This email- Priceless! Jennifer I have not known you for long, yet I can help but think- who else would this happen to? Casey
Jennifer, ONLY YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!----you honestly need to send this e-mail to Ken Griffey Jr. because he will laugh his ass off.---I am very happy you are ok but your written account is hilarious!!!!! Dennis Corrigan
OMG - I am dying of laughter...and not cuz you got hurt, but damn can
you tell a story!! And holy cow...does that really happen to people I
know?? Ah...yes, it does!!
So glad you are ok...and so glad for the laugh!! That is one good story!! The grandkids will love it!! :) STAY AWAY FROM THE BASEBALL STADIUM!!!!! And, stop talking about Ken Griffy Jr. Alana
I don't know what to say. Bryan
Great story. John Fayman
I heard about Ken Griffey jr's savage attack on you.As a lawyer, I feel
you should sue that man for all he's worth [which is a real lot].It is
clear that by not coming over to check on you that he must have heard
you trash talking him [everything you said was true] and he was able to
swing in such a way that he willfully & intentionally & tortiously
struck you with that ball. For a small fee [25I can find you a lawyer
to sue that criminal.I would also advise you to call the Sarasota Police
Dept.& file attempted murder charges against him.The reds would support
that action because they would love to get out of their $100 million
contract w/ him & put in centerfield someone who is less evil than Ken
Griffey!!!I hope you feel ok now!!! Pete Lombardo
Now that I know you are okay, I have to say that this is the most hilarious thing I have heard in quite a while!!! If I would have been sitting next to you, I would have caught that ball though - and you wouldn't have gone through any of that. Regina
I heard about Griffey having a homerun! That's hysterical!!! Glad you're okay! Correy and Erin
Thats GREAT!! Well, not really, but you know what I mean! You know, Visa, or whatever the company is that does that commercial is having a competition and people can send in their own ideas. I think you should send it in! The might even have a video tape of you getting hit. What are the odds?! Mary
hahahahahaha, ohmygod!!! Jenn, that is horrible!!! but the joke at the end....cracked me up!! i agree with dennis, you need to send this to Kenny G........ :) Angie
http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/recap?gameId=260327117 (link to article in which I'm mentioned!)
Sick Baby
So, I'm trying not to turn her light up any brighter because I don't want her to wake up more, change her clothes, not gag, and then I look in her crib and realize that either I'm changing her sheet or she's sleeping with us. I foolishly chose sleeping with us which turned into Em wanting to talk ALL NIGHT LONG. What is so important in the middle of the night that she felt the need to "talk" all night is beyond me. I mean, come on she doesn't even say real words.
And there was no cuddling with dada. When kids are sick they want their moms (much like we all did). At one point Em wanted to lie directly on top of me almost as if I was horizontally carrying her. Super comfortable. I especially liked the part where she kept flinging herself backwards on to me so that her head would just graze my chin.
You'd think all that awake time would help her sleep in a little, but nope. She was awake and ready to go at 6:30am as usual. Sigh. Thank goodness Paul was willing to get up with her to give me a couple more hours of sleep.
And of course during the day on Saturday she acted fine. Other than the exceptionally runny nose. No fussing, no whining.
During dinner we knew she was not feeling well because she had no desire in eating anything. Our girl loves her food so we know she's sick when she doesn't want to eat. We gave her a bath, propped up her crib on one end, got out the humidifer, and put her to bed. Not even 2 minutes later she was screaming her head off so I went upstairs and she had THROWN UP EVERYWHERE. It was dripping all down the side of her crib, her bumper was soaked in it, and her sheets definitely needed to be changed.
I called Paul to come up and help and he changed Emma while he tried not to throw up himself. I mopped vomit off the floor. And took down the vomit covered bumper. And changed the vomit covered sheets. To be fair Paul did bundle everything up and shove it into the washing machine.
It felt like everytime I was about to fall asleep Em woke up crying. Eventually she did settle down and we got some sleep. I brought her in with us about 6am and she fell back asleep until 8am (praise Jesus!).
Of course she doesn't want to sleep at all. She had a morning nap, but no afternoon nap and has had a rough time falling asleep tonight. I guess we will be calling the doctor tomorrow. But all during the day today she's been sweet ats pie. Such a funny little girl.
Hopefully since we'll be homebound at least the beginning of this week I'll get some things on my to do list scratched off. I was all set to get back on my work out schedule, but I can't bring Emma to the gym if she has a runny nose. Hope she gets better soon! I guess that's parenthood though...no sleep, covered in snot and vomit, and hopelessly in love.
Hope everyone is feeling healthy!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Super Mario Brothers
So, imagine how excited I was when Wii came out with Super Mario Brothers. Of course I had to buy it and 2 additional controllers because if playing with 2 people was fun, playing with 4 people was bound to be legendary. One year later and we finally had friends over last night to play. Of course if Kristy and her hubby would come up and visit it would like old home week playing Nintendo.
Paul and I played a lot of Super Mario Brothers when I was on bedrest (mostly because I was so mind numbingly bored all the time), but when we got home from his deployment/my extended vacation to Florida our friend Andy had Mario up to 64 lives. 64 LIVES! What is that???? Who does that??? Rainman???
Last night I was Mario (duh), Paul was Luigi, Sarah and Andy were the mushrooms. Within 14 minutes I had Mario's lives down from 64 to 24. Yes, I had lost 40 lives in a mere matter of moments. Andy the mushroom, on the other hand, was like a Mario Brothers ninja. There were several games where his mushroom just picked up my Mario and carried him through the game.
There was some cursing (Andy), some crying (me), yelling at Andy (Sarah), walking off cliffs (Paul), and lots of laughter. I mostly held my breath and tried not to pee myself. We are definitely not up to Andy's savant like skills. I mean Sarah and Andy brought their own controllers...these people are serious! It's like someone who brings their own paddle to a ping pong game.
After Mario Brothers, we decided to play Mario Kart. It's really hard. I rocked 12th place most games except in 1 miracle from God game where I finished in 2nd place. I'm not ashamed to say that I did jump up and down screaming in excitement. In one game Andy finished in 11th place and there may have been a controller thrown onto the floor and some extensive cursing.
I'm pretty sure Andy will never play with us again.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Mmmmmm ribs....
And you know how some people are a little bit country and some a little bit rock and roll. Well, my hubby definitely comes from the country side of those tracks. And tonight his country was showing.
This is Em gnawing on a rib bone. Yes, he did leave some meat on there for her. But he didn't think it was at all funny when I said "Emma likes the bone." I thought it was hilarious.
And lounging in her diaper. She is going to be quite the catch when she grows up.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Mother of the Year Moment
I shut the windows in Em's room, I shut the windows in the guest room, and as I walked back into the hallway to go into the upstairs guest bath I looked down and saw Em ON THE 4TH STAIR UP FROM THE BOTTOM!
I wanted to scream in fear, but was afraid I'd scare Em and she'd tumble off the steps so I sort of gasped and then quickly walked down to pick her up. I actually debated taking a picture, but it didn't seem like a good idea to leave her there longer than necessary. When I sat her down in the living room she started to cry and I went back upstairs to finish closing windows, but made sure to put up the baby gate.
We went to get my weekly blood draw (its like winning the lottery, but without the money or new cars or gifts) that only required 3 painful needle sticks (not as bad as our 6 prick day, but not our best day either) and then I decided to get a salad at a local deli on the way home.
We were in line behind some teenage boys (I thought they were teenagers, they were probably 25 lol) and I noticed the guy in front of me seemed kind of woozy. He must've said something to the cashier about feeling faint because she stepped over and put her arm around him and started to walk him to a table when HE FELL OVER. I stepped forward to help at the same time another woman did while his friends went and sat down with their lunch and started eating. Um....Em, meanwhile, started to scream like he had actually fallen on top her. I picked her up as the cashier and other woman helped the kid/adult to a chair.
His friends didn't even come over to sit with him! I should've gone over and talked to them about their manners. I did go over and make sure he was ok and if he needed to us to call anyone. I'm sure he felt embarrassed so I wanted to reassure him there was no need to be. He said it was the first time he had ever passed out. Poor kid.
And I did Wii Zumba today as I didn't go to the gym and it was too hot to walk (aka I was too lazy to go outside and walk in the heat). 20 minutes of Zumba and I thought my calves were going to fall off. I'm pretty sure my calves are the only part of me that get worked out when I do zumba as the rest of my body has to fight through layers of fat and it is sort of like a ripple in a pond effect where everything is jiggling and rolling. I hope I'm not sore BEFORE Stroller Strides tomorrow because I know I'll be sore afterwards.
Please pray for our friends Emily & Clay as they say goodbye to Clay's mom. Emily and Clay are dear friends of ours and one of the best couples we know.
Hope everyone had a great day!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Big Girl
Today we went to a farmers market. I forget that up north spring is still considered a cold season and they only had indoor stuff which amounted to about 4 tables. Apparently starting in JUNE they begin their outdoor season so I guess we will wait and go back then. I was so disappointed. We were going to Buffalo Wild Wings afterwards and got there waaaaayy early because we were finished at the farmers market in 4 minutes (including a potty break). Luckily the BWW is in a mall and we could walk around for about 30 minutes.
Lunch was yummy and even though it wasn't quite noon I did indulge in a Blue Moon. Sitting outside, eating wings I just couldn't resist. Plus I got to drink up now because who knows when I might get prego again. Hopefully sooner rather than later. My miscarriage finally ended on Friday so I'll have a physical in a couple weeks. I forgot to go get my blood test on Friday so I guess I'll be doing that tomorrow. Yay.
Tomorrow I have to get back on the weight loss wagon. I've been on a sugar binge this weekend (damn you devil dogs and chocolate Cadbury eggs which fyi are WAY more delicious than the regular ones!), but I feel good about restarting couch to 5k this week, going back to Stroller Strides, and eating right. I found this recipe for grilled chicken with cucumbers and tomatoes and feta so that is what we are having for dinner tomorrow after my Lean Cuisine lunch.
And even though we had a great weekend I still feel an underlying layer of sadness. Not so much about the miscarriage, but just still in shock that someone I was friends with, someone I dated killed himself. My heart is so sad for what his life became and I hate that all he could've been will forever be defined by that moment.
I've started taking SamE again so hopefully this will help my blue mood.
Hope y'all had a great weekend! I can't believe its going to be almost 90 here tomorrow!
OMG I totally forgot while I titled this post Big Girl. So, Em's crib is right next to her bookshelf which in the past wasn't a problem except now she can pull books into her crib. And then try to tear them up. She also loves to play with the video baby monitor and we'll laugh as we look at our end and all we see is her finger or giant face. I guess I'll need to put it higher on the wall, but we are also talking about moving her furniture around so that her grabby little fingers can't cause destruction from her cage. I've also caught her pulling clothes from her dirty clothes basket into her crib. The other day she pulled a crib sheet in there! To say this little girl never stops moving is an understatement. Heaven help us when she starts to walk!
Friday, April 13, 2012
Little Girls
Kelly's Korner had a show us your life Friday asking for blogs about moms to girls. I know I am only the mom to 1 little girl, but what a little girl she is.
A few weeks ago we had bought an ottoman that doubles, for us, as a toy chest. We throw Emma's toys in it at night and during the day we leave it open and she can get her toys out and put them away. She loves to throw EVERYTHING in there (Emma's where's mommy's phone is a daily conversation at our house). Today I noticed she had thrown her sippy in there and as we were getting ready to leave the house I asked her to get her cup. She crawled right over to the ottoman and pulled out her cup and handed it to me! My girl's a genius!
I always thought I'd be one of those mom's who would dress her child in cute dresses and little bows and what not, but I've found that I am a mom who is all about convenience and comfort. Maybe if we were still living in south GA I'd make more of an effort (y'all know that southern influence and all), but up here it doesn't seem to matter as much (I mean hello they don't even know what college football or chick fil a is...we may live in the birth place of our country, but that is totally unAmerican y'all). I didn't even buy her a new Easter dress because I just can't justify spending a lot of money on clothes that she'll only wear a few times.
Easter at the Smithsonian |
Easter Egg Roll at the White House |
And we got so many hand me down clothes that I haven't really needed to buy Em much (thank you Cory for having a little girl before me and having such good taste...remember that pink Kate Spade is mine!).
Em makes us laugh hysterically on a daily basis although we have found that she doesn't like it if she thinks we are laughing at her...her lips turn down and start to quiver, her eyes get big, and the crocodile tears fall and then she begins whaling in earnest...poor sweet girl.
I know Paul really hopes our second child is a boy. He really wanted Emma to be a boy, but he has said that there is a big part of him that looks forward to coming home to his girls (he loves how happy and excited Emma is to see him when he gets home...I'm excited, too, but because I'm usually ready for a break by then. lol). As much as a boy would round out the family nicely I do love being the mommy to little girls.
Post Dump
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Suicide. My heart lumps into a hard ball and my chest hurts. He and I became friends in college. We ran around in the same group and there was one summer that we hung out almost daily. I didn't find out until almost 10 years later that he was high the whole time. I knew he was off, but he just always seemed goofy.
We lost touch after college, but reconnected, as many people do, on myspace and then facebook. It turned out we had a lot in common. I had finished my MSW several years before and he was in the process of getting his. We lived in different states, but our phone conversations lasted for hours.
We made plans for him to come visit from Christmas to New Years in 2007. I was so excited, so hopeful. I had this idyllic, romantic fantasy in my head of how our week together would go. Love at first sight and all that.
Not so, not so, but still I pushed through. We went to visit his grandparents and went back to our college to walk around. There were good times in this week and times that it was glaringly obvious that there were some issues. I never knew how bad his obsessive compulsive disorder and anxiety were until this week. I never even knew he had it until this week. It was hard for me to be around that. He seemed to become drunk very quickly and I wondered if he was over using prescription pills.
But still I pushed through. There were so many things we had in common and so I went to visit him for Valentine Day. Last night I was smiling, remembering what an effort he put into making Valentine Day special. He took me to a nice hotel at a nice casino, got a room with champagne and chocolate covered strawberries. He thought of me, of what I'd like. The weekend though...the weekend was a struggle. He couldn't sleep in bed with me. This was too much for his OCD. We went to his apartment and he lived like a homeless person inside an apartment. He didn't have a bed, but slept on the floor on a pallet of blankets. His bathroom was dirty. His anxiety was overwhelming to him all the time. I wondered if he had a drug problem, but I didn't ask. I didn't want to know.
A couple weeks after I got home I couldn't do it anymore. I was done with relationships that were wrong for me and I ended things. I remember him crying and asking me to give it more time, not to do this. I pushed through.
Two weeks later I met the man who would become my husband and father of my child. I told him. He was hurt, I could tell. It was so quick, but you can't help when you fall in love.
I tried to keep in touch with him. I called him and left voicemails that went unreturned. I sent emails that went unanswered. I was genuinely interested in being his friend, in maintaining a friendship that was meaningful to me. Eventually I stopped trying. I gave up. I knew that he was struggling to finish school, that things were not going well in his life, and I gave up. I walked away. I couldn't do it. I deleted him from my facebook because he didn't seem interested in being friends with me. Maybe he wasn't able to be friends with me. I should've kept trying.
Years went by and yes, I would look at his facebook. I could tell his friends worried about him. Where are you? Are you ok? I last emailed him in November 2010. He didn't respond. I still cared about him, but there was nothing I could do.
So last night I got an email. His friend, my former friend, emailed me to let me know that he had taken his own life on Monday. I didn't know that his dad had died of cancer on Christmas Day in 2011. I found out by looking for his obituary. I know this must have shook him to his very core.
So much potential. So much heart and caring and mental illness. His life, since the mid 90's, has been so painful, so overwhelming with anxiety and OCD. Treatment didn't work for him. So much grief now for the people left behind.
I feel like I'm rapid cycling through the stages of grief. Sadness, anger, denial...over and over and over. Surely there has been some mistake. Surely someone can help and so I keep looking at his facebook page hoping that he'll post that it was all a big misunderstanding, but there are just new messages of grief and loss and goodbye. And I can't post anything because I deleted him from my facebook. I emailed his sister to say how sorry I was for their loss.
And if I could talk to him I would tell him how sorry I was that I gave up, that I wasn't there for him, and how pissed I am at him for being so selfish, and I would've had him committed for treatment, and I would've said goodbye, that I was sorry life hurt so bad for him.
And so here we are. Grief, loss, goodbye. Suicide. Shock. Sadness. Here we are and here he is not.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Liebster Award and No Greater Joy Mom
So, now I have to pick 5 blogs that I follow to pass this award on to. I actually feel very honored that Ali picked me (ya know cause I assume she reads WAY more than just 5 blogs that have under 200 followers. I bet she follows 1000 blogs and mine just rocks that much).
I started blogging on myspace (myspace? what's that you ask. I know. Doesn't it seem like myspace was a million years ago) because of all the horrific dates/relationships I had. You can read about them on the link on my blog called old myspace blog (clever, right?). So now I blog here.
Here are the blogs I passed the Liebster on to (in no particular order):
1) A Daily Dose of Metros
2) Baby Gavin
3) The Knox Family Journey
4) my friend Erika's blog which is private for family & friends
5) LIJT House
And here's what the blog owners of THOSE blogs should do:
3. Copy and paste the award on your blog.
4. Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 other bloggers with less than 200 followers.
5. Let them know you've chosen them by leaving a comment on their blog.
I also wanted to pass along a blog that I'm sure has over 200 followers, but who I think is doing amazing work in the world of adopting special needs children from horrific circumstances. To say that she is doing the work of God is an understatement. I wholeheartedly believe that she and her husband are angels here on earth. Her blog continues to inspire me and I continue to pray for the Lord to work in our lives in ways so that we can someday adopt a special needs child from overseas. This post more than breaks my heart imagining how these little babies are suffering in orphanages that you and I would not leave our dogs in and yet the we sit back and do nothing. I know that adoption is not a calling for everyone, but if you believe in God then please pray for these orphans. And if you want to read about the amazing calling of this family please go to No Greater Joy Mom. Her husband also blogs at No Greater Joy Dad. She is currently raising money not only for their adoption, but also to help other children in need of adoption. Please go check it out!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Easter Egg Roll
The line was incredibly long to get into the event. Of course they were trying to get 3000 people and a new group of 3000 people in. We couldn't complain because we were spending the morning on the south lawn of the White House.
Em was a trooper waiting in line even though she was missing her nap. We had brought over her stroller, but my cousin Kathryn met us on the way to put the stroller in her office. The address of her employer is 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. I think that's so cool! She has actually run into the President while walking to a meeting through the White House!!!!
Gorgeous day for an egg roll! |
Hello White House! |
Antoine Randall El, Orakpo, Thomas (?) |
Down Home with the Neelys |
The Obamas came out to say hi |
my cousin Kathryn |
Guess who???? |
The whole Obama family |
Em was a little suspicious |
The First Lady reading to some kids |
Em giving her acceptance speech |
Michelle's garden |
White House bee hive |
We stopped and visited great grammy on the way home |
Loving on Grammy |
Overall the weekend was amazing. I loved seeing my cousins and our friends and the White House and it definitely was the weekend I needed to help get out of the funk I've been in. We could not have asked for anything more.
Our friends Jon, Ali, and Avery my cousin Devon and her fiance Connor The McArtor Family |
I am definitely out of shape! All that walking made me exhausted and I had never been so happy to see a Holiday Inn in my whole life. What a great Easter though! Family, friends, love, cocktails...bliss! And tomorrow the Easter Egg Roll at the White House!