September 5
Today was a tale of two nights. My day started off as normal. Mainly it was a day to remember how happy and lucky I am to be married to Jenn. Two years ago today she became my wife. Since we met, there has never been a question about her and I being made for each other. We enjoy being together no matter what we are doing including doing nothing. We rarely argue, but when we do it is never with cruel intent. Most of our arguments end with us laughing or with her telling me “frying pan” which came from a day when she told me she felt like hitting me with a frying pan. Our lives were made even better with the arrival of Emma. I never thought I could have a life so filled with joy and love. Jenn truly makes me feel like the luckiest man in the world!
One thing that Jenn is very good at is making me do things I should do. Tonight while we were talking on the phone there was a knock on my door. It was the Major that lives next door. He was asking me if I was going to a music night they were having on base. I told him I had already changed out of my uniform, was talking to my wife, and then heading to bed. Jenn asked who had come to the door, so I filled her in. Her response was to tell me to get dressed and go, because I should show support for stuff. She mentioned that I had previously mentioned how no one goes to things here and now she was making me do the right thing and go. So I got dressed and headed out.
This is when the night changed. I arrived at the music night and there was a delay. Sadly the reason for the delay was that they needed to take the speaker equipment to use for a ceremony. The ceremony was for an American civilian that was killed today at another FOB. They cancelled the movie night, but I remembered what Jenn said about needing to support the important stuff. So I headed out to the helicopter landing zone for the ceremony. This was a powerful event.
We lined up in formation along the side of the landing zone in complete darkness. The only light was the glow of light sticks to mark the landing zone. Over the speaker they said a few words about the man that passed. He was originally from Afghanistan and had moved to the USA when he was a child. When this war kicked off he volunteered to come back and help. He had gone on several missions and according to the speaker was “an invaluable part of their mission.” He was one of several people hit by a mortar. I don’t know the status of the others. Due to his connection with Afghanistan another speaker got on the microphone and said a prayer in their native language. They then played the national anthem. We all saluted and then felt the wind pick up. A helicopter came from the darkness and landed feet from us. As it landed, a pickup truck with the coffin approached followed by a group to transport the coffin to the helicopter. We held our salutes for what seemed like forever. But every time my arm got sore I thought about the pain his family was going to feel and I held the salute high and strong. The wind picked up and the helicopter took off.
I always hear on the news about how these civilian contractors make tons of money and even rip off the government. This man and the others injured/killed today were just doing their job. They were most likely sitting in their room maybe even talking to their wives (just like I was today). We gave this civilian the same honors we give to a fallen soldier and he deserves it. These civilians risk as much as we do and are many times forgotten.
Wife, mother, Rodan + Fields consultant, Adjunct my family, friends, wine, and God.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Happiness Today
Happiness today was reading our daddy book (the recordable story my husband...well, recorded...before he left for Afghanistan) and watching Em shriek with laughter every time she heard dada's voice.
Happiness today was watching my daughter frantically low crawl towards the computer every time I put it on the floor while we were skyping with daughter. And little girl could probably give an actual soldier a run for his/her money in the low crawl department.
Happiness today was leaving Em with her grandma while I went to the Y, sat in the hot tub, read my Nook (Nora Roberts anyone), and then went in the steam room. Yes, I only use my Y membership for the hot tub, pool, and locker room amenities. Don't judge me.
Happiness today is knowing my sister will be here Thursday.
Happiness today is knowing my husband will be home in 23 days! Yes, I said 23 days. Let me say it again. 23 days. That is 2 more days than 3 weeks! Less than a month! A period of time that will go by amazingly fast because of the holidays and packing and driving back to New England.
Happiness today was watching my daughter frantically low crawl towards the computer every time I put it on the floor while we were skyping with daughter. And little girl could probably give an actual soldier a run for his/her money in the low crawl department.
Happiness today was leaving Em with her grandma while I went to the Y, sat in the hot tub, read my Nook (Nora Roberts anyone), and then went in the steam room. Yes, I only use my Y membership for the hot tub, pool, and locker room amenities. Don't judge me.
Happiness today is knowing my sister will be here Thursday.
Happiness today is knowing my husband will be home in 23 days! Yes, I said 23 days. Let me say it again. 23 days. That is 2 more days than 3 weeks! Less than a month! A period of time that will go by amazingly fast because of the holidays and packing and driving back to New England.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Blood Test Fail
Since I am blessed to be married to someone in the military and thus blessed to have excellent health insurance you best believe I take full advantage of that. I have been to the doctor more in the last 2 months in Florida than I have been the entire 2 years we've lived in New England. In my defense I have been sick. Both baby and I have fought terrible upper respiratory infections and she also had an ear infection. 2 rounds of antibiotics a piece and steroids for me and I finally thought we were better! Alas I appear to be sick...again. At first I thought maybe I had developed some kind of allergy to the Christmas tree we just bought because my symptoms started the same night we bought the tree home. I've been taking allegra and using the NeillMed sinus rinse, but I seem to be getting worse and not better. Ugh! I can NOT do another round of antibiotics!
I digress. Anyways as part of my excellent health insurance my pcp asked if I wanted to have my cholesterol, etc checked and I convinced him that I may have a thyroid problem and he should check (without telling him that I've had my thyroid checked before, it's always normal, and that I consistently gain weight because I am beyond a terrible eater--literally the only vegetables I've had over the last 2 days have come in the form of chicken Caesar salad and the only fruit I had was a slice of pumpkin bread from Starbucks and some lemon in my ice tea. I told you BEYOND terrible).
So I go in for my blood test today. It's a fasting blood test so it's 9am and I have had nothing to eat or drink yet. It must've been casual Friday because the nurse had on jeans and flip flops (PSA if you wear flip flops make sure your toes aren't fugly looking. Bare toenails are okay, but half painted chipped nails are not). She puts the rubber thing on my arm and starts looking for a vein. She keeps pressing in the center of my elbow crook and I finally tell her that they usually use the vein slightly to the side. One thing you don't want to hear your nurse saying as she gets ready to shove a needle in your arm is "Your veins are just so small." Repeatedly. As in over and over. The first try was a prick and a miss. The needles in my arm, but she totally misses the vein. Oops.
Move on over to the left arm. Rubber thing on, pressing around looking for a vein. Again, I point out the vein slightly to the side and offer up that they usually use a butterfly needle. She asks if I've ever had blood drawn from my hand. Really? We're going there? She asks if that's ok. What am I going to say? No. The butterfly needle goes into my hand, blood starts to flow into the tubing, and then nothing. Her response, "What happened to the blood? Where did it go?"
So it's back over to the right arm and I kindly say to her, "If you want to get someone else I promise I won't judge you." Cause seriously who wants to be covered in bandaids from a simple blood test. She laughs and says unfortunately there isn't anyone else. The pediatric nurse apparently does even less blood draws than she does and the other choice is my actual PCP who probably hasn't done one since med school.
The next tool she pulls out is to put the blood pressure cuff on my arm and inflate it as much as possible. This time she actually hits the vein AND gets blood out. During all this I have to say, "Um, my hand is falling asleep" at which point she looks down and notices that my hand is, in fact, turning purple. "Oops your hand is turning purple," as she laughs. Oh lordy.
Finally we are done and I immediately drive to Starbucks for a breakfast sandwich (hello bacon & gouda I love you) and a venti decaf nonfat mocha with whip cream. Delic!
So we shall see....nothing I'm sure....
I guess I'll have to give up my dream of a thyroid problem as excuse for my weigh gain and move on to my goal of being on The Biggest Loser. Sigh...
I digress. Anyways as part of my excellent health insurance my pcp asked if I wanted to have my cholesterol, etc checked and I convinced him that I may have a thyroid problem and he should check (without telling him that I've had my thyroid checked before, it's always normal, and that I consistently gain weight because I am beyond a terrible eater--literally the only vegetables I've had over the last 2 days have come in the form of chicken Caesar salad and the only fruit I had was a slice of pumpkin bread from Starbucks and some lemon in my ice tea. I told you BEYOND terrible).
So I go in for my blood test today. It's a fasting blood test so it's 9am and I have had nothing to eat or drink yet. It must've been casual Friday because the nurse had on jeans and flip flops (PSA if you wear flip flops make sure your toes aren't fugly looking. Bare toenails are okay, but half painted chipped nails are not). She puts the rubber thing on my arm and starts looking for a vein. She keeps pressing in the center of my elbow crook and I finally tell her that they usually use the vein slightly to the side. One thing you don't want to hear your nurse saying as she gets ready to shove a needle in your arm is "Your veins are just so small." Repeatedly. As in over and over. The first try was a prick and a miss. The needles in my arm, but she totally misses the vein. Oops.
Move on over to the left arm. Rubber thing on, pressing around looking for a vein. Again, I point out the vein slightly to the side and offer up that they usually use a butterfly needle. She asks if I've ever had blood drawn from my hand. Really? We're going there? She asks if that's ok. What am I going to say? No. The butterfly needle goes into my hand, blood starts to flow into the tubing, and then nothing. Her response, "What happened to the blood? Where did it go?"
So it's back over to the right arm and I kindly say to her, "If you want to get someone else I promise I won't judge you." Cause seriously who wants to be covered in bandaids from a simple blood test. She laughs and says unfortunately there isn't anyone else. The pediatric nurse apparently does even less blood draws than she does and the other choice is my actual PCP who probably hasn't done one since med school.
The next tool she pulls out is to put the blood pressure cuff on my arm and inflate it as much as possible. This time she actually hits the vein AND gets blood out. During all this I have to say, "Um, my hand is falling asleep" at which point she looks down and notices that my hand is, in fact, turning purple. "Oops your hand is turning purple," as she laughs. Oh lordy.
Finally we are done and I immediately drive to Starbucks for a breakfast sandwich (hello bacon & gouda I love you) and a venti decaf nonfat mocha with whip cream. Delic!
So we shall see....nothing I'm sure....
I guess I'll have to give up my dream of a thyroid problem as excuse for my weigh gain and move on to my goal of being on The Biggest Loser. Sigh...
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Christmas Letter
Since I'm toolazy cheap busy to send out Christmas cards this year I decided to save some money time and do a Christmas blog post. Since I've also not been blogging as much this really kills 2 birds with 1 stone.
So Christmas Greetings to all my family (although I am pretty sure only my sister and 1 cousin actually read my blog), friends, and Internet strangers...Happy Holidays!
I could start off by telling you all the wonderful goals I met this year, how Igained lost 20 30lbs, how I couldn't get past week 1 of couch to 5k ran a half marathon, and how I spent saved a ton of money while Paul was deployed. I don't like to brag though so I won't write any of those things.
Yes, we all know that the traditional holiday letter is supposed to be filled with all the wonderful events that you and your overachieving children have accomplished during the year, but this family is A) not overachieving, B) procrastinators, and C) spent the 1st half of the year pregnant and/or with a newborn and the 2nd half of the year separated with Paul deployed to Afghanistan and mom and baby travelingthe eastern seaboard the world.
I guess our biggest news was that we had a baby! (as if anyone you'd send a holiday letter to wouldn't already know that) After agrueling-never been in this much pain in my life-why are you killing me peaceful and pain free 48 hours of failed induction, labor, and failed epidurals our beautiful Emma Grace arrived via emergency C-section.
So, our year was very much about survival. Paul's survival was a little more extreme has he traveled in helicopters around much of his region of Afghanistan (God bless those gunners on the helios for keeping a watchful eye out for terrorists and not allowing the helio my husband was in to be shot down Amen) while Em's and mine was more about surviving on our own--teething, a month+ long upper respiratory/ear infection that required 2 rounds of antibiotics each and steroids (for me) to finally get better (and now I'm sick again--I actually had the sad thought that maybe I was allergic to the Christmas tree we just bought as the 2 events seem to have coincided, but I refuse to have a fake tree so I will suffer), and missing our husband/father.
We missed out on a 5 days with no power blizzard that hit New England (God bless our house/pet sitters as they were freezing with no power I wassweating to death lazing on the beach in Florida). I am not sure how I would've handled that with Paul not there although I am sure there would've been a Ritz Carlton budget motel in the equation.
Em and I traveled to Buffalo, Dallas, Cape Cod, drove down to FL, Valdosta, Amelia Island, Savannah, and Orlando AND will make the drive back up north in just about 3 weeks! Hopefully stopping along the way to pick up Paul (because we know where he flew out of and are assuming he will fly back into the same place--if you know us at all you know how unlikely this is to happen, but we are nothing if not optimists).
Em is quite the social butterfly and is actually a pretty funny kid (thank God) and she is nosy as all get out. We will have to work on her staring at others while blatantly listening to their conversation as she gets older, but thankfully her mama is nosy, too, and so will teach her the fine art of eavesdropping.
I tried to give my chihuahua away to my sister, but I am such a great pet owner that he decided it wouldn't work out and is coming back to us. He let her know that he was unhappy by peeing all over her carpet. I told her that if she crates him when she leaves he is less likely to pee, but she felt bad (hello he's 10lbs and he's just gonna sleep while she's gone anyways--might as well sleep in the crate is how I look at it. Don't judge me. At my house the little dog crates are big enough that our 80lb boxer has squeezed into them--not on purpose or because I made her, but because she is that stupid).
In a nutshell that was our year. I am looking forward to seeing Paul, going on vacation, and getting home to our house and our life together. I miss my Air Force family and can't wait to meet baby Felicity! And I miss my nursing mother's group and can't wait to see the babies. Emma misses all her baby boyfriends.
Hope everyone has a fantastically wonderful Christmas and New Years! I promise next year to send out actual Christmas cards and of course the brag letter. :)
Much love,
Jenn, Paul, & Emma
Since I'm too
So Christmas Greetings to all my family (although I am pretty sure only my sister and 1 cousin actually read my blog), friends, and Internet strangers...Happy Holidays!
I could start off by telling you all the wonderful goals I met this year, how I
Yes, we all know that the traditional holiday letter is supposed to be filled with all the wonderful events that you and your overachieving children have accomplished during the year, but this family is A) not overachieving, B) procrastinators, and C) spent the 1st half of the year pregnant and/or with a newborn and the 2nd half of the year separated with Paul deployed to Afghanistan and mom and baby traveling
I guess our biggest news was that we had a baby! (as if anyone you'd send a holiday letter to wouldn't already know that) After a
Just before c-section |
Just after c-section (ps that's Paul, not the ob) |
We missed out on a 5 days with no power blizzard that hit New England (God bless our house/pet sitters as they were freezing with no power I was
Em and I traveled to Buffalo, Dallas, Cape Cod, drove down to FL, Valdosta, Amelia Island, Savannah, and Orlando AND will make the drive back up north in just about 3 weeks! Hopefully stopping along the way to pick up Paul (because we know where he flew out of and are assuming he will fly back into the same place--if you know us at all you know how unlikely this is to happen, but we are nothing if not optimists).
Em is quite the social butterfly and is actually a pretty funny kid (thank God) and she is nosy as all get out. We will have to work on her staring at others while blatantly listening to their conversation as she gets older, but thankfully her mama is nosy, too, and so will teach her the fine art of eavesdropping.
I tried to give my chihuahua away to my sister, but I am such a great pet owner that he decided it wouldn't work out and is coming back to us. He let her know that he was unhappy by peeing all over her carpet. I told her that if she crates him when she leaves he is less likely to pee, but she felt bad (hello he's 10lbs and he's just gonna sleep while she's gone anyways--might as well sleep in the crate is how I look at it. Don't judge me. At my house the little dog crates are big enough that our 80lb boxer has squeezed into them--not on purpose or because I made her, but because she is that stupid).
In a nutshell that was our year. I am looking forward to seeing Paul, going on vacation, and getting home to our house and our life together. I miss my Air Force family and can't wait to meet baby Felicity! And I miss my nursing mother's group and can't wait to see the babies. Emma misses all her baby boyfriends.
Hope everyone has a fantastically wonderful Christmas and New Years! I promise next year to send out actual Christmas cards and of course the brag letter. :)
Much love,
Jenn, Paul, & Emma
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Old Friends
The countdown has begun. We have less than 30 days until Paul will be back in the US! Of course we are hoping with fingers crossed that he flies into the same city he flew out of because that is where I am planning on picking him up. lol With our luck he'll fly back into some totally random city and I'll be stuck driving from FL to New England with an infant by myself. Oh well. All the tears and crying (both Em's and mine) on the way home will be worth it to see my love. I feel like I'm starting to wake up after a long sleep. Of course part of that may be because Em is sleeping better and I actually got 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep in a row last night.
I think one of the best parts of my visit to Florida has been catching up with old friends...I'm talking people I haven't seen in over 15 years.
This is after many many martinis (mostly drunk by me and the precursor to my month long alcohol hiatus). We were band nerds in high school (although I don't consider myself a nerd and I will admit that I was the worst flag twirler ever). Michele--bad influence! She was the one who taught me how to smoke and convinced me to have sex in high school! And she's still a bad influence because she made me have a coke when I saw her over the weekend when I was trying to go a month without soda! Anyway, we had a great time catching up and realized we hadn't seen each other in 17 years! All of us are moms now which is so weird because when we were together it was like no time had passed at all. (And I apologize to Shayla for having to endure a drunken ride home with me. I blame Michele.)
Leah was my college roommate and by extension so was Ryan because they have been together that long. I love me some Leah and Ryan and always try to see them when I can. They were nice enough to drive over to our hotel in Orlando for a very lengthy dinner (because our waiter was so slow--he tried to convince us to get the buffet, but we didn't listen. Not winning). Em was not sure about Ryan at first (maybe too much resemblance to that mean Santa) and Leah's laugh scared her, but they quickly won her over with their charm and she was fast friends with them by the end of the night.
This is part of the group of friends I hung out with when I worked at the Y in college (missing was Mike and Tanya and Sam who had just left and Lisa who has a teething infant). I loved, loved, loved seeing these people with their kids and seeing what amazing parents they are (which is weird because we were drunk all the time in college). It was so much fun catching up and talking about all our craziness and laughing about the Y. When we were all hanging out Tracie's niece was an infant...she is now 15 years old! I can't believe how much time has gone by and how quickly life is moving. I probably hung out with these people more than any other group of people I knew during college (even more than my sorority sisters). To tell you how long we've known each other when we met Jacob and Gene were in high school and I was a freshman in college. I've been out of college since 1998.
I met these wonderful women (and our friend Nichelle) during new employee orientation at the school board. We are all social workers and it was love at first sight. At that time Alex was the only one married and none of us had kids. Having a baby playdate yesterday made me miss living here for the first time (not that I don't miss my other friends every day). There is something about spending time with good friends who have infants that speaks to my heart.
There have been so many more friends that we've spent time with since we've been in Florida that I either don't have pictures of or the pictures are on my phone. Em has made so many new friends in Florida. She is a lucky little girl. I can't believe we head home in roughly 3 weeks. I feel like there are so many people I haven't gotten to see yet. And I can't believe when we get home that we'll have an 11 month old! (Em was 4 months when Paul left) I just can't wait for him to re-meet his daughter and see in person how funny and wonderful she is (and not have to rely on skype). He is never going to put her down when he first gets home (which works out well for me because I'm tired and I don't want to hold during our flight to the Caribbean haha).
Hopefully everyone is enjoying their December and not letting the craziness of the holiday season ruin the reason for the season.
Merry Christmas!
I think one of the best parts of my visit to Florida has been catching up with old friends...I'm talking people I haven't seen in over 15 years.
Jo Ann, Cristin, Kyan, Shayla, Michele, Jenn |
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Leah and Ryan with baby Emma |
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Jacob, Jenn, Tracie, Gene |
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I love this picture because Isabella and Emma are staring at each other |
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Hailey, Alex, Isabella, Jenn, Emma, Lisa, Ryleigh (and just out of view was newborn baby Sydney) |
There have been so many more friends that we've spent time with since we've been in Florida that I either don't have pictures of or the pictures are on my phone. Em has made so many new friends in Florida. She is a lucky little girl. I can't believe we head home in roughly 3 weeks. I feel like there are so many people I haven't gotten to see yet. And I can't believe when we get home that we'll have an 11 month old! (Em was 4 months when Paul left) I just can't wait for him to re-meet his daughter and see in person how funny and wonderful she is (and not have to rely on skype). He is never going to put her down when he first gets home (which works out well for me because I'm tired and I don't want to hold during our flight to the Caribbean haha).
Hopefully everyone is enjoying their December and not letting the craziness of the holiday season ruin the reason for the season.
Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Another Adoption Miracle Needed
As I sit here typing this I am sobbing quietly (and by sobbing quietly I mean cannot stop crying hysterically). My heart is breaking for this poor little girl and if Paul gave me the okay I would be on the next plane overseas to get her. I cannot imagine, I cannot imagine any child living without love or care. How can anyone look at this beautiful, sad little face and not want to go get her, hug her, love her, feed her? So I am spreading the word, praying for a Christmas miracle for Kolina, praying that there is a family somewhere who is strong enough to fight for this sweet child. This is from the blog No Greater Joy Mom.
December 7, 2011
the gift of HOPE this Christmas
Sometimes words are just so terribly hard to find. Many times I feel like Moses when he cried out to the Lord, telling Him that He really was not very eloquent. I can totally relate!
This will be one of those posts--the kind where I struggle to put into words what is on my heart. Sometimes situations are such that no amount of words can do it justice. Trying to convey truth without crossing the ever-present boundaries regarding just how much to post is a challenge for me. I long for the whole world to know the truth and see the truth when it comes to the conditions in which children live in foreign orphanages. But it's a fine line--one I struggle to find.
It's Christmastime. Such a glorious time of the year as we celebrate the birth of our Savior. Families come together, gifts are given, praise is uttered to the Baby who was born so that we may have life, and life more abundant. Honestly though, Christmas is so different to me now compared to what it was even a few years ago. I am different. I just cannot help but allow my heart and my thoughts to drift to the millions of children around the world who will [still] be alone this Christmas. For most of them, there will be no gifts, no tree to decorate, no fancy meal...and no family. Again.
It will just be another day.
Once you have put a foot in the door of an orphanage where children are lined up in cribs by the dozens, where a staple diet consists of drinking cabbage water out of a bottle, and where no heating exists, well, Christmas takes on an entirely different look. It is no longer a time when we think of all that we can get--but rather what we can give. It becomes a time of being so thankful for the many gifts we have been given--not for the next best gadget or the latest have-to-have, but for the things that truly matter in this life--love, joy that bubbles over, laughter, warm embraces, acceptance, belonging. FAMILY!
This week the Lord led me to a little face. A face who, very sadly, will not even know that December 25 is a reason to celebrate. No, for this little face it will just be another day in paradise--lying in a crib, rarely touched, some kind of liquid diet to barely sustain her, drugs to induce "best sleep" 24 hours a day. I know all too well how it goes.
Allow me to introduce you to Kolina. The little girl who brought me to my knees this week, begging the Lord to have mercy on her fragile little body. One of the saddest faces I have ever seen.
But then again, who can blame her?
Kolina languishes in the same awful place as Liliana. Many of you will remember Liliana as the little girl we all advocated for last August. A family is working hard to bring her home. Praise the Lord. No words can ever fully convey the heinous conditions these children live in. It is truly beyond human comprehension.
Sadly, Kolina has not been found yet. No one is going for her. It is only by Divine Intervention that this little girl is even available for adoption. She almost fell through the cracks...again. But God! The father to the fatherless reached down from heaven and said, "This one too," and Kolina was made available for international adoption.
This sweet little girl is literally deteriorating daily in a crib in Eastern Europe. On December 16 she will "celebrate" her birthday. Kolina will be nine years old. Yes, nine! She has Down syndrome. Looking at her pictures, she probably only weighs around 10-12 pounds. If that. Clothes cover her clearly skeletal legs, and her pitiful frame is nothing but skin and bones. Poor little darling.
Oh, how I would LOVE a Christmas miracle for Kolina! I would love to see her sad, sad little face turn from sadness, hopelessness and despair to joy. Joy that comes from being in a family. Joy that comes from human touch and from knowing that she belongs.
I would love to give Kolina the gift of HOPE this Christmas.
But, as usual, I need your help. Kolina needs help! In order for her family to find her, Kolina's story needs to be spread far and wide. Just like Julia, and Vanya, and Kevin, and Liliana, and David. The ONLY way these children have found their forever families is through the body of Christ coming together and posting their faces and their stories on blogs, facebooks, and any other social network.
Would you please help Kolina? Will you share her story wherever you can?
Time is obviously crucial and she needs to come home as quickly as possible. Poor lovie is living on borrowed time--she is severely malnourished. A home-study-ready family would be ideal, but at this stage, it is not essential. Anyone wanting more information can contact Shelley at
Also, Kolina has a grant fund which has been set up by Reece's Rainbow. Please pray about donating to her rescue! A large grant would be such a huge blessing for her family. Adoption is expensive! What a beautiful miracle it would be if her ransom was raised. All donations are tax deductible and every single dollar will go to Kolina's RANSOM! If you feel led to contribute, just use the donation box below and all funds will go to sweet Kolina.
As I type this, Kolina's grant fund is at a measly $94.50. Would you prayerfully consider playing a part in her unfolding miracle this Christmas?
Thank you for standing with me and for trusting that Kolina will NOT be one of the 95% of children who have Down syndrome who die in orphanages around the world each and every year. It is beyond human understanding.
Thank you for sharing Kolina's story and for believing that someone WILL go for her soon!
My arms ache to hug this little girl and to give her a mommy and daddy this Christmas. Pray, pray, pray people! Tis the season for miracles!
December 7, 2011
the gift of HOPE this Christmas
Sometimes words are just so terribly hard to find. Many times I feel like Moses when he cried out to the Lord, telling Him that He really was not very eloquent. I can totally relate!
This will be one of those posts--the kind where I struggle to put into words what is on my heart. Sometimes situations are such that no amount of words can do it justice. Trying to convey truth without crossing the ever-present boundaries regarding just how much to post is a challenge for me. I long for the whole world to know the truth and see the truth when it comes to the conditions in which children live in foreign orphanages. But it's a fine line--one I struggle to find.
It's Christmastime. Such a glorious time of the year as we celebrate the birth of our Savior. Families come together, gifts are given, praise is uttered to the Baby who was born so that we may have life, and life more abundant. Honestly though, Christmas is so different to me now compared to what it was even a few years ago. I am different. I just cannot help but allow my heart and my thoughts to drift to the millions of children around the world who will [still] be alone this Christmas. For most of them, there will be no gifts, no tree to decorate, no fancy meal...and no family. Again.
It will just be another day.
Once you have put a foot in the door of an orphanage where children are lined up in cribs by the dozens, where a staple diet consists of drinking cabbage water out of a bottle, and where no heating exists, well, Christmas takes on an entirely different look. It is no longer a time when we think of all that we can get--but rather what we can give. It becomes a time of being so thankful for the many gifts we have been given--not for the next best gadget or the latest have-to-have, but for the things that truly matter in this life--love, joy that bubbles over, laughter, warm embraces, acceptance, belonging. FAMILY!
This week the Lord led me to a little face. A face who, very sadly, will not even know that December 25 is a reason to celebrate. No, for this little face it will just be another day in paradise--lying in a crib, rarely touched, some kind of liquid diet to barely sustain her, drugs to induce "best sleep" 24 hours a day. I know all too well how it goes.
Allow me to introduce you to Kolina. The little girl who brought me to my knees this week, begging the Lord to have mercy on her fragile little body. One of the saddest faces I have ever seen.
But then again, who can blame her?
Kolina languishes in the same awful place as Liliana. Many of you will remember Liliana as the little girl we all advocated for last August. A family is working hard to bring her home. Praise the Lord. No words can ever fully convey the heinous conditions these children live in. It is truly beyond human comprehension.
Sadly, Kolina has not been found yet. No one is going for her. It is only by Divine Intervention that this little girl is even available for adoption. She almost fell through the cracks...again. But God! The father to the fatherless reached down from heaven and said, "This one too," and Kolina was made available for international adoption.
This sweet little girl is literally deteriorating daily in a crib in Eastern Europe. On December 16 she will "celebrate" her birthday. Kolina will be nine years old. Yes, nine! She has Down syndrome. Looking at her pictures, she probably only weighs around 10-12 pounds. If that. Clothes cover her clearly skeletal legs, and her pitiful frame is nothing but skin and bones. Poor little darling.
Oh, how I would LOVE a Christmas miracle for Kolina! I would love to see her sad, sad little face turn from sadness, hopelessness and despair to joy. Joy that comes from being in a family. Joy that comes from human touch and from knowing that she belongs.
I would love to give Kolina the gift of HOPE this Christmas.
But, as usual, I need your help. Kolina needs help! In order for her family to find her, Kolina's story needs to be spread far and wide. Just like Julia, and Vanya, and Kevin, and Liliana, and David. The ONLY way these children have found their forever families is through the body of Christ coming together and posting their faces and their stories on blogs, facebooks, and any other social network.
Would you please help Kolina? Will you share her story wherever you can?
Time is obviously crucial and she needs to come home as quickly as possible. Poor lovie is living on borrowed time--she is severely malnourished. A home-study-ready family would be ideal, but at this stage, it is not essential. Anyone wanting more information can contact Shelley at
Also, Kolina has a grant fund which has been set up by Reece's Rainbow. Please pray about donating to her rescue! A large grant would be such a huge blessing for her family. Adoption is expensive! What a beautiful miracle it would be if her ransom was raised. All donations are tax deductible and every single dollar will go to Kolina's RANSOM! If you feel led to contribute, just use the donation box below and all funds will go to sweet Kolina.
As I type this, Kolina's grant fund is at a measly $94.50. Would you prayerfully consider playing a part in her unfolding miracle this Christmas?
Thank you for standing with me and for trusting that Kolina will NOT be one of the 95% of children who have Down syndrome who die in orphanages around the world each and every year. It is beyond human understanding.
Thank you for sharing Kolina's story and for believing that someone WILL go for her soon!
My arms ache to hug this little girl and to give her a mommy and daddy this Christmas. Pray, pray, pray people! Tis the season for miracles!
Christmas Cheer
My mom and I took Em to get her first picture with Santa Claus today. Seeing as it's her first Christmas we I was pretty excited about it. Paul was too and asked me to call him on skype so he could watch her reaction to Santa (and he didn't want me to get an iPhone--we couldn't have done that if I hadn't had the glory that is the iPhone). They had a sign up that said no cell phones, no personal cameras. Santa was on his lunch break so I explained our situation to the woman working and she said as far as she was concerned it was okay, but she'd have to ask Santa. In our 5 minute conversation I learned that the woman was from NJ, has 2 kids, is about to become a grandmother in May, and her daughter got kicked in the face by a horse 2 weeks ago (please say a prayer for the unborn baby as the mom had to have surgery to repair her jaw and she was barely out of her first trimester when this occurred plus she's lost a lot of weight from not being able to eat anything), her first husband was in the army and her current husband spent 25 years in the Coast Guard. Um, I think that was it. Oh, and Santa retired from the military.
I thanked her and went over to wait with my mom and Em. Santa was off break at 2pm and about 1:45 the woman came over to get us. Santa had agreed to see us early so we scrambled to get Paul on skype and it was all very exciting.
I put Em on Santa's lap and she immediately started crying. lol Paul and I were both laughing. So I picked Em and then poor Santa got to have my fat ass on his lap. You can tell by his facial expression how thrilled he is by this development.
I'm pretty sure he will need to go to the chiropractor to deal with the excess weight on his right leg. lol
So after we say goodbye to Paul and I climb off Santa's lap so he can massage the feeling back into his leg, I'm getting ready to pay for my photos and I hear this woman complaining. See it's only 1:50pm and she thought it was unfair that we were allowed to have our picture taken with Santa when the sign said he wouldn't be back until 2pm. She demanded that she be allowed to have her child's picture taken. The woman explained that it was a special circumstance because of my husband being deployed, etc. and the woman says that her husband is in Iraq and do they want to see her military id. Well, at this point I feel awful because I was planning on waiting until 2pm to see Santa and he had us come in early. We profusely thank Santa and the women working and head out as people start to get in line to see Santa.
The woman who pitched such a fit didn't even bother to stay and wait the 5 minutes it was till 2pm. She could've been first in line. The woman working with Santa said she did not think the woman was a military spouse because she was so unsupportive of our situation and so rude and I tend to agree. I NEVER would've acted like that! I love my military family. I couldn't stop thinking about how appalling her behavior was and in front of her children, too. Where was her Christmas spirit?
But Paul got to see his baby see Santa for the first time (and on his birthday, too) and that is all that counts. It made my heart sing to see him so happy on skype.
In a totally unrelated note I decided to take a bath tonight and slipped and fell in the tub putting the bath mat down. Luckily I caught myself and sort of slid into the tub onto my back, but I am definitely sore and going to feel it tomorrow. Thank goodness for icy hot and Motrin and for God watching over me.
Headed out of town for Paul's family reunion tomorrow and to see some old friends. Very excited! Hopefully the weather is nice. I know it'll be nicer than what my friends in New England are experiencing.
Merry Christmas!
I thanked her and went over to wait with my mom and Em. Santa was off break at 2pm and about 1:45 the woman came over to get us. Santa had agreed to see us early so we scrambled to get Paul on skype and it was all very exciting.
I put Em on Santa's lap and she immediately started crying. lol Paul and I were both laughing. So I picked Em and then poor Santa got to have my fat ass on his lap. You can tell by his facial expression how thrilled he is by this development.
I'm pretty sure he will need to go to the chiropractor to deal with the excess weight on his right leg. lol
So after we say goodbye to Paul and I climb off Santa's lap so he can massage the feeling back into his leg, I'm getting ready to pay for my photos and I hear this woman complaining. See it's only 1:50pm and she thought it was unfair that we were allowed to have our picture taken with Santa when the sign said he wouldn't be back until 2pm. She demanded that she be allowed to have her child's picture taken. The woman explained that it was a special circumstance because of my husband being deployed, etc. and the woman says that her husband is in Iraq and do they want to see her military id. Well, at this point I feel awful because I was planning on waiting until 2pm to see Santa and he had us come in early. We profusely thank Santa and the women working and head out as people start to get in line to see Santa.
The woman who pitched such a fit didn't even bother to stay and wait the 5 minutes it was till 2pm. She could've been first in line. The woman working with Santa said she did not think the woman was a military spouse because she was so unsupportive of our situation and so rude and I tend to agree. I NEVER would've acted like that! I love my military family. I couldn't stop thinking about how appalling her behavior was and in front of her children, too. Where was her Christmas spirit?
But Paul got to see his baby see Santa for the first time (and on his birthday, too) and that is all that counts. It made my heart sing to see him so happy on skype.
In a totally unrelated note I decided to take a bath tonight and slipped and fell in the tub putting the bath mat down. Luckily I caught myself and sort of slid into the tub onto my back, but I am definitely sore and going to feel it tomorrow. Thank goodness for icy hot and Motrin and for God watching over me.
Headed out of town for Paul's family reunion tomorrow and to see some old friends. Very excited! Hopefully the weather is nice. I know it'll be nicer than what my friends in New England are experiencing.
Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
I really really really gotta get on the ball. I feel like I have zero motivation to do anything! And there are things I want to do and then I think eh, who cares. lol I certainly don't want to pass my slovenly ways on to Emma. Paul and I are the top dogs of procrastinators and what a terrible habit to have.
First off let's talk about my weight. I am slightly disgusted about how I keep letting opportunities to lose weight slip by and instead just keep gaining weight. I for sure am the person who eats for taste instead of eating to be healthy. Ugh! And if anyone makes a comment about how I'm being too hard on myself I may have to come beat you up. It's not about being hard on myself it's about being honest and realistic. Sometimes the truth hurts and that is ok. I guess I am just not ready to get healthy. I am way addicted to sugar which is a huge part of the problem. And I think part of my lack of motivation is knowing I'm going to get pregnant next year anyways so what is the point of losing weight now. haha When you are overweight going into a pregnancy you don't have to gain as much weight and your baby weight comes off very quickly (of course then you are still just overweight, but hey...thick chicks gotta get something).
Secondly I have done super well staying away from alcohol and soda. Granted it's not even been 2 weeks yet without alcohol, but I actually don't even miss it (although I'd love one of my hoarded Blue Moon Octoberfest beers) and it's only been 7 days without soda. I used to never drink soda and then I went crazy. Pepsi was probably one of the few things I craved during my pregnancy. I know how terrible soda is for you and I really don't want to be someone who drinks soda or eats fast food (I had Taco Bell the other day and it did not agree with me so that may keep me from fast food right there). I probably went 10 years without eating any fast food. I was much much thinner then.
Thirdly I think I stress eat. For sure our time in Florida has not been the relaxing vaca I thought it would be. We've been plagued by illness and doctors appointments and what not. My goal is to get Em to sleep through the night 12 hours by the time Paul gets home. I (wait for it) have finally broken down and let Em cry. I know! Are you gasping in shock???? I only went in 3 times last night for brief comforts and she fell asleep within 30 minutes and slept till 4:30am. I let her cry and then went in briefly and then went back in again at 5am because she was ready to nurse and then we fell back to sleep until 8am! I got 6 whole hours of sleep in a row! I may have woken up briefly to look at her on the monitor but I went right back to sleep. And she cried at naptime this morning, but then she had pooped so once I changed her she fell right to sleep (nap time hasn't really ever been our problem minus the fact that she only sleeps for 30 minutes).
Fourth I am beyond ready for Paul to get home. It's so close and yet seems like its taking so long. It's that last hour of a car know how close you are and yet it's the longest part of the trip.
I need to go to the dmv to get our tags switched to FL, and I need to do my CEU's for my FL license, and I need to start sending boxes home.
Thursday I think I am going to take Emma to get her first picture with Santa Claus! I'll post the pic so you can see how it goes. All I can think about is the year my BFF Cory took her daughter and used it as her Christmas card...Santa, Abby hysterical crying, and Cory hysterical Christmas card ever!
Hope everyone is enjoying their December! Much love and holiday cheer to all!
First off let's talk about my weight. I am slightly disgusted about how I keep letting opportunities to lose weight slip by and instead just keep gaining weight. I for sure am the person who eats for taste instead of eating to be healthy. Ugh! And if anyone makes a comment about how I'm being too hard on myself I may have to come beat you up. It's not about being hard on myself it's about being honest and realistic. Sometimes the truth hurts and that is ok. I guess I am just not ready to get healthy. I am way addicted to sugar which is a huge part of the problem. And I think part of my lack of motivation is knowing I'm going to get pregnant next year anyways so what is the point of losing weight now. haha When you are overweight going into a pregnancy you don't have to gain as much weight and your baby weight comes off very quickly (of course then you are still just overweight, but hey...thick chicks gotta get something).
Secondly I have done super well staying away from alcohol and soda. Granted it's not even been 2 weeks yet without alcohol, but I actually don't even miss it (although I'd love one of my hoarded Blue Moon Octoberfest beers) and it's only been 7 days without soda. I used to never drink soda and then I went crazy. Pepsi was probably one of the few things I craved during my pregnancy. I know how terrible soda is for you and I really don't want to be someone who drinks soda or eats fast food (I had Taco Bell the other day and it did not agree with me so that may keep me from fast food right there). I probably went 10 years without eating any fast food. I was much much thinner then.
Thirdly I think I stress eat. For sure our time in Florida has not been the relaxing vaca I thought it would be. We've been plagued by illness and doctors appointments and what not. My goal is to get Em to sleep through the night 12 hours by the time Paul gets home. I (wait for it) have finally broken down and let Em cry. I know! Are you gasping in shock???? I only went in 3 times last night for brief comforts and she fell asleep within 30 minutes and slept till 4:30am. I let her cry and then went in briefly and then went back in again at 5am because she was ready to nurse and then we fell back to sleep until 8am! I got 6 whole hours of sleep in a row! I may have woken up briefly to look at her on the monitor but I went right back to sleep. And she cried at naptime this morning, but then she had pooped so once I changed her she fell right to sleep (nap time hasn't really ever been our problem minus the fact that she only sleeps for 30 minutes).
Fourth I am beyond ready for Paul to get home. It's so close and yet seems like its taking so long. It's that last hour of a car know how close you are and yet it's the longest part of the trip.
I need to go to the dmv to get our tags switched to FL, and I need to do my CEU's for my FL license, and I need to start sending boxes home.
Thursday I think I am going to take Emma to get her first picture with Santa Claus! I'll post the pic so you can see how it goes. All I can think about is the year my BFF Cory took her daughter and used it as her Christmas card...Santa, Abby hysterical crying, and Cory hysterical Christmas card ever!
Hope everyone is enjoying their December! Much love and holiday cheer to all!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
A retrospective
I know it's been awhile since I've written anything. I'm not sure why. I haven't been on my computer much, partially because I got an iPhone and partially because Emma requires a lot more entertaining now that she's older and partially because we have been traveling and sick and sick and traveling. It's been never ending. I think we've both been to the doctor more down here than in the entire time we've lived in Mass.
And there has also been a part of me that hasn't been sure what to say about my stay in Florida so far. For sure it has been fantastic to watch my family and Paul's family interact with Emma and really great for her to get to spend time with other people. On the other hand I am not sure how good the trip has been for me. Yes, it has been a good trip, but I mean...well, I don't have much purpose here. I had the expectation that I would get here and slip seamlessly back into my old life of seeing friends, hanging out, etc. acknowledging that I would have a tiny tag-along. And it hasn't been like that. I've seen friends, good friends, but I've seen most people only one time. I didn't take into account that just as my life has changed with us moving so, too, has their lives changed. People have busy lives, lives that make it hard to see an unemployed, on a long ass vacation momma and her baby. People have jobs and families and commitments. I didn't really think about all that. I didn't think about how challenging it would be to be away from my house, MY life in Mass. I didn't realize how much I would miss my Mass friends. Am I happy we came? Absolutely. Would I do it again? Yes, but for a much shorter period of time probably.
And I tracked down the post I wrote BEFORE Paul left listing all my goals and gosh, I have been so unproductive. I don't think I've met ANY of my pre-deployment goals.
1. Get in shape and lose the baby weight! Paul and I want to do a tropical family vacation when he gets back and I want to look sexy in a bikini for once in my life. I tend to overeat when stressed or depressed and I do not want Paul to come home to a chub a lub. Although I know he’d love me either way I am tired of feeling overweight and unhealthy.
Well, I'm still overweight, still unhealthy. I finally cancelled my monthly donation to WW. I've actually gained weight living at my dad's (thanks wine and sugar and dessert and overeating). Paul on the other hand has been a working out machine and is currently doing Cross Fit. I have a gym membership (thank goodness it was free), but haven't been able to use it because Em and I have been sick for 3 weeks! I did just decide to give up alcohol and soda for a month. It's been over a week with no alcohol and just since Dec. 1 with no soda. Still fat.
2. Garden, garden, garden. I learned a lot from the garden I had last summer and I’d like to make some changes in how I plant things and also enjoy my garden since last summer I was prego and had morning sickness. I also need to work on our landscaping.
Um, yeah, NOT.
3. Organize and par down our possessions. We have so much stuff and as much as I’ve given away to Salvation Army I am sure I can get even more organized.
I did go through a ton of stuff and make donations to Big Brothers Big Sisters Foundation. And I got organized in a lot of the rooms and closets and rearranged furniture. So I do feel pretty good in this category.
4. Paint our bedroom. The color is nice, but it ended up being a lot pinker than I thought it would be.
I dodged a bullet here because our insurance paid for most of the interior of our house to be painted as part of repairs from last winter's damage. So, our room got painted, but I didn't have to do it! Sweet!
5. Learn how to be a good mom. Take lots of pictures of Emma for Paul. Keep her safe and healthy. Make a scrapbook of her first year. Take videos.
I feel I am a pretty good mom. I feel I can always improve something. I did take tons of pictures, mostly on my phone. Let's see Em has been sick and to the ER twice and feel off the bed once and almost rolled off the changing table (that was all my friend though) and....I brought her baby book with me and have done nothing with it. Sigh...
6. Visit friends. Plan a good traveling schedule and some quality time with my closest friends. Grand Island, Huntsville, Cincinnati, Valdosta are some of the places I’d like to visit.
Well, I made it to Valdosta. And Dallas. I've seen some friends and feel like I am going to miss seeing a lot of people because my time is quickly approaching to head home.
7. Take Emma to see my aunt and uncle in Amelia Island. I love that place!
We made it to Amelia Island! Of course I didn't realize Em's ear infection had not cleared up with antibiotics and she cried for 2 days so we probably won't ever be invited back, but we made it!
8. Write to Paul every day. Skype as much as possible with Paul even if I have to get up in the middle of the night to do so.
After realizing that our lives are boring and it takes a crap long time for letters to go back and forth we did not write each other, but once. I did send Paul cards for all the important events (anniversary, birthday, holidays, etc.), but that was about it. We have skyped about 99% of the time and that is my priority every day. And we do talk on the phone. Sometimes I miss him more than others so those days we might skype and then talk on the phone, too. We are so blessed to be able to have that ability when so many others don't.
9. Enjoy spending time with my family in Florida.
I am afraid my parents are going to need counseling for depression when I take Em back to Mass. I said something to my mom today over lunch about us leaving and she started to cry. I feel guilty already.
10. Go to church. Strengthen my relationship with God.
Sickness, teething, and sleepless nights have made it hard to get up and get ready on Sunday mornings (no excuse I know), but we have started getting up and watching Joel Osteen on Sundays which I actually really enjoy. He always has a good message that I can relate to even though I cannot imagine going to a church that huge! And he tweeted me back one day so you know I'm happy.
So, that is where we stand. 31 days until Paul gets home. 31 days until life gets back to normal! Not that I'm counting down or anything.
And there has also been a part of me that hasn't been sure what to say about my stay in Florida so far. For sure it has been fantastic to watch my family and Paul's family interact with Emma and really great for her to get to spend time with other people. On the other hand I am not sure how good the trip has been for me. Yes, it has been a good trip, but I mean...well, I don't have much purpose here. I had the expectation that I would get here and slip seamlessly back into my old life of seeing friends, hanging out, etc. acknowledging that I would have a tiny tag-along. And it hasn't been like that. I've seen friends, good friends, but I've seen most people only one time. I didn't take into account that just as my life has changed with us moving so, too, has their lives changed. People have busy lives, lives that make it hard to see an unemployed, on a long ass vacation momma and her baby. People have jobs and families and commitments. I didn't really think about all that. I didn't think about how challenging it would be to be away from my house, MY life in Mass. I didn't realize how much I would miss my Mass friends. Am I happy we came? Absolutely. Would I do it again? Yes, but for a much shorter period of time probably.
And I tracked down the post I wrote BEFORE Paul left listing all my goals and gosh, I have been so unproductive. I don't think I've met ANY of my pre-deployment goals.
1. Get in shape and lose the baby weight! Paul and I want to do a tropical family vacation when he gets back and I want to look sexy in a bikini for once in my life. I tend to overeat when stressed or depressed and I do not want Paul to come home to a chub a lub. Although I know he’d love me either way I am tired of feeling overweight and unhealthy.
Well, I'm still overweight, still unhealthy. I finally cancelled my monthly donation to WW. I've actually gained weight living at my dad's (thanks wine and sugar and dessert and overeating). Paul on the other hand has been a working out machine and is currently doing Cross Fit. I have a gym membership (thank goodness it was free), but haven't been able to use it because Em and I have been sick for 3 weeks! I did just decide to give up alcohol and soda for a month. It's been over a week with no alcohol and just since Dec. 1 with no soda. Still fat.
2. Garden, garden, garden. I learned a lot from the garden I had last summer and I’d like to make some changes in how I plant things and also enjoy my garden since last summer I was prego and had morning sickness. I also need to work on our landscaping.
Um, yeah, NOT.
3. Organize and par down our possessions. We have so much stuff and as much as I’ve given away to Salvation Army I am sure I can get even more organized.
I did go through a ton of stuff and make donations to Big Brothers Big Sisters Foundation. And I got organized in a lot of the rooms and closets and rearranged furniture. So I do feel pretty good in this category.
4. Paint our bedroom. The color is nice, but it ended up being a lot pinker than I thought it would be.
I dodged a bullet here because our insurance paid for most of the interior of our house to be painted as part of repairs from last winter's damage. So, our room got painted, but I didn't have to do it! Sweet!
5. Learn how to be a good mom. Take lots of pictures of Emma for Paul. Keep her safe and healthy. Make a scrapbook of her first year. Take videos.
I feel I am a pretty good mom. I feel I can always improve something. I did take tons of pictures, mostly on my phone. Let's see Em has been sick and to the ER twice and feel off the bed once and almost rolled off the changing table (that was all my friend though) and....I brought her baby book with me and have done nothing with it. Sigh...
6. Visit friends. Plan a good traveling schedule and some quality time with my closest friends. Grand Island, Huntsville, Cincinnati, Valdosta are some of the places I’d like to visit.
Well, I made it to Valdosta. And Dallas. I've seen some friends and feel like I am going to miss seeing a lot of people because my time is quickly approaching to head home.
7. Take Emma to see my aunt and uncle in Amelia Island. I love that place!
We made it to Amelia Island! Of course I didn't realize Em's ear infection had not cleared up with antibiotics and she cried for 2 days so we probably won't ever be invited back, but we made it!
8. Write to Paul every day. Skype as much as possible with Paul even if I have to get up in the middle of the night to do so.
After realizing that our lives are boring and it takes a crap long time for letters to go back and forth we did not write each other, but once. I did send Paul cards for all the important events (anniversary, birthday, holidays, etc.), but that was about it. We have skyped about 99% of the time and that is my priority every day. And we do talk on the phone. Sometimes I miss him more than others so those days we might skype and then talk on the phone, too. We are so blessed to be able to have that ability when so many others don't.
9. Enjoy spending time with my family in Florida.
I am afraid my parents are going to need counseling for depression when I take Em back to Mass. I said something to my mom today over lunch about us leaving and she started to cry. I feel guilty already.
10. Go to church. Strengthen my relationship with God.
Sickness, teething, and sleepless nights have made it hard to get up and get ready on Sunday mornings (no excuse I know), but we have started getting up and watching Joel Osteen on Sundays which I actually really enjoy. He always has a good message that I can relate to even though I cannot imagine going to a church that huge! And he tweeted me back one day so you know I'm happy.
So, that is where we stand. 31 days until Paul gets home. 31 days until life gets back to normal! Not that I'm counting down or anything.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Dr. Oz Lied
Dr. Oz said if you drank red wine it'd get rid of your belly fat. Well I've been drinking red wine and I've gained 5 lbs. Thanks for nothing Dr. Oz!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
My Favorite Little Boy
I wanted to promote a wonderful idea and opportunity to trim Tripp's tree.
Personalized Free
is donating 10% of their proceeds from now until Christmas to Debra. This is an organization that helps those whose lives are afflicted by EB such as my favorite little boy Tripp Roth.
If you are ordering any personalized gifts this year I encourage you to order something from Personalized Free. Here is a link to the blog they wrote about Tripp and his mother Courtney.
The rest of my blog was written by Courtney.
I can't wait to hold my Trim Tripp's Tree party!
Personalized Free

If you are ordering any personalized gifts this year I encourage you to order something from Personalized Free. Here is a link to the blog they wrote about Tripp and his mother Courtney.
The rest of my blog was written by Courtney.
My mom, Christie Zink (our superwoman advocate and supporter from Minnesota) and I, came up with what I think is a FABULOUS idea. I hope you guys will agree.
This year for Christmas, we want YOU to
"Trim Tripp's Tree."
We are going to put a Christmas Tree behind Tripp's rocking chair in the corner of our living room this year. I want to decorate it with ornaments from everyone (no matter where you are) that follows our story and prays for my little Drummer Boy. These ornaments will be something that I will TREASURE every single year, no matter what happens in the future. Something that will have SO much meaning and will be so very special to me. So I can always remember all of the support that we've had through everything.
You all know that it's hard for me to ask for something for myself- but I figured that this would be the perfect opportunity to raise money for DebRA, give business to a company that wants to help us, and also make Tripp's Christmas tree this year the most special Christmas tree in the world.
You can put your name, your state, city, or a special message to Tripp if you'd like:)
Now, you DO NOT have to buy an ornament from if you do not want to. You can order from anywhere you want OR you can just make a homemade ornament!! No matter where it comes from, it will be SO special to us!
I can't wait to share pictures of our tree with you all this year!!
If you want to join in the ornament fun, you can mail them to us at:
18669 Sisters Road
Ponchatoula, LA 70454
Ok, so I hope no one thinks I'm being pushy for asking this- I mean, you guys have already gone above and beyond for us in SO many ways. I just wanted to throw this idea out there, in case anyone wanted to participate- and Christie has also created a Facebook page event called "Trimming Tripp's Tree."
I can't wait to hold my Trim Tripp's Tree party!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Josh Groban
Amazingly good seats--$125
Food and drinks--$60
Seeing your mom cry with joy when Josh Groban walked out and began singing 30 feet in front of you--priceless.
Food and drinks--$60
Seeing your mom cry with joy when Josh Groban walked out and began singing 30 feet in front of you--priceless.
Friday, October 28, 2011
I had a lesson this morning in how God humbles you in the little ways. I was changing Emma's diaper and thinking how awesome it was that she no longer peed during diaper changes and how it had been so long since she had done that. I reached up to grab the diaper rash cream and as I sat back on the floor I was greeted with a fountain of pee. I laughed and thought well at least she's on a changing pad. A fresh diaper and new outfit later and I am less full of myself. Lol. Thanks God!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
The Top 10 Reasons Living at Home When You're 34 Rocks!
10. There is someone to watch the baby when you need a nap.
9. No household bills.
8. Live in babysitters.
7. There is always food in the fridge.
6. You get a "bonus" when dad gets paid in cash. Allowance? Yes, please.
5. Someone else cooks dinner. And there are always appetizers on the weekends. With wine.
4. There's a pool and a hot tub. It's like a resort.
3. You only have to keep your room clean, not the whole house.
2. When you get home from running errands on Saturday your sheets have been washed and your bed made.
1. There's an unlimited amount of wine. And since your household members drink way more than you, you actually feel pretty good about yourself.
9. No household bills.
8. Live in babysitters.
7. There is always food in the fridge.
6. You get a "bonus" when dad gets paid in cash. Allowance? Yes, please.
5. Someone else cooks dinner. And there are always appetizers on the weekends. With wine.
4. There's a pool and a hot tub. It's like a resort.
3. You only have to keep your room clean, not the whole house.
2. When you get home from running errands on Saturday your sheets have been washed and your bed made.
1. There's an unlimited amount of wine. And since your household members drink way more than you, you actually feel pretty good about yourself.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
EB Awareness Week
Today is the start of EB Awareness Week and I just had to share this post on "EB"ing a Mommy. It is written by the mother whose son suffers from EB and when I say suffers I mean suffers. Suffering like you and I could never ever probably survive. Tripp is 2 years old, has a trach, a feeding tube, and has lost his eye sight due to EB and his body is covered in painful sores. Any little amount of friction causes painful blistering of his skin. This includes the inside of his mouth. Can you even imagine? And yet in the videos his mommy posts his beautiful spirits shines through and you can tell he is a joy and a delight to be around. He certainly is one of God's favored and I have to believe that with the amount of people who pray for him on a daily basis that perhaps he was brought here to show us how to pray for others and how to believe that our faith can make a difference. His mommy's strength and faith in God amazes and inspires me as does tiny little Tripp's. Even though I've never met this family I don't think I can express how much Tripp's story has touched me and how much I love this little boy.
So what can you do?

I made my donation and you can, too. 1 in 50,000 babies will be born with EB. How easily can it be you or I in this situation, mothering a child with this terrible, incurable disease? What is $10 worth to you? A weeks worth of Starbucks? A lunch out during the work week? A new book? How about a child's life? And the $10 goes directly on your cell phone bill.
What will you do now that your eyes are opened?
So what can you do?

I made my donation and you can, too. 1 in 50,000 babies will be born with EB. How easily can it be you or I in this situation, mothering a child with this terrible, incurable disease? What is $10 worth to you? A weeks worth of Starbucks? A lunch out during the work week? A new book? How about a child's life? And the $10 goes directly on your cell phone bill.
We are so blessed in our lives. Please take a minute out of your life to share, educate, donate and do what you can to help spread awareness and find a cure for EB.
You can also join EB Part of the Cure on Facebook. Also vote, vote, vote for Courtney and Tripp in Reader's Digest Your Life contest.
"Once our eyes are opened, we can’t pretend that we don’t know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls, knows that we know and holds us responsible to act.” -Proverbs 24:12
What will you do now that your eyes are opened?
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Only My Dad
I sent Paul a box of dvd's for him to watch and leave in the morale building. He got them today and called me.
Paul--"I got the boxes you sent me."
Me--"Oh good."
Paul--"Did you pick out the dvd's?"
Me--"Yeah. I just got them out of my dad's movies in the living room. I tried to pick out action dvd's because I thought the guys would like them."
Paul--"Oh really. Well, you picked out an action movie all right."
Me--"What do you mean?"
Paul--"It's a good thing I looked through them before I put them in the morale building."
Paul--"Ass Play 4?"
Apparently my dad stuck a pornographic film starring Jenna Jameson into my box of dvd's and I didn't see it. We laughed so hard and then of course Paul immediately took the movie to the burn pile and destroyed it because it is against General Order 1 to have porn.
Only my dad. Only my dad.
Paul--"I got the boxes you sent me."
Me--"Oh good."
Paul--"Did you pick out the dvd's?"
Me--"Yeah. I just got them out of my dad's movies in the living room. I tried to pick out action dvd's because I thought the guys would like them."
Paul--"Oh really. Well, you picked out an action movie all right."
Me--"What do you mean?"
Paul--"It's a good thing I looked through them before I put them in the morale building."
Paul--"Ass Play 4?"
Apparently my dad stuck a pornographic film starring Jenna Jameson into my box of dvd's and I didn't see it. We laughed so hard and then of course Paul immediately took the movie to the burn pile and destroyed it because it is against General Order 1 to have porn.
Only my dad. Only my dad.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Sleep is for Wimps
I initially go to bed so hopeful. This is going to be the night she sleeps through the night is the mantra I say over and over as I fight off the tension that comes from knowing she is probably going to be awake as soon as I fall asleep.
Last night it was light's out at 9:30pm for me. Em had been asleep since 7:15pm. I was laying in bed, dosing off, but not yet fully asleep when I hear her. Whah, whah, whah. Sigh. Groan. It's 11:20pm.
I walk, blurry eyed, down the hall to her room. She has no interest in her passy, but is happy to have me rub her back. I do love this little bean. Rub, rub, rub. I see her eyes close and softly tiptoe from the room.
I make a pit stop at the bathroom and as I lift the lid of the toilet it slips out of my hand and as it's slamming back down I wait for what I know is coming. Whah, whah, whah. Sigh. Groan.
This time she is really upset. Perhaps because her mother just scared the crap out of her. I change her diaper and as I am standing up I hit the footboard of the bed with my knee cap. HOLY HOT BURNING PAIN. I sit on the ground and contemplate Em and I just sleeping at the foot of the bed for the rest of the night. I finally get off the ground and put Em back in her crib. I give her some Tylenol and get her back to sleep.
I hobble back into my room, climb into bed, and close my eyes. Whah, whah, whah. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?????? Sigh. Groan.
Ya know I'm just gonna nurse her because I am exhausted. I put her on the bed and climb up beside her and it feels like someone has hit me in the knee with a bat made of concrete. She nurses, is drowsy, back into the crib. Tiptoe from the room. Climb back into bed. Close my eyes.
Whah, whah, whah. WHY DOES MY CHILD HATE ME?????
More nursing, more back rubbing. Back to sleep. Back to my room. Climb back into bed. Eyes closed. Whah, whah, whah. I look at the monitor and she is rolling over so I wait. She settles down. It's 1:15am.
3:50am. Whah, whah, whah. Sigh. Groan. This time I just bring her into bed with me. I have no idea what times she woke up to nurse the rest of the night because I can no longer feel my nipples. I find it's easier just to sleep with my boob hanging out so that Em can use me as a kitten uses it's mother. I think Em is a boobie-juice-aholic. She wants to nurse all night long.
7:15am and she's awake. I feel like I have spent the night with my eyes vacationing on the beach. They brought a ton of bags with them for their vacation. I look like a zombie.
Who is this cranky baby and what has she done with my happy baby? And why don't they make baby Tylenol pm?
Last night it was light's out at 9:30pm for me. Em had been asleep since 7:15pm. I was laying in bed, dosing off, but not yet fully asleep when I hear her. Whah, whah, whah. Sigh. Groan. It's 11:20pm.
I walk, blurry eyed, down the hall to her room. She has no interest in her passy, but is happy to have me rub her back. I do love this little bean. Rub, rub, rub. I see her eyes close and softly tiptoe from the room.
I make a pit stop at the bathroom and as I lift the lid of the toilet it slips out of my hand and as it's slamming back down I wait for what I know is coming. Whah, whah, whah. Sigh. Groan.
This time she is really upset. Perhaps because her mother just scared the crap out of her. I change her diaper and as I am standing up I hit the footboard of the bed with my knee cap. HOLY HOT BURNING PAIN. I sit on the ground and contemplate Em and I just sleeping at the foot of the bed for the rest of the night. I finally get off the ground and put Em back in her crib. I give her some Tylenol and get her back to sleep.
I hobble back into my room, climb into bed, and close my eyes. Whah, whah, whah. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?????? Sigh. Groan.
Ya know I'm just gonna nurse her because I am exhausted. I put her on the bed and climb up beside her and it feels like someone has hit me in the knee with a bat made of concrete. She nurses, is drowsy, back into the crib. Tiptoe from the room. Climb back into bed. Close my eyes.
Whah, whah, whah. WHY DOES MY CHILD HATE ME?????
More nursing, more back rubbing. Back to sleep. Back to my room. Climb back into bed. Eyes closed. Whah, whah, whah. I look at the monitor and she is rolling over so I wait. She settles down. It's 1:15am.
3:50am. Whah, whah, whah. Sigh. Groan. This time I just bring her into bed with me. I have no idea what times she woke up to nurse the rest of the night because I can no longer feel my nipples. I find it's easier just to sleep with my boob hanging out so that Em can use me as a kitten uses it's mother. I think Em is a boobie-juice-aholic. She wants to nurse all night long.
7:15am and she's awake. I feel like I have spent the night with my eyes vacationing on the beach. They brought a ton of bags with them for their vacation. I look like a zombie.
Who is this cranky baby and what has she done with my happy baby? And why don't they make baby Tylenol pm?
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Sleep Deprivation
I am pretty sure my daughter has been recruited by the government to perform secret science experiments on me in sleep deprivation. Granted this suspicion may be fueled by my sleep deprived psychosis, but you never know.
I used to think Em was a great sleeper. Sure she only slept in 20 minute chunks during the day and sure in those 20 minutes (if I was lucky 3 times a day, but usually 2) I would run around like a lunatic trying to get laundry, dishes, dinner, etc. done. I would like to thank all the people who told me to sleep when the baby sleeps because that truly is a great piece of advice....if you have narcolepsy and can fall asleep inside of 60 seconds so that you really benefit from that 20 minutes the baby is asleep. The few times I've actually tried to sleep when the baby sleeps I am just falling asleep when she is waking up and ready to play and then I feel worse than if I hadn't napped at all. But she was a good night sleeper and I felt blessed in that. She didn't cry and she went right to sleep.
Since we've been in FL Em has become a terrible night sleeper. Granted she was sick for 2 weeks so that was rough and now I think she is teething, but how does she know the exact second I lay my head down to go to sleep to choose to wake up unless the government is somehow controlling her?????
So last night I decide to go to bed and I actually got an hour of sleep in before she woke midnight...crying. Yay. I give her some baby Tylenol and I am exhausted and I just need her to go back to sleep so I nurse her (I know, I know. It's a terrible habit, but I am exhausted. Don't judge me.). At which point I fall asleep and wake up an hour later, boob still her in little mouth, having no idea where I am, but she is asleep. So I gently climb off the bed, pick her up, lay her gently down in her crib AND she's wide awake and crying. Are you freaking kidding me?????? I almost started crying with her. So it's back out of the crib and onto the other breast and she finally falls asleep and I can get her back into the crib and she stays asleep.
Until 3:50am. And it's more crying and I think holy crap am I tired. So I bring her into bed with me, just let my boobs hang out, and let her nurse as much as she wants (cause did I mention she wants to nurse all night long now for some reason).
Oh and at 7am it's like a tiny rooster inside her head starts crowing because no matter how little sleep or how much sleep she's gotten by 7:15am she is wide awake and it's time to start the day. Which is super fun now that it's still dark out at 7:15am and feels like night time to me.
I'd also like to thank people for the advice of give her a little rice cereal in a bottle before bed to help her sleep...this chunky monkey eats 3 huge meals a day AND nurses so I'm pretty sure rice cereal is NOT going to induce any kind of sleeping through the night.
And we are not a cry it out family. I tried. I can't do it. Em doesn't cry and fall asleep. Em screams her fool head off until snot is running out her nose and she can't breathe and she's gasping for air. That can't be healthy. And then I have to use the boogie catcher and then she cries harder and it's a vicious cycle. So no crying it out for us. I did start reading The No Cry Sleep Solution and just have to start keeping the logs so maybe that is our goal for this week. I started the book when she was sick and that was obviously not the time to keep a sleep log because really who has that much paper (awake 20 hours, asleep 3 minutes).
Paul thinks I'm joking when I tell him that I'm going to stay at a hotel when he gets home and leave him home with Em so I can get an uninterrupted night of sleep...And I'm not staying at no crappy Motel 6 either. Boston has some nice hotels. I'm going balls to the wall on this one.
Gotta run. My 20 minutes of freedom has ended and my tiny dictator has woken up. God I love this hot mess that runs my life now. :)
I used to think Em was a great sleeper. Sure she only slept in 20 minute chunks during the day and sure in those 20 minutes (if I was lucky 3 times a day, but usually 2) I would run around like a lunatic trying to get laundry, dishes, dinner, etc. done. I would like to thank all the people who told me to sleep when the baby sleeps because that truly is a great piece of advice....if you have narcolepsy and can fall asleep inside of 60 seconds so that you really benefit from that 20 minutes the baby is asleep. The few times I've actually tried to sleep when the baby sleeps I am just falling asleep when she is waking up and ready to play and then I feel worse than if I hadn't napped at all. But she was a good night sleeper and I felt blessed in that. She didn't cry and she went right to sleep.
Since we've been in FL Em has become a terrible night sleeper. Granted she was sick for 2 weeks so that was rough and now I think she is teething, but how does she know the exact second I lay my head down to go to sleep to choose to wake up unless the government is somehow controlling her?????
So last night I decide to go to bed and I actually got an hour of sleep in before she woke midnight...crying. Yay. I give her some baby Tylenol and I am exhausted and I just need her to go back to sleep so I nurse her (I know, I know. It's a terrible habit, but I am exhausted. Don't judge me.). At which point I fall asleep and wake up an hour later, boob still her in little mouth, having no idea where I am, but she is asleep. So I gently climb off the bed, pick her up, lay her gently down in her crib AND she's wide awake and crying. Are you freaking kidding me?????? I almost started crying with her. So it's back out of the crib and onto the other breast and she finally falls asleep and I can get her back into the crib and she stays asleep.
Until 3:50am. And it's more crying and I think holy crap am I tired. So I bring her into bed with me, just let my boobs hang out, and let her nurse as much as she wants (cause did I mention she wants to nurse all night long now for some reason).
Oh and at 7am it's like a tiny rooster inside her head starts crowing because no matter how little sleep or how much sleep she's gotten by 7:15am she is wide awake and it's time to start the day. Which is super fun now that it's still dark out at 7:15am and feels like night time to me.
I'd also like to thank people for the advice of give her a little rice cereal in a bottle before bed to help her sleep...this chunky monkey eats 3 huge meals a day AND nurses so I'm pretty sure rice cereal is NOT going to induce any kind of sleeping through the night.
And we are not a cry it out family. I tried. I can't do it. Em doesn't cry and fall asleep. Em screams her fool head off until snot is running out her nose and she can't breathe and she's gasping for air. That can't be healthy. And then I have to use the boogie catcher and then she cries harder and it's a vicious cycle. So no crying it out for us. I did start reading The No Cry Sleep Solution and just have to start keeping the logs so maybe that is our goal for this week. I started the book when she was sick and that was obviously not the time to keep a sleep log because really who has that much paper (awake 20 hours, asleep 3 minutes).
Paul thinks I'm joking when I tell him that I'm going to stay at a hotel when he gets home and leave him home with Em so I can get an uninterrupted night of sleep...And I'm not staying at no crappy Motel 6 either. Boston has some nice hotels. I'm going balls to the wall on this one.
Gotta run. My 20 minutes of freedom has ended and my tiny dictator has woken up. God I love this hot mess that runs my life now. :)
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
I didn't really have anything to say for myself this evening so I thought I'd share a request from someone else.
Even if you are not in a position to adopt there are ways you can help.
Adoption is a cause that is near and dear to my heart and I can't wait for the day we adopt (still praying for God to open Paul's heart to an overseas adoption of a special needs child in addition to the sibling group are plan on adopting from the US).
Hope everyone is having a good week!
Even if you are not in a position to adopt there are ways you can help.
Adoption is a cause that is near and dear to my heart and I can't wait for the day we adopt (still praying for God to open Paul's heart to an overseas adoption of a special needs child in addition to the sibling group are plan on adopting from the US).
Hope everyone is having a good week!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Retail Therapy
A conversation between Paul and I last Saturday:
Me: I'm going to pre-order the new iPhone.
Paul: How much is that going to cost?
Me: Uh, I'm not sure. I've gotta go see which one I want.
Paul: Ya know we'd save more money if you'd stop spending it.
Me: My husband's in Afghanistan. I'm sad. Buying things makes me happy.
Paul: It's good to know that if something happened to me a new iPhone would help you get over it.
And that's how we roll in our household.
Me: I'm going to pre-order the new iPhone.
Paul: How much is that going to cost?
Me: Uh, I'm not sure. I've gotta go see which one I want.
Paul: Ya know we'd save more money if you'd stop spending it.
Me: My husband's in Afghanistan. I'm sad. Buying things makes me happy.
Paul: It's good to know that if something happened to me a new iPhone would help you get over it.
And that's how we roll in our household.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Kindness Girl
I was reading my O magazine (when did I go from being the girl who lived for People magazine to the woman who now has no idea who any of the celebrities are in People magazine and loves her O & Better Homes and Garden? How did that happen?) and I came across a blurb on a blog entitled Kindness Girl. It is all about a woman who practices random acts of kindness and teaches her kids to practice random acts of kindness and blogs about random acts of kindness.
It's been awhile since I've practiced random acts of kindness and as I read through this woman's blog I started to wonder when I fell out of practice. It's so simple really to do something nice for others. A bag of food for a homeless person, a secret gift left in an unexpected place for a friend, etc.
One time when I was at Cheesecake Factory for lunch a soldier was there in uniform with his wife and child. We had the same server so I was able to find out that he was getting ready to deploy so I secretly paid for their meal when I paid for my own. I tell you this not to brag, but to hopefully inspire you and give you some ideas.
I do make donations. Not monetary donations because I'm a stay at home mom (although I did give a few dollars to the disabled vets yesterday), but I donate household items to Big Brothers Big Sisters Foundation (you schedule a pick up online, leave your stuff in your driveway, and they come get it and then sell it to raise money for Big Brothers Big Sisters programs--how fabulous is that! Plus you de-clutter your home in the process.) and donate books to my local library for their book sales (hint, hint Karin--you little book hoarder you).
But a random act of I've decided the next time I am at Starbucks and someone is behind me I am going to pay for their coffee.
What will you do for your next random act of kindness?
It's been awhile since I've practiced random acts of kindness and as I read through this woman's blog I started to wonder when I fell out of practice. It's so simple really to do something nice for others. A bag of food for a homeless person, a secret gift left in an unexpected place for a friend, etc.
One time when I was at Cheesecake Factory for lunch a soldier was there in uniform with his wife and child. We had the same server so I was able to find out that he was getting ready to deploy so I secretly paid for their meal when I paid for my own. I tell you this not to brag, but to hopefully inspire you and give you some ideas.
I do make donations. Not monetary donations because I'm a stay at home mom (although I did give a few dollars to the disabled vets yesterday), but I donate household items to Big Brothers Big Sisters Foundation (you schedule a pick up online, leave your stuff in your driveway, and they come get it and then sell it to raise money for Big Brothers Big Sisters programs--how fabulous is that! Plus you de-clutter your home in the process.) and donate books to my local library for their book sales (hint, hint Karin--you little book hoarder you).
But a random act of I've decided the next time I am at Starbucks and someone is behind me I am going to pay for their coffee.
What will you do for your next random act of kindness?
Friday, October 7, 2011
Today I miss Paul. I miss having him with me in the car. I miss going out to dinner with him. I miss spending the day running errands with him and stopping for lunch. I miss having him here to help with Emma. I miss making each other laugh. I miss holding hands and kissing and hugging.
I know he will be home before I know it, but for now I miss him. My heart aches with that missing.
I know he will be home before I know it, but for now I miss him. My heart aches with that missing.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
It Really Is True
I always thought people that had kids would make up stuff so that people who didn't have kids would decide to have some and share their misery. Stuff like "it's different when it's your own kids." This was mostly said in conjuction to somthing gross happening usually involving a substance coming out of the nose, mouth, or bottom.
I remember gagging when my God-daughter woke up with a terrible cold after spending the night at my house. I've never seen so much snot and subsequently spent the entire drive to take her home gagging.
It really is true! It's different when it's your own kids. I've picked boogies out of Emma's nose more time than I can count because my nails work way better than that stupid boogie catcher and even though I gag when I cough up my own phelgm the last week she threw up in my bed 4 or 5 times because she was congested and I didn't gag once. I admit she has had some diapers that have made me gag a little, but those were way stinky and gross.
In other news we are settling in to our lives in FL. We've been here 2 weeks as of tomorrow and I will be celebrating by pre-ordering my new iPhone. Yay! Paul is almost halfway through with his deployment. Double Yay! Yay!
And I've started a Couch to 5K program in an attempt to get in shape and lose some weight. I am so out of shape that I will be repeating week 1 next week, but at least I'm gettin out there and the days I don't run I make myself walk. Emma loves the stroller and looking around so at least she is enjoying it.
I am off to read in bed. Em is finally back in her crib after sleeping with me for the last several days. Tomorrow Grandma is babysitting so mommy can go get a facial and a massage. Wish her luck!
I remember gagging when my God-daughter woke up with a terrible cold after spending the night at my house. I've never seen so much snot and subsequently spent the entire drive to take her home gagging.
It really is true! It's different when it's your own kids. I've picked boogies out of Emma's nose more time than I can count because my nails work way better than that stupid boogie catcher and even though I gag when I cough up my own phelgm the last week she threw up in my bed 4 or 5 times because she was congested and I didn't gag once. I admit she has had some diapers that have made me gag a little, but those were way stinky and gross.
In other news we are settling in to our lives in FL. We've been here 2 weeks as of tomorrow and I will be celebrating by pre-ordering my new iPhone. Yay! Paul is almost halfway through with his deployment. Double Yay! Yay!
And I've started a Couch to 5K program in an attempt to get in shape and lose some weight. I am so out of shape that I will be repeating week 1 next week, but at least I'm gettin out there and the days I don't run I make myself walk. Emma loves the stroller and looking around so at least she is enjoying it.
I am off to read in bed. Em is finally back in her crib after sleeping with me for the last several days. Tomorrow Grandma is babysitting so mommy can go get a facial and a massage. Wish her luck!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Baby Diva Strikes Again
What a week! I think it was on Tuesday that I noticed poor Beast was not feeling himself so the vet allowed us to come in at 5:15pm. After antibiotics and what not I got home to a sick, feverish baby. Poor little darling. I took her temp and it was 103.1 so I called our on call service in MA. A few minutes later and my phone rang and it was our friend Rebekah. She was the on call doc that night. Sweet! I dosed Em up with baby tylenol and took her temp again at bed and it was down to 102.1. I thought she was going to be fine. Just as I was getting ready for bed around 10pm Em woke up crying. When I went in to get her she was burning up and her temp was back up to 103.7. Since Rebekah was on call and I have her personal cell number I just called her back directly (haha gotta love being friends with your doc) and she said to go to the ER. I didn't want to go to the crappy hospital in Venice so I called my mom to go with me to the good hospital in Sarasota. Turns out Em had a slight UTI and the start of a virus.
The ER doc prescribed an antibiotic and we stopped at the all night Walgreens only to find out none of the Walgreens stock this medicine because most insurances won't pay for it and it's expensive. I guess there isn't much military in this county. haha Our insurance will pay for anything. We went home and I let Em sleep with me because she was so uncomfortable.
The next day I called CVS, Publix, and the apothocary the local hospital uses and no one had this drug! Is it made of gold? WTH! I had to call the hospital back and ask for a new script and yay it was one of the Publix free meds. I totally forgot Publix did that.
So, Em is finally feeling better and we head to Publix the other day. Shopping with her here takes about 8 times longer than it normally does because every senior citizen in the store wants to come up and talk to her and touch her. I'm surprised at how many of them bust out with "What's on her face?" Um, it's a birth mark, but I've decided I'm going to start making stuff up (squirrel bit her, I colored on her with a marker, tattoo, what are you talking about?). And seeing as we are currently living in God's waiting room you can only imagine how many senior citizens are in the store at any given moment in time.
Em, being the baby diva she is, eats up the attention and gives smiles to everyone. She is quite the little flirt and I can see that her daddy is going to have his hands full as she gets older. I hope he's preparing himself.
Tomorrow I am back on WW and starting Couch to 5k. Blogs to follow I am sure!
The ER doc prescribed an antibiotic and we stopped at the all night Walgreens only to find out none of the Walgreens stock this medicine because most insurances won't pay for it and it's expensive. I guess there isn't much military in this county. haha Our insurance will pay for anything. We went home and I let Em sleep with me because she was so uncomfortable.
The next day I called CVS, Publix, and the apothocary the local hospital uses and no one had this drug! Is it made of gold? WTH! I had to call the hospital back and ask for a new script and yay it was one of the Publix free meds. I totally forgot Publix did that.
So, Em is finally feeling better and we head to Publix the other day. Shopping with her here takes about 8 times longer than it normally does because every senior citizen in the store wants to come up and talk to her and touch her. I'm surprised at how many of them bust out with "What's on her face?" Um, it's a birth mark, but I've decided I'm going to start making stuff up (squirrel bit her, I colored on her with a marker, tattoo, what are you talking about?). And seeing as we are currently living in God's waiting room you can only imagine how many senior citizens are in the store at any given moment in time.
Em, being the baby diva she is, eats up the attention and gives smiles to everyone. She is quite the little flirt and I can see that her daddy is going to have his hands full as she gets older. I hope he's preparing himself.
Tomorrow I am back on WW and starting Couch to 5k. Blogs to follow I am sure!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Long time
Wow, I didn't realize it had been so long between blog posts! I clearly have been a slacker, but in my defense I was busy packing not only for our week long trip to Cape Cod, but also for our 3 month stay in FL.
We had a great time in Cape Cod and I've quickly realized that Emma's feet will not touch the ground the entire time we are in FL unless I make her as her grandpa picks her up any time she makes a peep and carries her around the house. I can tell she is spoiled rotten, but she's so darn cute that you can't even blame her.
Our friend Emily braved flying alone with her 16 month old son and enjoyed some time on the Cape with us and then we drove into Boston for some sight seeing. Can I tell you that we had gorgeous weather? Emily may have thought it was a little chilly, but I love the fall and am hating this hot weather in Florida already.
The day after we all left the Cape my dad's lady friend and I left with Emma to drive to Florida. Yes, I said drive. Thank goodness for the swagger wagon because you need a lot of crap for 3 months away from home with a baby. Of course there is always the slightest possibility that I may have we had Beast with us as he's going to live with my sister. Luckily a chihuahua does not take up much room.
I cannot even think of any funny stories about our drive as I've tried to mostly block it out. It wasn't bad. Just long. 3 days in the van with an infant gave me a good idea what pcs'ing will be like and I've already told Paul he's going to have to drive one vehicle out ahead of time and fly back to drive with us or we'll have to ship our other car because there is no way I could make that drive in the car alone. Em was good in the morning, but was bored and lonely in the afternoon and I usually had to sit in back with her to keep her from fussy (did I mention she's spoiled?). My poor little girl is a trooper though. As soon as we'd stop for a break and get her out of the car she was all big smiles. Happy baby.
We've already seen our friend Jen T. who came over for dinner last night and got to experience my dad, his lady friend, and another couple in all their wine drinking glory. I think Jen is going to Napa with them next year. lol
Em has been swimming and LOVED it as I expected. I got her a little baby float raft and she kicked herself all over the place. Of course my dad put her in the pool when I was in the house (adults were present in the pool) and she was in a cloth diaper. And she pooped. Good times. I think she weighed about 10 more pounds when I picked her up to get her out. Holy chunky monkey.
We've also seen my mom twice and she fawns over Em, too.
After the last few weeks of gluttony I've had I am off to the Y tomorrow to see about a membership. I cannot continue to be this heavy. I know I say that repeatedly, but something has to change. My attitude has to change.
I am looking forward to catching up with all my old friends this fall even though it's hot and un-fall like.
Hope all my northern friends are enjoying apple picking and apple cider donuts! :)
We had a great time in Cape Cod and I've quickly realized that Emma's feet will not touch the ground the entire time we are in FL unless I make her as her grandpa picks her up any time she makes a peep and carries her around the house. I can tell she is spoiled rotten, but she's so darn cute that you can't even blame her.
Our friend Emily braved flying alone with her 16 month old son and enjoyed some time on the Cape with us and then we drove into Boston for some sight seeing. Can I tell you that we had gorgeous weather? Emily may have thought it was a little chilly, but I love the fall and am hating this hot weather in Florida already.
The day after we all left the Cape my dad's lady friend and I left with Emma to drive to Florida. Yes, I said drive. Thank goodness for the swagger wagon because you need a lot of crap for 3 months away from home with a baby. Of course there is always the slightest possibility that I may have we had Beast with us as he's going to live with my sister. Luckily a chihuahua does not take up much room.
I cannot even think of any funny stories about our drive as I've tried to mostly block it out. It wasn't bad. Just long. 3 days in the van with an infant gave me a good idea what pcs'ing will be like and I've already told Paul he's going to have to drive one vehicle out ahead of time and fly back to drive with us or we'll have to ship our other car because there is no way I could make that drive in the car alone. Em was good in the morning, but was bored and lonely in the afternoon and I usually had to sit in back with her to keep her from fussy (did I mention she's spoiled?). My poor little girl is a trooper though. As soon as we'd stop for a break and get her out of the car she was all big smiles. Happy baby.
We've already seen our friend Jen T. who came over for dinner last night and got to experience my dad, his lady friend, and another couple in all their wine drinking glory. I think Jen is going to Napa with them next year. lol
Em has been swimming and LOVED it as I expected. I got her a little baby float raft and she kicked herself all over the place. Of course my dad put her in the pool when I was in the house (adults were present in the pool) and she was in a cloth diaper. And she pooped. Good times. I think she weighed about 10 more pounds when I picked her up to get her out. Holy chunky monkey.
We've also seen my mom twice and she fawns over Em, too.
After the last few weeks of gluttony I've had I am off to the Y tomorrow to see about a membership. I cannot continue to be this heavy. I know I say that repeatedly, but something has to change. My attitude has to change.
I am looking forward to catching up with all my old friends this fall even though it's hot and un-fall like.
Hope all my northern friends are enjoying apple picking and apple cider donuts! :)
Friday, September 9, 2011
6 month well baby
Em has had quite the 2 weeks at the base clinic. I took her last week because she seemed so congested. Of course the pedi didn't think anything was wrong with her and just told me to use the humidifier and to put her bed at a slant. I had been using the humidifier so I stuck 2 books under the one end of the crib (I chose a woman's daily bible and the daily gratitude book) and she seems much better. At that appointment she weighed 18lbs 9oz....a week later and my chunky monkey is up to 18lbs 14oz and is 27 inches long. She seems soooo heavy and her thighs look like chicken wings.
And she is funny! We've been side nursing a lot because it's nice to lay there and relax while she nurses and I like to snuggle with her. Funny gal rolls onto her back when she is full and has started smacking her lips. I guess the boobie juice is lip smacking good! It makes me laugh every time. And Em is quite the laugher as well. She giggles at everything and loves when mommy makes silly faces and kisses her neck and tickles her.
She also has a mind of her own and is quite stubborn. She had shots yesterday and had zero interest in solid foods today so to thrwart my attempts to feed her solids she would suck in her lower lip as soon as she saw the spoon. FYI you can't get the spin in when the lower lip is in the way. Another mommy friend told me her son didn't eat solids for 3 days after his shots so I feel better and am just chalking it up to her being out of sorts.
She is terrified of the vaccum cleaner and hair dryers. I knew about the vacuum cleaner, but didn't know about the hair dryer until we went to the salon today so I could get a hair cut. Another stylist turned on a blow dryer and Emma screamed like someone was coming after us with a chainsaw.
She can sit up now on her own.
I am missing Paul all the time. I love watching Em show off for him when we skype. I realized that we are almost halfway through September and 2 weeks after that we'll hit the 6 month mark of Paul's deployment. Okay, it won't be quite 6 months, but in my mind it is. I finally booked our Turks & Caicos trip and I could not be more excited! Even though it is way more money than we'd ever spend on a vacation normally it will be so worth it to have that family time together. And it will be much fun for Paul to get to take Emma swimming. Paul asked why I scheduled our vacation during the NFL play offs and requested to be allowed to watch football the Sunday we are there. I said no problem, he could stay in the room, and watch football while mommy goes to the spa! haha
Hope everyone has a good weekend!
And she is funny! We've been side nursing a lot because it's nice to lay there and relax while she nurses and I like to snuggle with her. Funny gal rolls onto her back when she is full and has started smacking her lips. I guess the boobie juice is lip smacking good! It makes me laugh every time. And Em is quite the laugher as well. She giggles at everything and loves when mommy makes silly faces and kisses her neck and tickles her.
She also has a mind of her own and is quite stubborn. She had shots yesterday and had zero interest in solid foods today so to thrwart my attempts to feed her solids she would suck in her lower lip as soon as she saw the spoon. FYI you can't get the spin in when the lower lip is in the way. Another mommy friend told me her son didn't eat solids for 3 days after his shots so I feel better and am just chalking it up to her being out of sorts.
She is terrified of the vaccum cleaner and hair dryers. I knew about the vacuum cleaner, but didn't know about the hair dryer until we went to the salon today so I could get a hair cut. Another stylist turned on a blow dryer and Emma screamed like someone was coming after us with a chainsaw.
She can sit up now on her own.
I am missing Paul all the time. I love watching Em show off for him when we skype. I realized that we are almost halfway through September and 2 weeks after that we'll hit the 6 month mark of Paul's deployment. Okay, it won't be quite 6 months, but in my mind it is. I finally booked our Turks & Caicos trip and I could not be more excited! Even though it is way more money than we'd ever spend on a vacation normally it will be so worth it to have that family time together. And it will be much fun for Paul to get to take Emma swimming. Paul asked why I scheduled our vacation during the NFL play offs and requested to be allowed to watch football the Sunday we are there. I said no problem, he could stay in the room, and watch football while mommy goes to the spa! haha
Hope everyone has a good weekend!
Monday, September 5, 2011
2 years
I've been a blog slacker. Life has been crazy hectic lately and I've been neglectful. Here's a quick recap:
I had an awful cold for a week. Every day I had to remind myself it could be worse because I was exhausted and miserable. My worst fear of Paul being gone was getting sick and yet I survived. I give so much credit to single moms and I appreciate Paul so much more. Life will be so much easier when he gets home.
Em and I went to Dallas to see my friend Katie, her hubs, and 2 kiddos. Katie and I have been friends since 7th grade! I was super nervous about such a long flight with Em, but she was a trooper and did well. I have realized that flying Jet Blue has ruined me for other airlines as I kept looking around for my tv and wondered why I wasn't getting any free snacks!
It averaged 108 degrees the entire time we were there and although Katie told me before hand that it was a dry heat I quickly realized that is something people from TX tell their friends so that they'll come visit. It was like being on the sun!
I also got a feather in my hair and rocked some cowboy boots. FYI cowboy boots=also hot. Not just hot as in we looked dang good, but hot as in causing my whole body to sweat. When Katie and I first went downstairs in our boots I believe David's response was "You guys aren't really going out like that, are you?" And if you are a Friends fan then you've seen the episode where Monice buys the expensive boots she can wear with everything and you can well imagine how our night went.
Em also went swimming for the first time and LOVED it! I also got to see my old BRLS friend Christine who I hadn't seen since I was 21 (um that is 13 years)! All in all we had a great time and I can't wait to see them again.
Being in TX we missed Hurricane Irene completely although we lucked out in our area.
Back from TX and in a mad rush to kept the house ready to be gone to FL for 3 months. Squeezed in a Stroller Strides class and woke up sore in places I didn't know it was possible to be sore in. College football season started and since Paul is gone I got to outfit Em in support of my team.
Today is my 2 year anniversary. I feel very lonely tonight and am missing Paul tons. I can't wait for him to get home. When Em and I got home from having lunch at our friend's I found beautiful flowers waiting for me. Even from Afghanistan Paul knows how to make me feel loved and special. How lucky am I!
And that's where we're at. This week we are wrapping up life here and packing and getting ready to head first for a family vacation on Cape Cod and then heading south till Paul gets home.
Hope everyone had a safe and happy Labor Day weekend. :)
I had an awful cold for a week. Every day I had to remind myself it could be worse because I was exhausted and miserable. My worst fear of Paul being gone was getting sick and yet I survived. I give so much credit to single moms and I appreciate Paul so much more. Life will be so much easier when he gets home.
Em and I went to Dallas to see my friend Katie, her hubs, and 2 kiddos. Katie and I have been friends since 7th grade! I was super nervous about such a long flight with Em, but she was a trooper and did well. I have realized that flying Jet Blue has ruined me for other airlines as I kept looking around for my tv and wondered why I wasn't getting any free snacks!
It averaged 108 degrees the entire time we were there and although Katie told me before hand that it was a dry heat I quickly realized that is something people from TX tell their friends so that they'll come visit. It was like being on the sun!
I also got a feather in my hair and rocked some cowboy boots. FYI cowboy boots=also hot. Not just hot as in we looked dang good, but hot as in causing my whole body to sweat. When Katie and I first went downstairs in our boots I believe David's response was "You guys aren't really going out like that, are you?" And if you are a Friends fan then you've seen the episode where Monice buys the expensive boots she can wear with everything and you can well imagine how our night went.
Em also went swimming for the first time and LOVED it! I also got to see my old BRLS friend Christine who I hadn't seen since I was 21 (um that is 13 years)! All in all we had a great time and I can't wait to see them again.
at Jasper's (thanks Most Eligible Dallas) |
Being in TX we missed Hurricane Irene completely although we lucked out in our area.
Back from TX and in a mad rush to kept the house ready to be gone to FL for 3 months. Squeezed in a Stroller Strides class and woke up sore in places I didn't know it was possible to be sore in. College football season started and since Paul is gone I got to outfit Em in support of my team.
![]() |
Go Noles!!!!!! |
Today is my 2 year anniversary. I feel very lonely tonight and am missing Paul tons. I can't wait for him to get home. When Em and I got home from having lunch at our friend's I found beautiful flowers waiting for me. Even from Afghanistan Paul knows how to make me feel loved and special. How lucky am I!
And that's where we're at. This week we are wrapping up life here and packing and getting ready to head first for a family vacation on Cape Cod and then heading south till Paul gets home.
Hope everyone had a safe and happy Labor Day weekend. :)
28 Aug-4 Sept (Paul post)
August 28
Another Sunday which mean another week down and 20ish weeks left. I made another trip to the bizarre today. I decided to pick up a few Christmas presents and fill a request for something that is Afghanistan-like. I think I may have to avoid going back, because I love to wheel and deal and it is actually in their culture to haggle. In fact it is very rude to not try to talk them down. Our house appears to have survived the hurricane with the exception of a power outage. Our friends that housesit for us definitely hold up their end of the bargain. Today was filled with recovery from my late night (it’s sad that staying up to 1230 requires a recovery day), shopping, laundry, and relaxing. I have a lot of reading to do for my course, so I’ll be forcing myself to study. I want to take my next test around September 7. Let’s hope this next week goes by as fast as this one did.
August 29
I’m starting to realize the end of each month is going to bore me to death. It’s nice to have a job where you know what you have to do each month and having a deadline of the 25th of each month to do it. The good news of that is you can work your own schedule as long as you get the job done. Of course the negative about it is that there is a natural dead space between the 25th and the 1st. It does give me time to take care of little odds and ends and to study my military course.
I finally went to the corpsman about my shoulder. It has been bothering me for about three weeks. I was trying to just rest it but that didn’t work. When I walked in the first question he asked me was “How long has it been bothering you?” My reply of three weeks got a good rolling of the eyes and being told I should have come in early. When I answered that I was scared he would tell me I couldn’t work out his reply was simply that was a possibility. After examining me it was determined that I either strained a muscle in my shoulder or tore my rotator cuff. He gave me some Motrin (like any good military doctor), an ice/heat pack, and told me to come back in a few days when the Motrin runs out. Funny thing is that the gel ice/heat pack only works if you have a refrigerator or microwave and I have neither. I was told I could still workout, but no shoulders and don’t do anything that hurts. Most of us in the military joke about always being prescribed Motrin, but for the most part the pain has gone away. That is apparently a good sign that I only strained it and the inflammation was subsiding. I’ve got my fingers crossed.
Fitness Update: I waited for a couple days before I said it out loud, but I am finally under 200 lbs. I’m 198 to be exact which means I have lost 17 pounds since I got here. I don’t think I look much different, but a couple people said I looked like I dropped a couple. I hit a plateau at 205 before I took my binge week at Bagram. After reading a couple fitness sites I found out that if you are really working out hard and stop losing that time off can help because your body can actually recover. Maybe that’s what I needed.
August 30
Nothing really to talk about today. Maybe something interesting will happen tomorrow.
August 31
Last night or early this morning I woke up to an unusual sound. It was the sound of rain. I hadn’t seen more than a faint drizzle since I have been here. Apparently it rained pretty hard last night and that was the first rain in over four months. It was such a nice feeling to walk outside and have that crisp feel in the air after a rain. It also cut the dust way down and cooled the place off. It was a nice morning and day to be outside.
I spent a lot of today getting ready for the month of September. I’ll have a pretty busy first half of the month, but if all goes well my end of the month shouldn’t be too bad. I have my audits to do and need to get ready for a visit from one of our DCMA North Afghanistan leadership later this month. Nothing too major to be ready for that visit besides making sure a room is ready for her.
As I look at my watch I see that today is August 31. I have been gone from home for exactly two months. It has been a difficult two months, but between Skype, receiving pictures and videos, and talking to Jenn it hasn’t been nearly as bad as it could be. Emma is getting so big and strong. I’ve watched her eat her first solid food. She has really started to interact with me over the computer and I think that helps me in a big way. Jenn is preparing to go to Florida and will be there the rest of the year. Although I know we have good friends and she has a great support system in Massachusetts, I think I’ll feel even more comfortable with her in Florida. Emma will get to spend all kinds of time with her three living grandparents and one of her great grandmothers. I’m sure Emma will get all kinds of spoiled while she is there. I guess I’ll have to come home and break all the bad habits she forms while she is there. I think the long visit will be good for everyone involved. Two months down and a little over four months to go.
September 1
Today was a rainy, wet, and chilly day. It’s very unusual to see mud puddles all over the ground. The ground is so dry and hard that the water doesn’t absorb into the ground. I was able to overcome the laziness that a day like this brings. I got some work done and had a pretty good workout. The tent that holds all the cardio equipment was super humid. It felt like I was running through a hot, humid Florida swamp.
Today at dinner three of us were sitting around talking about how we met our wives. Two of us are married and the third guy was curious about when we knew we were going to marry our wives. A conversation like that really makes me feel lucky to have met Jenn. I can’t think of one thing I would change about her or us. We are a perfect match. I’m lucky that we had a mutual friend that knew we would click. And click we did.
August 2 & 3
I skipped writing about August 2, because all I would have done is mentioned that it was steak and lobster for dinner which means another week is over. As for August 3, the big addition was the start of college football season. I’m not a big college football fan, because the start of their season really just means one more week until the NFL season. That being said it’s nice to have something else to help this place feel like home. Of course the time change makes it a little difficult to enjoy. Games didn’t really start until almost 9pm here. Just like with the NFL games, I’ll get to see the beginning of the early games and the end of the latest games. I’ll have to adjust my sleep schedule when certain teams (Buccaneers) and games are on TV. I know Jenn is super excited because her Seminoles are playing. She has threatened to dress my poor innocent daughter in an FSU cheerleading outfit. I hope my baby doesn’t have to suffer through that.
August 4
It’s official. I am 33% done with my deployment. Being a third done is a nice milestone. My day was productive filled with actual work along with doing laundry. I worked out as usual, but am definitely still feeling the pain in my shoulder. I go back to the doctor tomorrow, so we’ll see what he says. I’m worried the answer will be not working out which means I could lose a lot of the progress I have made since I arrived. If they think it’s a rotator cuff issue then I’ll probably get sent to someone else. I guess I should have gone to the doctor for it a few weeks ago when it happened. I’ll never learn.
Nineteen weeks until I’m home and will be with my lovely wife and beautiful daughter. To me I thought that sounded like a short time. Jenn pointed out that she was on bedrest for 20 weeks and it felt like forever. Now the race to 50%!
Jenn did dress my poor Emma in Seminole outfits for the first day of college football season. Although it sickened me a little, my little girl was as cute as she could be.
FITNESS UPDATE: I think I need to be happy with being 200lbs. As soon as I told everyone I got under 200, I went back to 202lbs. I feel good and way stronger, so I can live with that. A friend of mine asked me what my fitness goal was and it’s simply being a good example for Emma. I want her to grow up healthy and active and that won’t happen if her parents don’t show her how.
Another Sunday which mean another week down and 20ish weeks left. I made another trip to the bizarre today. I decided to pick up a few Christmas presents and fill a request for something that is Afghanistan-like. I think I may have to avoid going back, because I love to wheel and deal and it is actually in their culture to haggle. In fact it is very rude to not try to talk them down. Our house appears to have survived the hurricane with the exception of a power outage. Our friends that housesit for us definitely hold up their end of the bargain. Today was filled with recovery from my late night (it’s sad that staying up to 1230 requires a recovery day), shopping, laundry, and relaxing. I have a lot of reading to do for my course, so I’ll be forcing myself to study. I want to take my next test around September 7. Let’s hope this next week goes by as fast as this one did.
August 29
I’m starting to realize the end of each month is going to bore me to death. It’s nice to have a job where you know what you have to do each month and having a deadline of the 25th of each month to do it. The good news of that is you can work your own schedule as long as you get the job done. Of course the negative about it is that there is a natural dead space between the 25th and the 1st. It does give me time to take care of little odds and ends and to study my military course.
I finally went to the corpsman about my shoulder. It has been bothering me for about three weeks. I was trying to just rest it but that didn’t work. When I walked in the first question he asked me was “How long has it been bothering you?” My reply of three weeks got a good rolling of the eyes and being told I should have come in early. When I answered that I was scared he would tell me I couldn’t work out his reply was simply that was a possibility. After examining me it was determined that I either strained a muscle in my shoulder or tore my rotator cuff. He gave me some Motrin (like any good military doctor), an ice/heat pack, and told me to come back in a few days when the Motrin runs out. Funny thing is that the gel ice/heat pack only works if you have a refrigerator or microwave and I have neither. I was told I could still workout, but no shoulders and don’t do anything that hurts. Most of us in the military joke about always being prescribed Motrin, but for the most part the pain has gone away. That is apparently a good sign that I only strained it and the inflammation was subsiding. I’ve got my fingers crossed.
Fitness Update: I waited for a couple days before I said it out loud, but I am finally under 200 lbs. I’m 198 to be exact which means I have lost 17 pounds since I got here. I don’t think I look much different, but a couple people said I looked like I dropped a couple. I hit a plateau at 205 before I took my binge week at Bagram. After reading a couple fitness sites I found out that if you are really working out hard and stop losing that time off can help because your body can actually recover. Maybe that’s what I needed.
August 30
Nothing really to talk about today. Maybe something interesting will happen tomorrow.
August 31
Last night or early this morning I woke up to an unusual sound. It was the sound of rain. I hadn’t seen more than a faint drizzle since I have been here. Apparently it rained pretty hard last night and that was the first rain in over four months. It was such a nice feeling to walk outside and have that crisp feel in the air after a rain. It also cut the dust way down and cooled the place off. It was a nice morning and day to be outside.
I spent a lot of today getting ready for the month of September. I’ll have a pretty busy first half of the month, but if all goes well my end of the month shouldn’t be too bad. I have my audits to do and need to get ready for a visit from one of our DCMA North Afghanistan leadership later this month. Nothing too major to be ready for that visit besides making sure a room is ready for her.
As I look at my watch I see that today is August 31. I have been gone from home for exactly two months. It has been a difficult two months, but between Skype, receiving pictures and videos, and talking to Jenn it hasn’t been nearly as bad as it could be. Emma is getting so big and strong. I’ve watched her eat her first solid food. She has really started to interact with me over the computer and I think that helps me in a big way. Jenn is preparing to go to Florida and will be there the rest of the year. Although I know we have good friends and she has a great support system in Massachusetts, I think I’ll feel even more comfortable with her in Florida. Emma will get to spend all kinds of time with her three living grandparents and one of her great grandmothers. I’m sure Emma will get all kinds of spoiled while she is there. I guess I’ll have to come home and break all the bad habits she forms while she is there. I think the long visit will be good for everyone involved. Two months down and a little over four months to go.
September 1
Today was a rainy, wet, and chilly day. It’s very unusual to see mud puddles all over the ground. The ground is so dry and hard that the water doesn’t absorb into the ground. I was able to overcome the laziness that a day like this brings. I got some work done and had a pretty good workout. The tent that holds all the cardio equipment was super humid. It felt like I was running through a hot, humid Florida swamp.
Today at dinner three of us were sitting around talking about how we met our wives. Two of us are married and the third guy was curious about when we knew we were going to marry our wives. A conversation like that really makes me feel lucky to have met Jenn. I can’t think of one thing I would change about her or us. We are a perfect match. I’m lucky that we had a mutual friend that knew we would click. And click we did.
August 2 & 3
I skipped writing about August 2, because all I would have done is mentioned that it was steak and lobster for dinner which means another week is over. As for August 3, the big addition was the start of college football season. I’m not a big college football fan, because the start of their season really just means one more week until the NFL season. That being said it’s nice to have something else to help this place feel like home. Of course the time change makes it a little difficult to enjoy. Games didn’t really start until almost 9pm here. Just like with the NFL games, I’ll get to see the beginning of the early games and the end of the latest games. I’ll have to adjust my sleep schedule when certain teams (Buccaneers) and games are on TV. I know Jenn is super excited because her Seminoles are playing. She has threatened to dress my poor innocent daughter in an FSU cheerleading outfit. I hope my baby doesn’t have to suffer through that.
August 4
It’s official. I am 33% done with my deployment. Being a third done is a nice milestone. My day was productive filled with actual work along with doing laundry. I worked out as usual, but am definitely still feeling the pain in my shoulder. I go back to the doctor tomorrow, so we’ll see what he says. I’m worried the answer will be not working out which means I could lose a lot of the progress I have made since I arrived. If they think it’s a rotator cuff issue then I’ll probably get sent to someone else. I guess I should have gone to the doctor for it a few weeks ago when it happened. I’ll never learn.
Nineteen weeks until I’m home and will be with my lovely wife and beautiful daughter. To me I thought that sounded like a short time. Jenn pointed out that she was on bedrest for 20 weeks and it felt like forever. Now the race to 50%!
Jenn did dress my poor Emma in Seminole outfits for the first day of college football season. Although it sickened me a little, my little girl was as cute as she could be.
FITNESS UPDATE: I think I need to be happy with being 200lbs. As soon as I told everyone I got under 200, I went back to 202lbs. I feel good and way stronger, so I can live with that. A friend of mine asked me what my fitness goal was and it’s simply being a good example for Emma. I want her to grow up healthy and active and that won’t happen if her parents don’t show her how.
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