The countdown has begun. We have less than 30 days until Paul will be back in the US! Of course we are hoping with fingers crossed that he flies into the same city he flew out of because that is where I am planning on picking him up. lol With our luck he'll fly back into some totally random city and I'll be stuck driving from FL to New England with an infant by myself. Oh well. All the tears and crying (both Em's and mine) on the way home will be worth it to see my love. I feel like I'm starting to wake up after a long sleep. Of course part of that may be because Em is sleeping better and I actually got 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep in a row last night.
I think one of the best parts of my visit to Florida has been catching up with old friends...I'm talking people I haven't seen in over 15 years.
Jo Ann, Cristin, Kyan, Shayla, Michele, Jenn
This is after many many martinis (mostly drunk by me and the precursor to my month long alcohol hiatus). We were band nerds in high school (although I don't consider myself a nerd and I will admit that I was the worst flag twirler ever). Michele--bad influence! She was the one who taught me how to smoke and convinced me to have sex in high school! And she's still a bad influence because she made me have a coke when I saw her over the weekend when I was trying to go a month without soda! Anyway, we had a great time catching up and realized we hadn't seen each other in 17 years! All of us are moms now which is so weird because when we were together it was like no time had passed at all. (And I apologize to Shayla for having to endure a drunken ride home with me. I blame Michele.)
Leah and Ryan with baby Emma
Leah was my college roommate and by extension so was Ryan because they have been together that long. I love me some Leah and Ryan and always try to see them when I can. They were nice enough to drive over to our hotel in Orlando for a very lengthy dinner (because our waiter was so slow--he tried to convince us to get the buffet, but we didn't listen. Not winning). Em was not sure about Ryan at first (maybe too much resemblance to that mean Santa) and Leah's laugh scared her, but they quickly won her over with their charm and she was fast friends with them by the end of the night.
Jacob, Jenn, Tracie, Gene
This is part of the group of friends I hung out with when I worked at the Y in college (missing was Mike and Tanya and Sam who had just left and Lisa who has a teething infant). I loved, loved, loved seeing these people with their kids and seeing what amazing parents they are (which is weird because we were drunk all the time in college). It was so much fun catching up and talking about all our craziness and laughing about the Y. When we were all hanging out Tracie's niece was an infant...she is now 15 years old! I can't believe how much time has gone by and how quickly life is moving. I probably hung out with these people more than any other group of people I knew during college (even more than my sorority sisters). To tell you how long we've known each other when we met Jacob and Gene were in high school and I was a freshman in college. I've been out of college since 1998.
I love this picture because Isabella and Emma are staring at each other |
Hailey, Alex, Isabella, Jenn, Emma, Lisa, Ryleigh (and just out of view was newborn baby Sydney) |
I met these wonderful women (and our friend Nichelle) during new employee orientation at the school board. We are all social workers and it was love at first sight. At that time Alex was the only one married and none of us had kids. Having a baby playdate yesterday made me miss living here for the first time (not that I don't miss my other friends every day). There is something about spending time with good friends who have infants that speaks to my heart.
There have been so many more friends that we've spent time with since we've been in Florida that I either don't have pictures of or the pictures are on my phone. Em has made so many new friends in Florida. She is a lucky little girl. I can't believe we head home in roughly 3 weeks. I feel like there are so many people I haven't gotten to see yet. And I can't believe when we get home that we'll have an 11 month old! (Em was 4 months when Paul left) I just can't wait for him to re-meet his daughter and see in person how funny and wonderful she is (and not have to rely on skype). He is never going to put her down when he first gets home (which works out well for me because I'm tired and I don't want to hold during our flight to the Caribbean haha).
Hopefully everyone is enjoying their December and not letting the craziness of the holiday season ruin the reason for the season.
Merry Christmas!
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