Friday, December 24, 2010

Sleep Sleep Where For Art Thou Sleep

I have always struggled with periods of insomnia so for me getting less than 8 hours of sleep at night or waking up during the night isn't unusual...except now I am 8 months pregnant and tired!

For example: last night. Last night I had wicked bad acid know the kind where you wake up with a mouth full of stomach acid. (gross I know and perhaps TMI, but hey) I took tums after tums after tums (and always wonder what taking tums and NOT brushing my teeth afterwards cause its the middle of the night is doing to my teeth--I've decided either all that extra calcium sitting on my teeth is going to make them super strong or I'm going to have some awful cavities when this pregnancy is over). For sure I am going to have to go to the gastroenterologist after baby gets here for an endoscopy with all the acid reflux I've had.

So, the only other thing I have to do, besides the tums, is to prop all my pillows behind me and try to fall asleep sitting up. I can fall asleep, but then wake up in a panic wondering if I've put too much pressure on my vena cava and so then I immediately switch to laying on my left side.

Now these brief periods of sleep are occurring in between the 5 times a night that I now get up to pee and the 25 times a night that I have to wake up to roll over. 

My dear husband, on the other hand, could sleep through a hurricane.  He occasionally wakes up to ask if I'm okay when I'm choking on stomach acid, but other than that nothing.  Around 5am this morning I woke up to pee, had the acid, took a tums, and hear Paul ask what time is it.  I tell him and he then goes on to say how wide awake he is and if he had to work he would just get up and go to work.  I'm pretty wide awake myself and thought about saying let's get up and go to breakfast, but decided it was too cold to do that. 

5 minutes later...Paul is fast asleep.  90 minutes later I am still wide awake and having to get up to pee again.  Paul still sleeping. 

9:30am my alarm goes off, but I was already awake.  Paul still asleep.  We finally get up at 10am so we can eat breakfast and go see Harry Potter (11:40am Christmas Eve morning is the best time to go to the lines and plenty of seats!).  Surprisingly I did not have to pee during the movie despite the large cherry coke I drank (and Paul for once did).  I loved the movie even though Paul and the little girl behind us kept asking where Ron was the whole time and Paul had no idea what was going on for the entire movie.  lol  The nachos I ate were pretty good, too. 

Now home and exhausted, but not really enough to nap (although like a 90 year old I could at some point fall into a narcoleptic sleep sitting in my recliner).  I figure if I nap during the day that is even less sleep that I'll get during the night.  And I laugh when all my mommy friends talk about how tired and how little sleep I'll when the baby is here because I already get no sleep.  And I am the lightest sleeper used to waking up at every little sound and not being able to fall back to sleep.  Of course this paragraph could come back to bite me in the ass someday (not that I'd ever admit it haha).  

Can't believe tomorrow is Christmas Day...I think I am most looking forward to the cinnamon rolls, bacon, and fresh squeezed oj we will be having for breakfast.  I was going to try and make home made cinnamon rolls this year, but decided to postpone that endeavor till next year. 

Alright, enough rambling.  Taco Bell is calling my name!  Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!


  1. The cause of the acid reflux might be the Taco Bell!

  2. Haha you know I didn't even get Taco Bell that night! We had Wendy's instead. I try not to eat anything spicy, etc. after lunchtime.



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