Monday, December 20, 2010


I am FREAKING OUT!  We have 8 weeks or less until Emma makes her arrival and all of the sudden I do not feel ready.  I think it's because I went upstairs to put her clothes away and reorganize her dresser so that all her clothes will fit (God bless our family and friends who have sent clothes--she has enough clothes for the first 12 months easy).  As I sat on the floor folding her tiny little outfits I started to become overwhelmed by the sheer amount of stuff you are supposed to have to have a baby.  It seemed like there is not enough space to put everything and there are still things we need to get.  And then I started to think that maybe I'm not ready for this.  I mean, who teaches you all the things you are supposed to know to be a mom?

We haven't been able to take any new baby classes due to my bedrest (and the fact that um, $190...are you kidding me?).  Luckily, the baby RN from the base can come to our house two times or more to teach us things.  Plus the hospital sends a nurse out to check on us after the baby is born if we want (Um, yes please).  So, I've been thinking about things to ask her.

How is she going to stay warm at night?  I am freezing in our house at night.  How do we keep a tiny baby warm? 

How do I cut her nails?

What do I do if she's constipated, has gas, has a stuffy nose, on and on and on? 

There just seems like too much.  Do I really have instincts that are going to magically kick in when she's born?

I will say thought her little nursery is so cute!  It is exactly what I wanted (and yes, I know I still need to post pictures.  I am waiting for Paul to hang her quilt up and for my MIL to mail the "M" that we need to complete EMMA on the wall.  I can't post pictures until everything is done). 

These are times when it would be nice to have more mommy friends and family near by.

Although Miss Emma is already going to be quite the social butterfly with tons of visitors.  I think Paul's mom and grams are planning on coming up in March as is my dad and his lady friend.  In April, our friend Anne-Marie (and hopefully the Brownings and Hulls) will be up to visit.  In May, Emma and I will be driving down to NJ to meet my mom there and see my grammy and other aunts and then my mom will come up here for a few days.  Over the summer I am sure there will be visitors or we will be traveling and then in September we are going to Cape Cod.  Plus Paul promised we could go down to FL for Christmas next year (assuming we can find someone to come pet sit at the house for us while we are gone) since we were confined to home this year. 

Okay, deep breaths.  Time to relax and not worry about it.  Countless other people have had children and lived to tell about it so I am sure we will be able to do the same thing.

But let me ask you this...if you, as a mom, could give a new mom one piece of advice that no one told you what would it be? 


  1. Jenn, if I can keep a baby alive for a whole yr. by myself (since Scott was overseas), anyone can! And you have paul- you'll be great. File her nails down9while she sleeps) if they get long, keep her warm in a sleep sack at night, if she doesn't poop, give her the right meds, if she has gas, give her the stuff I sent, if she has a stopped up nose, give her "little noses", etc. Honey, if I can figure it out, you'll be a champ. I was 38 and clueless! Just ask if you don't know, but your instincts WILL kick in. And, you're a great momma to your pets, and that's half the battle!

  2. 1) Breathe. Easier said than done! But it will be ok, I promise. 2 years from now you'll look at this and laugh.

    2) Buy Mylocon and Little Noses - those will handle the gas and the stuffed up nose - you have to force yourself to use the Little Noses Spray and the bulb syringe, but trust me, she WILL appreciate it once you are done (and she's given you a bit of a guilt trip).

    3) Constipation is touchy - just hope it doesn't happen...

    4) Just ask somebody if you don't know something - there is really no such thing as a dumb questions (ie. how do you get a smartie out of akid's nose if they've stuffed it all the way up there?)

    5) Most importantly - trust your instincts - God gave them to us for a reason, and it is almost impossible to actually be a truly over reactive parent!

    You will be great - it's stressful now, but it's all worth it! (use that as a mantra - "it's all worth it, it's all worth it" if you are having a hard time!)

  3. 1. I took everyone of the parenting classes they offered and the only one that was not a COMPLETE waste of my time was the baby CPR, so take that one or read up on it, just in case.
    2. In response to Erika, Constipation. If she doesn't seem miserable don't bother, it should work itself out, but if it doesn't or she seems miserable you can put Prune juice in her bottle. Just a little bit no more than a Tbl per 4 oz. And don't do every single bottle until she poops or you will end up like us with a poor baby that has 17 blowouts between breakfast and lunch :-).
    3. I agree with Erika on the instincts although the What to Expect the First Year book is really good too. And you know whatever you are thinking or worrying about, we have done it too so don't hesitate to call no matter what time it is.
    Bottom line, babies are SUPER resilient. As long as you feed them and love them, they will be just fine.



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