Monday, March 28, 2011

The top 10 things I learned in my 4th week of fatherhood (by Paul)

1.We may offer Emma’s services to some diaper manufacturers for quality assurance testing. If a diaper can hold in what she produces and at the force she produces it, it’s a good diaper.

2.I should be very impressed with how much she has improved control of her hand and head movements, but my joy is dampened by the fact that she uses them to slap, claw, and head butt me.

3.The reaction you get when you tell people you are using cloth diapers is very similar to telling people you are a polygamist or devil worshipper.

4.Nothing reminds me to put on a shirt more than Emma grabbing a handful of nipple hair.

5.My favorite time of the night is when Emma sleeps on my chest.

6.As we approach the 30 day mark, it is very true about the first month. It’s all about surviving and after a month you get into a rhythm.

7.When we go places there is a mixed emotion when people look at Emma. I bounce between feeling pride and “I’ll rip your arm off if you touch her.”

8.Having a daughter changes your view on a lot of movies and TV shows.

9.I can actually be alone with Emma for a few hours and we both survive until Mommy gets back.

10.I don’t want to say my daughter is evil, but I will claim she is conniving. Example: I have been peed and pooped on before so I take measures to protect myself. She actually waited for me to start putting the new diaper on and did just enough poop to make me have to get another diaper. When I lifted her up to pull the now dirty diaper off she waited until she was aimed straight into the air and turn on her soaker. She completely cleared the edge of the changing table to go down my leg and soak my flip flop. Not dealing with this is supposed to be the benefit of having a girl!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love these! Especially #7. Emma is a lucky little girl! :0)



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