Saturday, March 12, 2011

In Retrospect

In retrospect looking back on my pregnancy and labor and unexpected c-section delivery…I would not have changed a thing. The result of those 41 weeks is my pure bliss, the joy that lights up my life, the can’t wait for the day she smiles at me, 10 perfect fingers, 10 senor piggies, 1 Senorita Toots-a-Lot, love of my life Emma Grace.

As I nurse her she locks eyes with me and I can see the start of a smirk and I wonder what she’s thinking and if she knows how much I am in love with her.

When her daddy holds her I see perfection…both in her and in him. Love radiates around the room and I know that this little munchkin has captured both our hearts so completely.

As Sasha runs in from outside the first place she runs to is the baby swing to look for baby Emma. If she’s not there Sasha stops to get her whiff of baby before she’s off looking for her. If she is there then Sasha tries to sneak in a hundred or so kisses before we stop her. I can’t wait for the day that I can watch my Emma play with Sasha.

Seeing the look of joy on my mom’s face as we skype and she gets to see her first granddaughter for the first time.

So in retrospect…hearing Emma cry for the first time, seeing Paul cry after he saw her for the first time, giving her kisses for the first time, holding her for the first time, feeding her for the first time, snuggling, kissing, hugging, loving by far makes up for the morning sickness, the cerclage, the removal of the cerclage, the bedrest, the rest of it.

I can’t stop holding her, kissing her, cuddling her. I stare at her all day and am just in awe that this perfect little person came out of me, was born from the love Paul and I have for each other. And I look forward to spending the rest of my life with my two loves…my husband and my baby.

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