Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Baby steps

I knew the day would come eventually, but I was living in denial about it.  The day I'm talking about you ask?  Sigh.  The day that Paul would return to work.  He's been off work since February 24th when we went in to have Emma (or so we thought lol) and it sure has been nice to have him home. 

A)  I make him drivey everywhere while I sit in back with Emma.  He calls it "driving Miss Daisy."  Even when my friend Cory was in town I let her sit in back, but I didn't like it.  I missed seeing Emma's face. 

B)  He helps with middle of the night feedings and with getting Emma to sleep at night.

C)  He changes 99% of her diapers. 

D)  He carries the car seat.  That thing is HEAVY!  Especially when there is a baby in it.  Phew!

And now...sigh...I'll have to change 99% of the diapers. 

Today though Emma & I made our first steps towards independence.  We went to a breastfeeding group held by our hospital.  I actually had to sit in front...ya know cause I drove and all.  I for sure felt a lot of anxiety on the way there and did a lot of deep breathing.  I also used red lights to turn around and check to make sure she was breathing. 

But we made it!  I got the car seat out successfully (although it wasn't pretty) and found the right place and even breastfed in public (more on that later) AND I really enjoyed myself.  I don't have many mommy friends up here and it was nice to be around other new mommies.  I noticed none of them seemed like the hot mess I've been (although I did shower and put on make up and NOT wear my crocs to the group), but they did have good breastfeeding questions. 

In Sasha news...our poor girl looks like she's been in a dog fight and is groggy as all get out.  They removed another couple teeth and supposedly her breath smells doggy fresh again (instead of like dead fish).  Her entire upper back is shaved and she has 2 large lines of staples where they removed what they thought were just cysts.  Her leg is injured and she has to rest it for 4 to 6 weeks (that'll be a good time) and she's on lots of meds, but it looks like she is going to survive.  Yay!

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