Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I Am Gross

Okay, not right now I'm not gross because I actually got up and took a shower this morning.  Usually I shower at night with Em (because we're too lazy to give her a bath and she thinks the shower is her own personal splash!), but yesterday I did not shower.  We stayed home in our jammies all day as I started to pack and declutter and I didn't even realize until 4:30pm that we hadn't brushed our teeth.  I know, right!  Gross.  But it's not like we actually talked to anyone yesterday except each other and we did brush our teeth as soon as I realized it. 

But last night I was tired.  My back hurt.  Waa, waa, waa.  Who cares.  Paul is a good actor and told me I was sexy, but I see myself in the mirror.  I know the truth.  I keep telling him AFTER this baby is born we are bringing sexy back.  This may include buying new undies because seriously the underwear I wore to bed last night had a hole in them.  That's what you get when you buy a 50 pack of underwear at Costco I guess.  Plus this is their second pregnancy and that's got to put an obscene amount of stress on some cheap underwear.  Anyone work at a department store and want to hook me up with some Hanky Panky thongs.  They are seriously comfortable.  I mean not now when my ass is the size of Emma (I really need to stop eating donuts), but during normal times. 

The point I'm trying to make though is that I look at my friends or the wives of my male friends and notice that they post pictures of themselves with their hair all did and make up and, after I get finished hating them just a tiny bit, I think when the hell do they have the time and energy to do all this.  Don't even get me started on their cute outfits. (remember the holy underwear situation going on at my house).  Make up I can handle because I use Bare Minerals and it takes me less than 5 minutes to do my make up, but I have a LOT of hair.  It would take me an hour to straighten it.  What do you do with your kids during that time?  I'm sure Emma would LOVE to help mommy do her hair, but I'm not sure mommy would love that.  Maybe I can teach Emma to straighten my hair.  We're already working on hair brushing.  Of course it doesn't help that when I'm pregnant I could use the oil from my hair to cook our dinner every night.  Gag.  So much oil. 

So, I want to hear from my mamas.  What is your hair and make up routine?  Where do you buy your clothes?  How do you straighten your hair?  I need to get in the habit of making more of an effort with my appearance before Emma is old enough to realize that her mom is a slacker. 

PS Genevieve on Choo Choo Soul is singing a dirty song about her steam shooting out, her whistle blowing, and her wheels beginning to roll in a sexy slow voice.  Choo Choo Soul disturbs me so much.  I'm pretty sure Genevieve and that weird, overly enthusiastic DJ get it on.

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