Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Mapquest Fail

I heart my iPhone (although I think the Galaxy S3 is pretty cool if you had a bunch of friends that also had it and mostly because of that commercial where the wife sends her husband a naughty video not to watch on the plane).  And I use my iPhone as my GPS, but there are times when I am pretty sure someone over at mapquest was smoking a fatty when they uploaded directions into my phone.

I knew today would be a snowy, crappy, stay at home in my jammies kind of day (thank you stay at home mommyhood--seriously I barely brushed my teeth and haven't showered yet or changed and once I do shower and change it is only going to be into a fresh pair of jammies) so Stinks and I decided to take a little trip to Wegmans to do some grocery shopping yesterday.  And by trip I mean 45 minutes in the car to go to a grocery store (have I mentioned that I miss Publix?)

We left a little bit later than I wanted to, but after a quick drive through at DD (that's Dunkin Donuts for all you southerners) we hit the highway.  From previous trips I remembered that it was a pretty straight shot off the interstate; however, mapquest had other plans for us yesterday.  I couldn't remember the exit so I trusted mapquest when it directed me to exit the interstate.

I quickly realized that these directions were different from last time as we traveled through towns I had never seen before.  I gamely plowed ahead, trusting mapquest to get me where I needed to go which mapquest apparently thought was up a small mountain and into the middle of a residential neighborhood NOWHERE NEAR WEGMANS!  Um, what?  I have arrived.  Really mapquest?  All I see are 2 story homes and I can only either go up or down this stupid hill.  I see no Wegmans, no Charming Charlie, no Kohl's, no Starbucks (all things I knew were in the same shopping center as Wegmans).  Sigh.  So I retype in the address and it still thinks I'm at the right place!  Mapquest fail!

I type in the address into google maps and I am 3 miles away from Wegmans.  Really mapquest?  3 miles.  Usually you're better than that.  I start driving, assume I am headed in the right direction, and eventually stumble across the shopping plaza.  Stinks and I enjoy a delicious lunch in their food court and get a ton of grocery shopping done (sadly the Wegmans they are building near us is not slated to open until 2014...we're leaving this summer) and head home (with a Starbucks drive thru of course on the way).  And I didn't listen to mapquest (which wanted me to go some totally random way) and instead followed the signs to Boston (to turns later and I was back on the interstate).

Thanks mapquest though for that tour of random towns in Mass.  Much appreciated!

PS I've showered and changed into clean jammies.  Granted it was a quick shower as Stinks was not having it and screamed the whole time we were in the shower.  Super relaxing it was not.  But at least we are clean.

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