Sunday, February 3, 2013

Everyone Needs a Spa Day: BuggyLove Organic Stroller Cleaning Kit Giveaway

How much time does your little one spend in their stroller?  Whether it's playdates, trips to the grocery, walks around the mall, a quick nap, or hitting up the Starbucks life is hard for a busy baby or toddler!  But it can be even harder on their home away from home...their stroller.  Grungy, dirty, scuffed are all normal wear and tear on a stroller, but there is a way to breathe new life back into their stroller.  Enter BuggyLove. 

BuggyLove is a line of organic, 100% natural cleaning products and they sent me an Organic Stroller Cleaning Kit to give away!  Yes, to you! 

This kit is amazing and you need it.  Trust me.  The kit comes with PolishLove for cleaning up your stroller frame, FabricLove for cleaning up stroller seats and fabric, WheelLove for greasing that squeaky wheel, and PolishLove for making everything smell like that spa day we all dream about (it was my favorite part of the kit).  You also get ScrubLove for scrubbing those wheels clean, the MicroLove microfiber cloth, and a re-usable Bag O'Love. 
I guess if you're feeling super generous you could give it to someone as a baby shower gift, but trust me, you won't want to.  Enter now to win!" rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. Truly, this is a suggestion for you for baby #2 - I LOVE our new Britax. We did Chicco the first two times, but the Britax drives and turns so much nicer.

    Also, assuming you are looking for a double stroller, I highly recommend a side by side version over the front/back option. Ping me if you want more details on that...

  2. I love our Graco SnugRider Infant Car Seat Stroller Frame for its compact-ness and ease. I had this with our first one and have it again for #2. Love it!



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