When I lived in GA I tried my hand at selling BeautiControl products. Unfortunately I am a terrible sales person; however, I absolutely fell in love with their products and continue to use them and give them as gifts to everyone. Their skincare die for! I use their 30's Skin care line. It helps hydrate my dry skin and clear up my oily skin and everything in between. They also have great skincare for acne and sensitive skin.
They also have great scrubs and masks. I love to sit in the tub and use the following products:

Back when I had a job and only had to worry about myself and my own bills I would spend the money to go to MAC. I love their eye shadows, but alas $50 eyeshadow kits are no longer in the budget.

I am not much for hair care. I hate washing my hair and it's so thick that I usually only wash my hair every few days. Being pregnant has made my hair oily and I'm having to wash it every other day now. Ugh! I'm using a clarifying shampoo right now based on the recommendation of my stylist. I finally am back to my natural hair color (it's been a loooonnnnggg time...loving those gray hairs I'm seeing) and I sort of just use whatever hair styling aids that catch my eye. Right now with my natural oil I am not using any styling aids. Wonder how my hair will be after this baby gets here.
Having someone brush or style my hair is really my idea of awesome. I pay my nieces to do it when I see them. Granted they are in elementary school so the hair styles end up being a little questionable, but whatever. My bestie's 2 year old is also in to brushing hair now and don't think I won't be hitting her up for that service the next time I see her.
I am pretty much a perfume whore (and not a cheap, street corner hooker, but a high price escort). I love good perfume and have probably 20 to 25 different kinds. I can't even pick a favorite and always get a perfume or 4 for Christmas from my dad. Since I have so many they tend to last a long time because really who needs that much perfume...well, I do.
Oh, and to reference the title of this post...I LOVE watching the QVC and HSN beauty shows. I truly think my dream job would be as hostess of one of those shows. Trying all those products and I am sure they get TONS of free samples. I would be in beauty heaven. I love buying make up and bath products and getting them for free would make my day (so if anyone out there wants to send me some free samples I would be eternally happy and also would be glad to send you some BeautiControl samples in return).
Ahhhh beauty bliss!
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