Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Internet security

Lately I've been going through my FB and deleting people who I don't have contact with anymore or won't have contact with in the future.  I had realized that my FB friend list had gotten way too long and had people on it who I really wasn't friends with.  I wasn't so much worried about people I went to high school with as I had known those people a long time, but was more concerned about people I had added in recent years who I wasn't truly friends with to begin with...people like coworkers, colleagues, and random people who I met a handful of times.  When you add someone to your FB account you give them an incredible amount of information about your life even if you think you don't.  Think of all the pictures that you post on your of your family, your children, your personal life and how much information can just be gathered from those alone.  And people can reproduce and use those pictures however they wish because they can copy them off your FB onto their computer.  All you have to do is right click and save as.  Scary, huh? 

Getting ready to have a child makes me want to make sure that I protect my life a little more.  This may seem strange coming from someone who writes a blog, but I don't post personal information on my blog or at least I try to be conscientious not to. 

So, I came across the following blog tonight and thought I'd share this scary story with you all. 

Remember anything you put on the internet is there for everyone to see even if you think you're taking steps to keep your things private. 


  1. Thanks for sharing! I guess I feel safe living on base, but you never know!

  2. Freaky! I deleted a ton of people a long time ago but this makes me want to make my "friend" list even shorter. Very scary.



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