Friday, December 19, 2008


I know there are many of you who may feel my upcoming thoughts are sacreligious; however, I do have to say...Twilight movie sooooo not as good as Twilight book.

The book mesmorized me. I finished all 4 books in about a 2 week period.

My sister and I went to see the movie last weekend. I did not have high expectations b/c I do NOT like the actress who plays Bella so right off the bat I was annoyed. Do you ever see people who just annoy you immediately for some reason? This is this actress to me (probaby b/c she was in that stupid true story movie Into the Wild that irritated me beyond belief).

Second...all the vampires looked way too old to be in high school. On the flip side Dr. Cullen looked like he was about 23 years old. Way too young. I did like the girl from The Ex List aka crazy on Grey's Anatomy who played Esme.

Third...I do not believe that someone as passionate and sexy as Edward could have loved that ugly ass girl who played Bella. I don't know why people keep talking about their chemistry...what chemistry?

Fourth...the the scenes where Edward runs real fast or climbs a tree...STUPID! Bad bad CGI. Definitely need a new director.

All that being said I am sure I will end up going to see the other movies when they came out. They are no Harry Potter movies, but...I do love the books. Karin and I were the oldest people in the theater and even the young'ens seemed disappointed and laughed at the movie.

But in today's random news...went to see a new I walked up a squirrel ran away from me and then turned and charged me. Scared the crap out of me.

Oh, and I learned that drinking wine and making Christmas cookies does not end with artistic, well crafted cookies. Just a little FYI...

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