Monday, December 29, 2008

Fatty, fatty 2 by 4

I've decided to chronicle my "I am sick and tired of being a fat ass" journey to good health and skinny jeans through my blog. Why you would be interested in this is beyond me, but I am arrogant enough to think that y'all will think it is hilariously funny and so let us begin.

At 31 years old and 5'7" I am 175 lbs. which is approximately 40 lbs. more than I weighed in high school, 30 lbs. more than I weighed in college, and 25 lbs. more than I weighed when I got married. If I had known I would be closer to 200 lbs. than 100 lbs. at this point in life I NEVER would've complained about being fat when I was younger. (FYI I think you should grow thinner as you grow older than fatter as young people do not deserve such rocking bodies as they cannot properly appreciate them)

So, here I am, unable to bend over and tie my shoes without suffocating myself, have a nice spare tire in case my car breaks down, and become winded walking up stairs (or to the mailbox...whatever). I can no longer see my toes over my stomach which protrudes more than my breasts do (not an attractive look I can assure you) AND Santa ain't got nothing on me with the shaking and laughing (jelly what?).

That being said I did have a Publix sub for lunch with a few slices of extra cheese; however, I did have it on wheat bread which is not my fave and I only had 1/2 a fiber bar for breakfast with my McDonalds coffee (as I cannot financially afford Starbucks after Christmas). For the rest of the week I've stocked up on eggs, salad stuff including low fat (gross) dressing, and tuna. At least for lunch I shall eat healthy and in an effort to save money and calories will not be eating out for lunch or dinner Monday thru Thursday.

I also have my gym (plug for Ladies Workout Express in Valdosta) and got a Wii for Christmas and miraculously was able to find a Wii fit yesterday so this evening will be Wii fit time. My goal is to exercise in some form daily, even if its taking the dogs for a walk. I wish I was a morning person so I could get up and get going, but why ruin a streak when I haven't gotten up before 8am (okay 8:30am) since I've moved to Valdosta. I used to be friends with a girl who worked out before work and after work and she looked amazing and was happy all the time. As I am basically lazy I am going to stick to my once a day goal for now.

And since I am about one bad outfit away from being on "What Not to Wear" and I often think I could cause Stacy and Clinton to suffer heart attacks with my choices I figure I will be much more inclined to spruce myself up if I am able to fit into cuter clothes (like my sister and Mary...bitches).

I will let you know this evening how the Wii fit turns out. Hope I don't break anything. Since my initial brain age on Nintendo DS was 77 years old (I've since improved to 44 years old...sad) I have very low expectations to my fit age (I wonder if it goes above 100 years old?).

1 comment:

  1. Just a word of warning on the Wii Fit.... It is brutally honest. I have one and it is encouraging but also can rag on you if you miss a couple days.

    Good luck and have fun! :)



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