Thursday, December 18, 2008

Today's un-normal event

Let me back track first to last night...I'm seeing a client last night and I make...HER CRY! Probably b/c I told her that something was bullcrap and called her on her craziness. But I did feel bad that she cried (of course not bad enough to remember to call and check on her today). The situation that is bullcrap...her "boyfriend" just got out of jail on Thanksgiving and has already cheated on her with the woman he was cheating on her with BEFORE he went to jail. But she loves him...really? Really? Girl, we got some work to do.

But on to today...come home from work and see a tow truck in front of my neighbor's house (or I assume a tow truck b/c of the bright lights and loud noise). Okay, whatever. Get out of my car and hear "Excuse me miss." Turn around to find this man walking towards me. He flashes a badge, his drivers license, an Arby's coupon (I have no idea) and says, "I'm Agent whatever. Do you know your neighbors?" Um, apparently not. And then asks me if they have a Jeep Liberty. Um, I can't even tell you what my license plate number is or what kind of truck Paul has and I'm supposed to tell what my neighbors drive. I did remember seeing some kind of SUV which I told him.

So, he's either a repo man, FBI Agent, or someone who will break into all our houses and kill us in our sleep. Okay, not my sleep b/c I don't sleep, but Paul doesn't have a chance. Okay, I don't either b/c I have zero survival instinct. Sad.

But in exciting news my sissy is coming to visit us on Saturday and I'm wicked excited. Wicked...Boston...I'm practicing the lingo so I fit in when we move.

Oh, and I went to the gym today...I rock. Go me, go me, go me. I have to lose weight before we move to Boston b/c we all know my fat, lazy ass will not be leaving the house when it's 10 degrees especially to go work out. I'm the person who litter trained my dog in OH so I didn't have to take him out in the snow. Come on now!

And in other dog related news...Beauty (my Chinese Crested) has to wear a diaper b/c she's bad. So not only is she ugly on her own she is now ugly in a diaper. Have you ever seen a baby monkey in a diaper? Aren't they cute? Yeah, she doesn't look like that. She kind of looks like a very ugly monkey in a diaper. Sadder.

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