Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Christmas spirit

A couple of random thoughts:

The other day I was running errands and decided to eat lunch at Atlanta Bread (FYI NOT as good as Panera, but Valdosta doesn't have a Panera) b/c I wanted a Greek salad (FYI not a lot of places in Valdosta to get Greek salad). Get stopped at a light about 20 cars back from the light and I notice that despite the fact there is a green turn arrow the front car is NOT turning. Hmmm...Sit there, wait. Green arrow again and NOTHING happens. Now I'm getting pissed. Plus there are now an additional 15 cars behind me. There is no one in the lane to go straight so I pull up next to this front car and roll my window down. The guy rolls his window and I say, "You're in the f**ing turn lane. You need to f**ing turn." Which he tries to deny so I point out the fact that there is a turn arrow on a sign in front of him plus we passed a sign that said "Right Lane right turn only." I am PISSED! And then I notice his small child in the front seat. Clearly this man is an idiot b/c you don't put small children in the front seat with airbags, but whatever. Finally this douchetastic excuse turns and I almost could hear the applause of the people behind him. Of course now I'm stuck in the straight lane; however, a nice car let me pull back over so I could turn. I felt so bad and worried about my karma so much that the ABC had a adopt a foster kid for Christmas tree and I took 2 wishes off the tree to buy for 2 foster kids.

I've been subpoenaed again for the same case that I've been subpeonaed for 3 other times (2 times court was cancelled, 3rd time the subpoena they gave me was for a date already past). This date...December 23rd. Really? Court was cancelled on a random Tuesday b/c the judge just didn't want to do it and you expect me to believe that he's going to have court on Dec. 23rd. Plus I am planning on being in FL then and have 2 doctors appts on Dec. 23rd. So I called the attorney to say I will not be there and she is waiting to talk to her boss who should be in this weekend (Um, b/c he doesn't work during the week? What the hell?). I am sure my boss would have a stroke if she knew I did this, but I do not care and I get screwed and have to stay here and court is cancelled then I'm quitting and I"ll just do temp work until we move. I am completely anxious about this situation now and couldn't sleep at all last night because of it.

I was at a family team meeting at Dept. of Families and Children yesterday. After the team meeting the grandmother in the case asked if we could all pray, we stood up, held hands, and she said a prayer. She also praised Jesus through the entire meeting. Not that I minded the prayer, but really? Only in GA.

I have only been working out so that I can come home and eat cookies at night (damn you Lofthouse). And I wonder why I can never lose weight BUT...

I also heard on the radio that a study shows women feel their sexiest and most confident at age 34. Hmmm. At least I have something to look forward to.

1 comment:

  1. Jen,

    I turn 34 in 2 weeks and DO NOT feel sexy!



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