Monday, December 1, 2008

Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

Is it sad that when your boyfriend drives into the neighborhood the two of you live in and passes a cop car his first thought is that they were at your house and you must've called 911?

Which so was not the case by the way. I mean they were at my house, but I didn't call 911.

I'm sitting in the office, frantically trying to get some work done, when there is a knock on the door. I assume its the FedEx or UPS or something and go to open the door to find 2 Lowndes County Sheriff Deputies standing there. Of course the dogs are going crazy and since Beauty is an escape artist I have to pick her up, go out the door with her, close the door, turn around, open the door, and shove her back through the door. Plus although I am dressed for the gym I look as if I just rolled out of bed. I would make Clinton and Stacy cry today (well, most days really).

He asks if Jennifer Grant is in and I say that's me and he has a subpoena for me. No biggie seeing as this is my 3rd subpoena for the same case and court has been cancelled twice before. He fills out the form and the other deputy says, "Looks like your recycling bin tipped over" and I look up to see trash all over the entire front yard and driveway, including under my car. My response, "Oh man."

Deputy hands me the subpoena and I start to read it. Um, excuse me? This is for Nov. 25th. So they can come back so I can physically show them as the word of someone who lets trash blow all over their yard is not good enough. They say that they'll take it back and I mention how I don't want to get in trouble for not being in court on the 25th; however, seeing as I was never served then I can't be. Deputy says he believes the new court date is Dec. 5th (I won't hold my breath) so I'm sure they'll be back to serve me again.

They get in the car and I begin picking up trash trying not to laugh because Paul's on his way home and his neighbors are incredibly nosy and I'm sure this whole situation is too much for them to comprehend.

And Paul gets home and the first thing he says, "Cops were here" because he passed them on his way in.

And this is my life...

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