Monday, June 11, 2012

Some Questions About Gypsies

Have y'all ever seen My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding on TLC? If you thought Jersey Shore was trashy then ya need to watch this show. It makes Jersey Shore look like a family sitcom.

For example, I don't think the previews of Jersey Shore ever has included the phrase "A gypsy bride commits to her cousin in holy matrimony." I know! Pick your jaw up off the floor cause Annie's not committing to just any cousin...she's committing to her first cousin which I thought was illegal in this country. Hey what's a little inbreeding and genetic abnormalities among family, right? Oh, apparently in W VA it is illegal for 1st cousins to marry, but not in VA. Really VA? Really? You're gonna let W VA best you on that? Hey Annie I'm pretty sure "beautifulest" is not a word.

So it's ok to marry a cousin but NOT ok to live together before marriage?

Now I may not be the best dresser in the world, but I feel I'm pretty average. Good days and bad days and all that. But why, if you are a gypsy, are you required to dress like an off duty stripper? No one needs to see your chuckie or your muffin top. I'm pretty sure the romichal women get style tips from Snookie and J Woww. Its almost as if the gypsies intentionally try to make themselves look bad.

Keep in mind TLC is the same channel that brings us What Not To Wear. You'd think TLC would hook the gypsies up with Stacy and Clinton.

Why, if you are a gypsy, must you have BAD teeth? You can afford for the wife to stay home and not work, but no one can afford to see a dentist?

What if you're a lesbian gypsy couple? How do you decide who works and who stays home?

How is there enough business for a woman in Boston to cater to making ugly gypsy dresses? And in Boston. That makes me sad for Boston.

Why do all gypsies live in trailers? Not that there is anything wrong with living in a trailer cause there are some dang nice trailers. I was just curious.

How do they afford these giant weddings?

Now I am totally ignorant on gypsy history, but from watching this show I've learned that being a gypsy is the same as being black before the Civil War or Jewish in Germany while Hitler reigned. You learn something new every day. And who in 2012 still thinks gypsies are thieves? Who would even know someone was a gypsy unless that person said hey I'm a gypsy. Although the neon and rhinestone clothing may give them away.

I just can't get over this cousin thing. Emma just say no to 1st cousins.

Seriously y'all this may be my new favorite show. It's awful! AWFUL!

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