Monday, June 25, 2012

The Mystery of the Missing Pad

So if you've breastfed then you know about nursing shields or pads. If you haven't or don't know it's basically a round pad you wear inside of your bra to soak up leaking milk.

When I was nursing I suddenly came up short one nursing pad. I figured it was static clinging to something else I had washed and it would turn up eventually.

I spent last fall in Florida for 3+ months having never found the missing pad and sort of forgot about it.

So the other day I was folding laundry and mixed in with the clean clothes was the missing pad!

How many hundreds of loads of laundry had I done since mid February when I stopped nursing? How many hundreds of loads since the pad went missing? Where the heck did this thing come from? Is there a black hole in my dryer and it's back from the great beyond?

It's a mystery I will probably never solve.

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