Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Fifty Shades of Boring

I am a sucker for a good book. If people rave about it I will read it. I love to read.

So when people started talking about Fifty Shades of Grey I knew I had to read it.

And thus it began. Yawn. It was like reading porn written by a high schooler. "Oh baby do it to me baby.". Really? My dead grandmother probably wrote more erotic notes during her lifetime than what is portrayed in Fifty.

The same lines and scenes over and over and over. Christian and Ana have sex. Ana freaks out about something. Christian gets mad. Ana thinks about leaving. Christian is sorry. Ana cries and swears she'll never leave. Christian and Ana have sex. It's like the worst love story ever.

Then one of my KD sisters reviewed the book on her blog I didn't know Fifty Shades was a bad knock off of Twilight. And I definitely agreed with their thoughts on the book. She had a link to which was hilarious.

But I finished the first book and am suffering through the second. Apparently I am a masochist. If I ever met Ana I'd have to punch her in the face. Perhaps her should I/shouldn't I is bringing up some of my own issues. Lol

For all people have talked about this book I expected it to be a spectacular love story. It's really just a big ole snoozefest and I am convinced the only reason people are reading it is because it's women acceptable porn. And I'm sure there are some repressed women getting their jollies off.

If this napapalooza ever gets made into a movie Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattison should play Ana and Christian because they are the two most annoying actors I can think of. Kristen especially...good golly woman make a facial expression for once in your life. I'd rather watch paint dry than listen to her monotone voice.

Anyways, I will read the third book because I am hoping for a murder suicide at the end. Don't spoil it for me.


  1. I read it after my book club raved about it but I couldn't handle all of the repetitiveness and I didn't think that the sex was all that everyone said it was. In other words, it didn't shock me the way it did to some. When I finally got through the book, all I could keep saying is EL James, show don't tell. - Carmen from

  2. Man, I'm SO glad someone agreed. My mother in law loves these smutty romance novels (I'm a classic lit. fan myself) and I couldn't even finish this book. I was too insulted, and disgusted.

  3. The sex is the most boring part! And it's the same conversationg every time they have sex. I'm reading the third one now and it's super long and you can imagine reading the same paragraph over and over and over. I almost skip over the sex part because I just want to see how it ends and if Christian ever stops being a lunatic and Ana ever grows a pair. I'd never have the patience to be with someone like Christian.



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