Sunday, April 10, 2011

Catching up

Finally have a few free minutes to catch up on my blog reading although I can see my stinky beginning to wake up (Paul & I call our baby Stinky...she's gonna love that when she gets older) so my few minutes are shriveling as we speak...well as I type rather.  My girl is hungry when she wakes up and loves to eat.  It's amazing to me how her body functions as its own little alarm clock (eyes open now) and every 2 hours during the day she is ready for some boobie juice.  Her first word may in fact be boobie because we say it all the time.  I'm going to try and finish this quickly before she realizes she is hungry. 

Our plan is to adopt more children some day, most likely when Paul retires from the military and we settle down in one space.  I see us with a sibling group of 3, but who knows what the Lord has in store for us.  As such though I am always interested in hearing other people's stories of adoptions and I came across this link No Greater Joy Mom through another blog on adoption I was reading.  I encourage you to read their story and struggle of adopting a child with Downs Syndrome from another country and to pass along their need for prayers.   They are an amazing testament to what a family will go through in order to provide a loving home for a child that needs one and we can all learn something from the challenges they are dealing with. 

Okay, Stinky has that look.  I'd best go get the girls ready. 

Hope everyone is enjoying a beautiful spring day.  So nice to have fresh air in the house!

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