Emma LOVES the paper on the examining tables. She moves around and smiles the entire time she's on it. |
The doctor was impressed with how well Emma holds her head up and says that she is holding herself up on her tummy like a 4 month old...I knew she'd be advanced! She even handled her vaccinations like a champ.
Last night she had boogies and I am official boogie catcher (well, technically the syringe bulb is the boogie catcher, but I am the official handler as Paul won't do it). Emma was pitching a fit and had quite the snot mess going on (some of which ended up on Paul's uniform) so he grabs a tissue, holds it up to her nose, and told her to blow and don't you know our little genius did! She even blew with enough force to get the snot out and onto the tissue.
She also has started laughing. She's only done it a few tentative times, but it is so adorable and funny to hear. Perhaps because mommy stays home and talks to and laughs at her all day long like a lunatic.
The cloth diapering is going really well. I really like using them and think the giant bubble butt they give Emma is adorable. She often looks like a snail when she's lying on her tummy because her diaper sticks up so far. I was worried she wouldn't be able to fit in her clothes, but we haven't had any issues because of the diapers in that area.
Breastfeeding is going okay. I've met with 2 lactation consultants (I'm like a LC groupie) and have weaned off using the nipple shield. Now I just have to retrain Emma to latch correctly. It's getting better as I no longer feel like I'm going to pass out from pain when she initially latches on. I called my ob per the LC and got some all purpose nipple ointment from a compounding shop and it is awesome! I highly recommend it if you breastfeed and have nipples that feel like they are on fire. The apno puts that fire right out!
Saturday we have our first plane ride as we are headed down south for a week. Luckily we are blessed with amazing house/pet sitters so no worries there. They rock (even if Andy refuses to believe Neil Patrick Harris is gay). Then Emma and I will leave daddy at home to head to NJ to see my grammy and spend a few more days with my mom who then will follow me back up to Boston.
The train we are on has shifted into high gear as we have hit the less than 70 days point until Paul leaves for his deployment. Roughly only 2 months left to get a LOT of stuff done around our house and our wills/paperwork done and that isn't even taking into account the several weeks Paul will be gone for pre-deployment training and TDY for work. Yikes! For sure keep us in your prayers please!
Stinky will be waking up soon to eat so I guess I better run. Tell your friends how funny I am and to follow my blog!
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