Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wachovia I'm calling you out

I've had this Wachovia account with no activity for over a year with a very low balance (and by low think $50) so I finally decide to get off my slacker ass today and just close it out.  I call Wachovia thinking either I'll need to just send a letter or I'll be able to do it over the phone. 

I get connected with a woman and our conversation goes like this:

Me: I'd like to close out my account.

Her:  Can you verify your name and address?

I verify the information.

Her:  Can you tell me what accounts you have with Wachovia?

Me:  Um, I haven't lived in an area that has a Wachovia in 3 years.  I get a statement for a free checking account and I think I had a savings account at one time.  And I have an ATM card.

Her:  And?

Me:  I have no idea.

Her:  Can you tell me when you opened the account?

Me:  I have no idea.  How would I know that information?

Her:  Can I have your drivers license number?

Me:  I've lived in GA and MA since I opened my account in FL.  I have no idea what my FL drivers license number was.  They don't let you keep those when you get a new license. 

Her:  Are you sure you don't have that number?  I need it in order to close the account.

Me:  I have no idea what that number is.  Why would I know that information?

Her:  Do you know when you opened the account?

Me:  Again, I have no idea.  It was over 3 years ago.

Her:  I just need a month and a year. 

Me:  I have confirmed my mailing address where you mail my statement, my date of birth, the account number, and I can give you my social security number.  Can I speak to a supervisor?

Her:  Are you sure you can't remember the month and year you opened the account?

Me:  Yes, I'm sure.  It would just be me picking a random month and year out of a hat.

Her:  Well, just try.

Me:  January 2005

Her:  Can you hold please while I talk to our online center?

4 minutes later.

Her:  Okay, I can close that account.  Are you sure you'd like to close the account?

At this point we've been on the phone playing this game for 20 minutes.

Me:  Yes, I'm sure. 

Her:  And why are you closing your account?

You'd be happy to know that I didn't scream "Because you're a fucking dumbass," but just stated "Again, I don't live in an area that has Wachovia." 

Are you friggin kidding me Wachovia?  Yeah, won't be banking with you at any point ever again.

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