Monday, January 10, 2011

Recliner=Epic Failure

I am so tired.  Last night we decided that I would try sleeping in the recliner in the living room in an effort to combat my out of control night time acid reflux.  The night before I had woken up choking on my own stomach acid, couldn't catch my breath, totally freaked out, crying, and ended up throwing up.  Poor Paul.  I think he thought he was going to have to call an ambulance.  I coughed like a smoker the rest of the night and pretty much most of the next day.  (Still no understanding why anyone would smoke if you end up coughing like was awful!  I mean then there's the cancer and smell and what not as added bonuses.)

So, I'm in the recliner and I'm pretty comfortable.  I read until about midnight and then get up to use the bathroom before settling in for what I am sure is going to be an awesome night of sleep.  I had left the foot part up on the recliner so I could tuck the sheet around the ends and getting out of the recliner was no problem.  The problem was I couldn't figure out how to get back into the recliner with my pillows, the blanket, not mess up the sheet, and not wake up Paul (God love my hubby who slept on the couch all night so I wouldn't be alone).  Plus I'm trying to do all this by the light of my flash light.  I finally climb into the recliner except now I end up sitting on one pillow and part of my blanket and I can't get them out from under me.  I end up having to sit up, put the foot rest down, climb back out of the recliner, fix everything, and then get re-settled. 

Now I'm huffing and puffing because I'm so out of breath, but I gamely try to get comfortable and relax.  Ahhhhh....and no sleep!  Sleep is no where to be found.  Eventually I drift off into that weird state between consciousness and unconsciousness where you aren't quite asleep, but you're not fully awake either.  1:30am I am so tired and have to get up to go to the bathroom.  Ugh!  What a chore!  2:30am awake again.  And my back hurts and I feel like I can't get the recliner back far enough to be comfortable.  4am and I want to cry.  And the entire time I'm drifting in that weird dream like state I am dreaming about the Kardashians.  The entire night!  Finally at 4:30am I give up, get up, and haul my blanket and pillows into the first floor guest room and curl up on top of the bed.  As soon as I lay on my left side....acid reflux.  Are you friggin kidding me?  I roll over to my right side and I'm freezing cold and then the heat kicks on and all I can hear is water dripping.  And then I'm wicked sweaty and I just cannot get comfortable.  Finally at 6:30am Paul's alarm goes off and I shuffle back into the living room and say, "I wanna go sleep upstairs." 

Paul gets ready for work while I am miserable.  He leaves around 7:15am and I finally fall back to sleep until my phone rings...twice.  I stay in bed until 11am, but I never really got any good sleep. 

I am so tired today that I can hardly stand it.  I just want to cry.  I did figure out why the Little M is so quiet during the day is because she moves the entire night!  It's like she is in there tap dancing and wings is her signature move.  She is gonna be out of control when she gets here!  lol 

And if one person comments that all these sleepless nights are just preparing me for when the baby gets here rest assured there is a good chance I will come to wherever you are, rip off your arm, and beat you with it.  I am almost 9 months pregnant and haven't slept in close to a month or more.  I am tired and I am cranky and I am not above physical violence.  Just wanted everyone to be forewarned.  Ok, thanks! 

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