Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The joys of snow

As I sit here waiting for our next snow storm I have to wonder...where the hell is all this snow going to go and is our roof going to hold up?  We already have a 6 foot high wall of snow in our side yard from the plow guy plowing our driveway and who knows how many feet in our front yard.  If we get more snow the dogs are going to be able to walk over the top of the fence.  Actually Sasha probably could right now, but she isn't that smart and I think the snow is a little too soft still.  I'll try to take some pictures to post.  We still don't have a mailbox although DPW is supposed to come put up a temporary one until the spring when they'll install a real one.  We now have 2 mailboxes somewhere in our yard and still have no idea if the first mailbox had mail in it when it got hit by the plow.  lol  The DPW superintendent said that he thought they may be out of temporary mailboxes as they've had to replace a lot this year.  I'm supposed to call him back on Friday if we haven't gotten one yet. 

Yesterday I found a pipe leaking in the basement.  We have no idea why it's leaking, but Paul thinks it's because of the snow as it didn't seem to be related to running water or anything.  Then I walked through the kitchen and noticed a huge water stain on the ceiling above the dining room table (which has grown even larger today).  Paul ran upstairs to see what was going on.  Apparently the crappy window in the upstairs guest bath, that we had yet to replace, was filled with water.  And when I mean filled I mean the window sill has several inches of water in it.  Paul used a towel to sop up as much water as he could, but then the water refreezes at night (there must be several inches of ice in there right now).  So, all this snow is just melting and running down the walls and collecting on the ceiling.  We also found a 7 foot long icicle that must be 12 inches around hanging next to the guest bath window. 

Today I heard a huge loud crack from upstairs as I was watching Ellen.  Sasha and I ran waddled upstairs to see what was going on because it sounded like something fell.  All I could think was I hope the ceiling didn't collapse somewhere.  Well, in Emma's room I found a huge water stain above her changing table that wasn't there yesterday as well as a huge spot in the upstairs guest room.  Oh, and the huge crash I heard...the screen fell out of the crappy guest bath window on the second floor. 

Never could I have imagined that all this would've happened (it goes with the the giant crack in our living room wall that's from the house settling) as we've never had problems during rain or snow from last year.  Poor Paul is going up into the attic tonight and I can only hope that the attic floor isn't covered in water or a huge sheet of ice. 

I guess the blessing is that we have a roof over our heads and a warm place to sleep (although our poor furnace runs all day and never quite heats up the house lol) and each other and soon a baby!  Despite the "joys" of home ownership we are blessed to be able to afford a home and to have renovated it (it was pretty ugly and outdated when we first bought it--God bless my handy husband). 

In other morning news...Beauty attacked Beast this morning and drew blood for the first time!  She immediately got a time out in the bathroom per the dog trainer and then had to spend the rest of the morning in her crate as I had to run to the bank.  But she has been doing really well house training lately (knock on wood--who else has a 7 year old that isn't house trained????). 

No baby yet although I continue to have menstrual like cramps.  Fun times!  I can only hope it means that my cervix is doing something (thinning, opening, getting ready). 

Hope everyone stays warm in this chilly, snowy weather.  I'll post snow pics tomorrow and maybe some pics of our house falling apart.  lol  I can't wait for the spring so I can garden and this year I AM redoing my mud room and making it into the gardening room I dream about.  We found the original house listing (we tend not to throw things away for a long time) when we were looking at houses which lists it as a sun room.  I wouldn't go quite that far, but it can be a lot nicer than the crap hole that it currently is.  I actually have an urge to nest in there, but the fact that it's not heated (we removed the thermostat) has kept me inside. 

Since I will be a SAHM I am looking forward to yard work and hopefully a continual process of improvement in our backyard (if our furniture survives...our gazebo did not last winter) so we can enjoy some outdoor cookouts this year (we had a lot the first summer here and then none in 2010 b/c of being pregnant and morning sickness).  We, and by we I mean me, love to have people over and to entertain and to cook our (Hulls and Brownings I already have some planned for when you visit lol). 

Okay, I need to let Beauty out of her crate, let the dogs out, and get some lunch.  Stay warm! 

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