Sunday, January 30, 2011

Jersey Shore

I know, I know...not another Jersey Shore blog.  But I am just so fascinated appalled by this slice of current Americana.  Paul flipped to Jersey Shore the other day and turned it off after 5 minutes in absolute disgust.  I, on the other hand, dvr it and watch it in secret shame when Paul's not home (or in 5 minute snatches when he goes upstairs for something). 

I have to think that the parents of these adults who are starring whoring in Jersey Shore have to watch their prodigy and think "I am so proud."  I am not sure which would make me prouder as a parent...watching my 20 something year old daughter getting into a physical altercation with her roommate night after night, watching my 20 something year old child on television bang some random stranger he/she met in a bar, seeing my 20 something year old child get arrested for (fill in the blank), watching my 30 year old child live with 20 year olds and forgo a real job, or watching my son refer to himself in the 3rd party (The Situation) and get turned down night after night because even the girls of the Jersey Shore are too classy to have sex with his skeezy ass. 

The other thing I laugh about comes more from the Miller Lite commercials.  I wonder if their ad team just watches the Jersey Shore for inspiration.  It is 2011--who wears a dragon t-shirt like this?  Oh that's right.  The men boys on Jersey Shore. (FYI if you do have appliqued t-shirts OR jeans it's time to clean out the closet and pay a visit to the Good Will with your donation.  Neither are a good look on anyone.)

I was happy to see whiny Sammi and JWoww hug it out on the last episode as all the fist fighting was getting a little old.  I'd really like MTV to send Dr. Phil into the Jersey Shore house for a day.  I think it'd be like a steel cage death match between Dr. Phil and the cast.  I am not sure who would come out victorious though.  Dr. Phil deals with a lot on his show and yet part of me believes the Jersey Shore cast may actually break him.  It'd be a sad sad day to see Dr. Phil running down the boardwalk in the throes of a nervous breakdown after a day with this bunch of super troopers.

Must be nice to have your only aspiration in life to GTL (gym, tan, laundry for you intellects out there who don't cheapen yourself by watching reality television).  Oh, and spend 3 weeks a summer working at a touristy t-shirt shop (as much as I wonder what the hell the owner of this store is thinking he really is a marketing genius for hooking up with these losers.  I'm sure he gets a ton of business just because of his affiliation with the 7th circle).  I, personally, would like to see the Jersey Shore cast go work for the Cake Boss for the summer.  He would kick their asses.  I think a meet and greet between Jersey Shore and Jerseylicious would also be hilarious. 

Okay, perhaps it's time for me to pay a visit to Dr. Phil to discuss my reality tv addiction.   

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Huffin and puffin around BU

Today I had a KD CAB meeting at Boston University.  I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to attend, but the weather was nice and it seemed like I'd be able to park fairly close to the building the meeting was in (and I wasn't in labor).  I drove into Boston, made it to BU without any problem, and found a parking lot in the high 600 block.  The building I was going to was in the high 700 block.  That didn't seem that far to me. 

So, I park and start walking (my ob should be so happy since she told me I needed to walk).  I'm a little behind schedule so I'm trying to walk quickly.  Within seconds I am huffin and puffin like I smoke 12 packs of cigarettes every day for the last 20 years. 

And what I thought was a close parking lot...12 city blocks later I finally make it to the student union!  I make a pit stop at the Starbucks, can't find the elevator, and end up walking up 2 flights of stairs.  I could not have been breathing any harder if I had run a marathon.  On the 2nd floor I find the information desk and the elevator.  Of course the meeting room is at the farthest point away from the elevator, but I was so happy to have the elevator and be in the right place I didn't even care. 

The meeting was fantastic and we got done before it got dark out.  I took a leisurely stroll back to my car.  Of course apparently people LOVE to run/jog through the BU campus because I think 150 runners passed me.  What seemed to be the BU cross country team started to pass me just as I got to the parking lot and of course I was walking on the right side of the sidewalk so that my purse was near the snow (figured it'd be harder for someone to steal my purse this way) and then had to figure out how to get my fat ass through a break in the runners.  Not so easy when it takes you 5 minutes to move 5 feet. 

All in all I was proud of myself for my outing and for not falling asleep when I got home.  Still not in labor (that Mexican food thing is a lie), but am hoping for a good night's sleep after all the fresh air I got.  lol 

Friday, January 28, 2011

37 weeks 1 day no baby

I had an ob appointment today.  Based on the cramping and contractions I've had over the last week I had great expectations for today's appointment.  Realistically I haven't had that much cramping and my contractions aren't that bad or that consistent, but I believe in rose colored glasses.  As I waltzed into the examining room I just knew that Dr. Cole was going to say, "Oh my you're 5cm dilated and 80% effaced...time to go have this baby," and send me to the hospital. 

Instead I peed in my cup (it makes me nervous when the nurse has to look at the test kit bottle to check the colors on my test strip....not enough to ask her what she's doing mind you, but just enough to wonder about), got weighed (no gain from last week), and blood pressure (100/62) and got into the examining room. 

Dr. Cole came in and measured my belly and started feeling the baby all the while exclaiming, "Wow she's so big.  She just takes up your whole belly.  She's just everywhere in there."  And Emma is head down, butt up (isn't that a line from a dirty rap song?). 

And then came the moment of truth...internal exam.  Drum roll please.  Cervix is thin, not dilated at all.  Are you friggin kidding me?????  Where's my 5cm and my 80%?  Why am I not on the way to the hospital? 

Dr. Cole then dashed all my hopes by saying, "All this time we worried you'd deliver early and now you'll probably go past your due date." 

Apparently despite doing my hair and make up, too, I look exhausted because Dr. Cole asked, "Are you tired?"  Um, that would be a big fat yes.  She told me I needed to start walking the mall.  After almost 5 months of sitting on my ass all day and now I'm gonna go walk the mall.  I don't even think I could reach my feet to tie my tennis shoes, but I'll give it a whirl. 

So, tonight we went and had Mexican food and afterwards we stopped at Lowe's.  I walked from the door to the lumber section and wanted to lay down and take a nap in the store.  Paul did his best to get me to take a lap around the store, but it just wasn't happening for me tonight. 

In other not so exciting news we found out yesterday that Paul is going to deploy.  He has to be in Kuwait by July 6th and hopefully we'll know next week if he's going to Iraq or Afghanistan or someplace else.  So, in addition to getting ready to have a new baby, repair all the damage to our house caused by snow we now have to prepare for his deployment.  The next few months will be busy and life changing and beyond stressful for sure.  Luckily I still can focus on how blessed we are. 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Moby Wrap

I've decided to try the whole baby wearing thing and after looking around online went with an organic Moby wrap (sort of wishing I had gotten a mei tai, but maybe once Emma's a little older I'll switch).  I watched a video online before making my purchase and thought "Oh, that looks easy." 

I get my wrap in the mail and pull out what seems like a never ending piece of fabric.  So far NOT what I was expecting. 

Today I decide to practice using my Moby.  I go to the website and click on the first video.  This is the image you should have in your head:  me standing in the living room, squinting at this tiny video on my computer, and trying to fold what must be 20 yards of fabric as per the video instructions.  It takes me 10 minutes just to find the tag in the center and then another 10 minutes to fold the entire 20 yards in half.  Meanwhile I have to stop and rewind the video to the beginning because the model is going so fast that I'm 12 steps behind at this point. 

Then I have to, without twisting it, wrap the ends around my back, cross them, and pull them up over my shoulders.  Did I mention without getting them twisted?  In trying this I have 5 yards of fabric wrapped around each leg and I'm tripping all over myself trying to get untangled.  Then you tie this thing around your waist.  Of course the skinny model can wrap it around her waist 5 times...I get it around once.  Okay a half a time.  Okay I'm lucky I could tie it at all.  Plus the entire time I'm practicing I'm wicked out of breath and huffing like an asthmatic after a 20 year cigarette habit.

After watching the video 25 times I think I finally got it!  Of course my giant belly is a hindrance in this trial and error; however, once Emma gets here I think she'll like the Moby.  Or at least I hope I can catch her if she falls out of it.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wachovia I'm calling you out

I've had this Wachovia account with no activity for over a year with a very low balance (and by low think $50) so I finally decide to get off my slacker ass today and just close it out.  I call Wachovia thinking either I'll need to just send a letter or I'll be able to do it over the phone. 

I get connected with a woman and our conversation goes like this:

Me: I'd like to close out my account.

Her:  Can you verify your name and address?

I verify the information.

Her:  Can you tell me what accounts you have with Wachovia?

Me:  Um, I haven't lived in an area that has a Wachovia in 3 years.  I get a statement for a free checking account and I think I had a savings account at one time.  And I have an ATM card.

Her:  And?

Me:  I have no idea.

Her:  Can you tell me when you opened the account?

Me:  I have no idea.  How would I know that information?

Her:  Can I have your drivers license number?

Me:  I've lived in GA and MA since I opened my account in FL.  I have no idea what my FL drivers license number was.  They don't let you keep those when you get a new license. 

Her:  Are you sure you don't have that number?  I need it in order to close the account.

Me:  I have no idea what that number is.  Why would I know that information?

Her:  Do you know when you opened the account?

Me:  Again, I have no idea.  It was over 3 years ago.

Her:  I just need a month and a year. 

Me:  I have confirmed my mailing address where you mail my statement, my date of birth, the account number, and I can give you my social security number.  Can I speak to a supervisor?

Her:  Are you sure you can't remember the month and year you opened the account?

Me:  Yes, I'm sure.  It would just be me picking a random month and year out of a hat.

Her:  Well, just try.

Me:  January 2005

Her:  Can you hold please while I talk to our online center?

4 minutes later.

Her:  Okay, I can close that account.  Are you sure you'd like to close the account?

At this point we've been on the phone playing this game for 20 minutes.

Me:  Yes, I'm sure. 

Her:  And why are you closing your account?

You'd be happy to know that I didn't scream "Because you're a fucking dumbass," but just stated "Again, I don't live in an area that has Wachovia." 

Are you friggin kidding me Wachovia?  Yeah, won't be banking with you at any point ever again.

The joys of snow

As I sit here waiting for our next snow storm I have to wonder...where the hell is all this snow going to go and is our roof going to hold up?  We already have a 6 foot high wall of snow in our side yard from the plow guy plowing our driveway and who knows how many feet in our front yard.  If we get more snow the dogs are going to be able to walk over the top of the fence.  Actually Sasha probably could right now, but she isn't that smart and I think the snow is a little too soft still.  I'll try to take some pictures to post.  We still don't have a mailbox although DPW is supposed to come put up a temporary one until the spring when they'll install a real one.  We now have 2 mailboxes somewhere in our yard and still have no idea if the first mailbox had mail in it when it got hit by the plow.  lol  The DPW superintendent said that he thought they may be out of temporary mailboxes as they've had to replace a lot this year.  I'm supposed to call him back on Friday if we haven't gotten one yet. 

Yesterday I found a pipe leaking in the basement.  We have no idea why it's leaking, but Paul thinks it's because of the snow as it didn't seem to be related to running water or anything.  Then I walked through the kitchen and noticed a huge water stain on the ceiling above the dining room table (which has grown even larger today).  Paul ran upstairs to see what was going on.  Apparently the crappy window in the upstairs guest bath, that we had yet to replace, was filled with water.  And when I mean filled I mean the window sill has several inches of water in it.  Paul used a towel to sop up as much water as he could, but then the water refreezes at night (there must be several inches of ice in there right now).  So, all this snow is just melting and running down the walls and collecting on the ceiling.  We also found a 7 foot long icicle that must be 12 inches around hanging next to the guest bath window. 

Today I heard a huge loud crack from upstairs as I was watching Ellen.  Sasha and I ran waddled upstairs to see what was going on because it sounded like something fell.  All I could think was I hope the ceiling didn't collapse somewhere.  Well, in Emma's room I found a huge water stain above her changing table that wasn't there yesterday as well as a huge spot in the upstairs guest room.  Oh, and the huge crash I heard...the screen fell out of the crappy guest bath window on the second floor. 

Never could I have imagined that all this would've happened (it goes with the the giant crack in our living room wall that's from the house settling) as we've never had problems during rain or snow from last year.  Poor Paul is going up into the attic tonight and I can only hope that the attic floor isn't covered in water or a huge sheet of ice. 

I guess the blessing is that we have a roof over our heads and a warm place to sleep (although our poor furnace runs all day and never quite heats up the house lol) and each other and soon a baby!  Despite the "joys" of home ownership we are blessed to be able to afford a home and to have renovated it (it was pretty ugly and outdated when we first bought it--God bless my handy husband). 

In other morning news...Beauty attacked Beast this morning and drew blood for the first time!  She immediately got a time out in the bathroom per the dog trainer and then had to spend the rest of the morning in her crate as I had to run to the bank.  But she has been doing really well house training lately (knock on wood--who else has a 7 year old that isn't house trained????). 

No baby yet although I continue to have menstrual like cramps.  Fun times!  I can only hope it means that my cervix is doing something (thinning, opening, getting ready). 

Hope everyone stays warm in this chilly, snowy weather.  I'll post snow pics tomorrow and maybe some pics of our house falling apart.  lol  I can't wait for the spring so I can garden and this year I AM redoing my mud room and making it into the gardening room I dream about.  We found the original house listing (we tend not to throw things away for a long time) when we were looking at houses which lists it as a sun room.  I wouldn't go quite that far, but it can be a lot nicer than the crap hole that it currently is.  I actually have an urge to nest in there, but the fact that it's not heated (we removed the thermostat) has kept me inside. 

Since I will be a SAHM I am looking forward to yard work and hopefully a continual process of improvement in our backyard (if our furniture survives...our gazebo did not last winter) so we can enjoy some outdoor cookouts this year (we had a lot the first summer here and then none in 2010 b/c of being pregnant and morning sickness).  We, and by we I mean me, love to have people over and to entertain and to cook our (Hulls and Brownings I already have some planned for when you visit lol). 

Okay, I need to let Beauty out of her crate, let the dogs out, and get some lunch.  Stay warm! 

Friday, January 21, 2011

Bye bye twisty tie

My ob appt was on the day of a snow storm.  I can no longer button my coat.  Paul thinks this is hilarious!
Today was a huge day...cerclage removal!  I was extremely nervous because I had no idea what to expect other than that Dr. C was going to do this in her office.  Basically when they put the cerclage in they stitch around the cervix and then pull it tight and tie it in a knot.  I can't even picture in my head what this looks like and even though Dr. R told me the stitch was in the 12 o'clock position I couldn't figure out a point of reference.  I guess 12 o'clock was facing up towards the ceiling while I was lying on my back. 
Apparently there are different types of cerclages.  I have no idea what type of stitches or whatever mine was, but doesn't this look like something fun to have going on in your chuckie!  At least when they put it in you have a spinal or some type of anesthesia.  When they take it out you get nothing.  Oh, I did take some Tylenol ahead of time and found that to be NOT effective at all.  I wished I had taken a percocet before hand.  That might've made a difference. 

We finally go back into the examining room and we are ready to get started.  Much to Paul's chagrin I made him come in with me to hold my hand.  Hey, if I have to suffer so does he!  I'm a good wife like that.  So, if you've ever been prego you know how super sensitive you are inside your hooha during pregnancy and how even just to have your dr exam you is pretty uncomfortable.  Now imagine your dr cranking you open with a speculum wide enough to insert surgical tools inside you and cut out a thick piece of ribbon.  The cerclage thread was NOT the thin fishing wire type thread Paul and I had assumed.  It was a quarter inch thick piece of thread.  And Dr. C said the knot was super tight. 

The whole time the nurse is reminding me to breathe (I tried to remember to do my yoga breathing, but let's be honest I haven't practiced yoga in years) while Dr. C is telling me to relax (um, hello you are killing me!) and I am squeezing Paul's hand so hard I'm surprised I didn't break it all the while trying to escape by scooting up on the table (fight or flight baby...I chose flight). 

And then Dr. C said something like I'm almost there...almost there!  I expected you to say you were almost done!  And then finally she was done.  She turned off the light so I could rest for a few minutes and she said I did really well.  After a few minutes the nurse came back in with the other nurse to show her the cerclage (Dr. C said I could keep it as a souvenir, but I didn't feel that was necessary.  I should've taken a picture though!).  I then had to spend 20 minutes doing a non stress test.  Emma of course chose that moment to be quiet so she got buzzed with a vibrating thing by the nurse twice.  That pissed her off good and she moved the rest of the time.  And then she got the hiccups which made me laugh hysterically listening to her little heartbeat and her bumping the toco (what they call the doppler thingy they use for the non stress test). 

20 minutes later and I have my next appt for a week from today (when I'll be considered full term--yay!).  Until then our bags are packed, car seat is installed, and we are just waiting for Emma to make her grand entrance!  Apparently I am quite large because no one can believe I have almost an entire month left till my due date (I blame all the desserts I've eaten this pregnancy).

What's the old saying...9 months to put it on, 9 years to take it off?  lol

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The decline of intelligent civilization

I know this may seem like an odd post coming from someone who watches as much reality television as I do, but I have to wonder if Americans are becoming increasingly stupid.  I'm not just talking about the things we see on a daily basis on the news or in real life (um, hello Massholes...your driving is AWFUL.  AWFUL may actually be too kind of a word.  I'm surprised Paul hasn't pulled someone from their car and beaten them to into a coma yet.), but rather the fact that I am appalled on a daily basis by things that I read online. 

I get texting.  I love to text.  I do think it helps us to have a basic lack of human connection because no one is forced to pick up the phone anymore and have an actual conversation with someone, but I do like that it's quick and easy to get the information you're looking for.  Texting is the new email.  It's a faux connection...a way to make contact without really have to give up any of your own time.  And I do use all the acronyms and short cuts and what not when I text although I am sure there are a lot that today's teenagers use that I would have no idea what they are talking about. 

The real issue I have is people's inability to spell, use punctuation, use capital and lower case letters in the correct sequence, and just a basic lack of correct grammar.  I admit that I am something of a typing fiend.  I love to type and take great pride in the fact that I can type quickly with minimal errors (not to brag--ok I'm bragging--but I can type almost 90 words per minute with little to no mistakes).  I get that not everyone can type, but everyone CAN and SHOULD read over what they've written before hitting that all magical send or submit button.  This isn't even taking into account that most computer applications whether it's email, blogger, or an online board of some kind have a spell check feature.  How hard is it to spend an extra 15 seconds to hit spell check and double check all the highlighted words that show up?  Heck, how hard is to make sure you have used capital letters correctly and put a period in the correct spot?  If you write in run on sentences, use capital letters in weird places, and don't use any punctuation (or use weird abbreviations) then I don't know what you are talking about.  Reading some things that today's younger generation puts on FB baffles me.  I feel like you need a super secret decoder ring to decipher what people are talking about. 

I think a lot of it comes back to the fact that people don't read anymore.  I've felt that reading has helped me increase my vocabulary and have a better understanding of basic writing skills.  No one seems to read novels anymore (and no, OK and Us Weekly do not really count as reading, as much as I love them, because you are reading the same article in every magazine).  Perhaps if people read more they'd write better.  Our children will be readers. 

I guess what I really want people to do is take some pride in what you are writing and write in a way so that people can understand the point you are trying to make.  Tons of mistakes makes you seem ignorant.  Use spell check--it was invented for a reason.  Double check what you've written before you send or submit it.  And for God's sake if you aren't texting then take the time to use real words instead of abbreviations!

Disclaimer: in no way do I think I'm perfect and I do occasionally make mistakes in my writing, but I try hard to avoid that.  So don't judge me too harshly if you find a mistake in this!  lol

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A midnight labor and delivery

Let me start by saying we do NOT have a baby yet.  Obviously if we did I may be too busy to put more than quick FB status update although who knows.  

Saturday we got up and decided to run some quick errands.  My ob wants me to be more active so I'm ready for the baby so to us that means a trip through the McDonald's drive thru for breakfast.  Haha.  From there we went to Target for baby stuff and I forced myself to walk around the store instead of going in the electric scooter.  I can def tell I'm still not up to my old level of stamina because even though we weren't there very long I so badly wanted to lay down and rest before we left the store.  From Target we went through the Starbucks drive through (yummylicious!) followed by a trip to the Gingerbread Construction Co.

What is the Gingerbread Construction Co. you ask?  I can tell you first what it is not.  It is not, as Paul mistakenly assumed, an actual construction company.  The fact that it says gourmet cookies on the sign had already led me to that conclusion, but Paul is not as observant as I am.  lol  The other day I saw the Gingerbread Construction Co. on the Phantom Gourmet and didn't realize they had so many delicious types of muffins so of course I had to check it out!  Especially since we drove by it every time we went to the hospital for my appointments.

Holy moly!  Paul will def be making a trip here to get some cookies and treats for the hospital staff when we go in to have Emma.  We went crazy in there!  A dozen cookies and 6 muffins later (to be fair we did get some for friends) and we, and by we I mean Paul, cracked open the cookies in the car.  I can attest to how delicious they are because I had a bite of Paul's peanut butter chocolate chunk cookie.  Oh my goodness, oh my goodness.  Later that afternoon I ate half of the Boston Cream muffin I had gotten.  Holy heaven on a plate! 

Then I got the nesting urge (or it might've been all that sugar I ingested) and went upstairs to work on the second guest room.  Sitting on the floor I was able to consolidate a huge storage tub of random papers and notebooks into one semi-neatly organized smaller tub.  The paper recycling fund raiser people by the library are going to love us!  And I had an entire other bag of stuff to throw up.  Mary, our cleaning lady, may love us, too, because now she can actually get in there to clean.  Actually Mary may have a stroke when she sees how much organization we've gotten done in the last 2 weeks.  We've even cleaned out the half bath that I was using as a storage area for Salvation Army stuff. lol  I also filled up another huge storage bin of items to donate to Salvation Army in addition to the 2 bags I filled up the other day that contained purses, bags, and shoes.  Paul is so proud of me! 

Of course now I am exhausted so while Paul heads off to the Salvation Army I rested on the couch.  We were meeting friends for dinner at Bucca di Beppo in Lexington at 6:30pm so at 5:30pm I headed up to shower and get ready.  Paul wanted to know why when we live in an area that has great Italian food and it may be our last chance to go out to dinner that I wanted to eat at a chain restaurant, but what can I say?  I love the Bucca.  Although I didn't anticipate having to sit upstairs and the bathrooms being downstairs, but it was good exercise.  The lady at the table next to us commented that I looked like I dropped, but I have no idea.  I don't feel any different.

After dinner we headed home to chillax on the couch and watch tv and I realized I hadn't felt the baby move in awhile and it was the time of night that she usually is super active so I tried to wake her up.  I had some cookies and milk, laid on my sides, poked at her, prodded her, shook my belly and nothing.  One soft tiny touch is all I felt so I called the ob and off we went to the hospital.  I felt surprisingly calm in the car because when I was praying on our way there I felt another tiny touch in the middle of my prayers.  I knew she was okay, but just wanted reassurance.  The ob on call had let the nurses know we were on our way so we headed straight to L&D and then straight into a room where I had a non stress test.

Baby E had a good heartbeat and I wasn't have any contractions and of course as soon as they hooked up the doppler thing to my belly she went crazy.  The staff was so nice and I'm sure they get crazy pregnant ladies in there all the time who just want some reassurance.  She moved the entire time we were in the hospital and still a little more when we finally got home around 2am. 

If you need a hospital to have your baby at in the Boston area let me just say that Winchester Hospital is awesome.  In addition to just being a nice looking hospital, the staff is excellent.  Considering how often we've been there during this pregnancy we have been 100% happy and pleased every time we're there.  The staff is super friendly (and not just the medical staff, but all the staff from the valet to the security guard to the information lady to the coffee ladies to the phlebotomists to the ER staff to the maternal fetal medicine ladies to the nurses to the doctors) and always makes time to say hi or have a quick conversation.

She's been a little quiet this morning, but I have my own fetal doppler so I listened to her heartbeat for a minute and felt good.  Maybe she going through a big growth spurt and is tired.  She can't have that much room left in there either. 

So everyone is healthy and happy and resting this Sunday.  My goal today is to put away stuff that Emma won't need until she's older (and I actually have room to store stuff now that I cleaned out the spare closet in our bedroom...imagine that!) and do some laundry. 

God is good!

Friday, January 14, 2011

35 week checkup

Drove myself to the doctor today (I know whoohooo...y'all drive around all day and I act like I've won an Olympic gold medal--go me) and let me just say 20 degree temperatures and icy parking lots makes Jenny a very slow waddler.  Tip toe, tip toe, shuffle...actually the dr's office parking lot was not that bad and I got a spot right next to the door. 

I only had to wait in the lobby for an hour this morning.  I love my ob, but she has the worst wait times.  It's worth it though for me to see a dr I trust and who answers my questions.  I am about a regular pregnant person.  She did my group B strep test today (and let me just say I was surprised and if you've had one you know what I'm talking about and if you haven't'll have to google it).  And next week my cerclage comes out!  And the dr gave us permission to do certain things we have not been allowed to do since I was 18 weeks pregnant.  It's like Christmas!  lol 

After the appointment I met my friend Jessica for lunch at Panera Bread.  Again, I had rock star parking right up front.  This parking lot was not as good as the dr's and I'm sure the people who had to wait for my slow, fat ass waddle in front of them were annoyed.  I try to make sure they can visibly see that I am pregnant so maybe they'll take pity on me. 

Lunch was so fun.  We sat in front of the fire while we ate and then agreed that it was way too warm to continue to sit there while we had coffee and pastry.  After lunch we went to Marshall's and then I went home and cleaned out a spare closet in the master bedroom.  I think now that I can do more I am finding I want to nest more.  Paul was so proud of me because before you couldn't even walk into the closet and now everything is neat and organized.  I even was able to fill 2 giant bags to donate to Salvation Army.  Look at me overcoming my hoarding tendencies! 

Of course at one point I thought I was going to be stuck in the closet.  You can't open the door all the way because of the dresser.  I had gotten down on my hands and knees to pull shoes out that were on the floor and then I couldn't figure out how to get back up.  There was nothing to grab on to to pull myself up and I didn't have enough room to turn around or actually get the shoes out (it wasn't a well thought our plan).  I ended up crawling backwards and pulling the shoes out with me.  At least Paul didn't get home to find me still in the closet because there was no way I would've lasted 4 hours without peeing on the floor. 

And the best news of the day...the ob gave me permission to take my Nexxium twice a day (at the recommendation of my friend and PCP Rebekah...thanks chica!).  I am so hopeful that this will help me not to have acid reflux/heartburn all the time and actually get some sleep!  Last night I slept (let's use that word loosely) sitting straight up in bed.  Let me just tell you how comfortable that is. 

Paul thinks the baby is coming this weekend.  I don't think she is, but I have had quite a bit of contractions this afternoon.  They aren't painful, but they are uncomfortable.  I guess I should pay attention and make sure I don't have more than 2 in an hour.  I've kind of been slacking on paying attention.  Ooops. 

If Emma does come this weekend she better wait until AFTER we have dinner with Jessica and Matt at Bucca di Beppo tomorrow cause I love that place!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

35 weeks

Today we hit another milestone....35 weeks pregnant!  Every week that goes by I am still amazed that I have made it that far, that Emma is still inside where she belongs.  That being said I would not be heartbroken if when I go to my weekly check up tomorrow the doctor said "Hey guess what you're in labor" and sent me to the hospital (as long as Emma was okay and ready to be born of course).  I am def ready to get off this ride and having 35 more days till my due date seems impossibly long.  Although when I look back at how far I've come...35 weeks...15 weeks spent on modified bedrest. 

As the base was closed again today Paul and I celebrated by going to the mall.  Rest assured I did not walk around the mall.  They conveniently have wheelchairs for guests to use for free!  Poor Paul pushed me around the entire mall and let me just say that pushing my ever expanding girth up the ramps at various parts of the mall...well, I'm surprised Paul doesn't have a hernia or a thrown out back.  We went to the mall to make Emma her build a bear!  We decided one of our family traditions would be to make each of our children their own build a bear prior to their birth.  Emma's turned out so cute, but you don't get to see it until she's here.  And when we adopt we'll take those children and let them make their own build a bear. 

This is how big I am now

According to our little one is over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5.25lbs.  This makes us laugh hysterically because at my 32 week appointment they estimated that Emma weighed 5lbs 1oz.  I'd guess she'd be closer to 7lbs right now.  Luckily her physical development is mostly complete and now her job is to gain weight.  Gain weight?  How can this little girl gain more weight?  She's gonna be a chunk!  How is it possible that my stomach may get even bigger?  I feel like the skin is already stretched to its capacity.  I haven't had any stretch marks so far until Paul pointed out some the other night.  Thanks honey!

This week was the blizzard of 2011.  20 inches of snow later and here are some pics I took today of our yard and around the mall.  These were actually on Wednesday 01/12/11.

Our backyard

Our cars

When we thought the garbage may still go out.
These were from today.
Huge pile of snow in mall parking lot

Outside the mall entrance

Paul's truck and what our plow guy left in our yard from our driveway

And finally we topped off the day by a trip to Cold Stone Creamery (perhaps contributing to my little girl's chunk) and CVS where I found bliss.

These are a few of my favorite things and I wait all year long for them to come out!!!!!  Was so surprised to see them this early and had to restrain myself (I really wanted to buy the entire bin). 

Thanks Cadbury Bunny!

Hope everyone watched Police Women of Cincinnati tonight!  My former sister in law, Mandy Curfiss, is one of the officers on the show!  She is amazing!

Will let you know how the doctors appointment goes tomorrow. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Late nights and train wrecks

Last night Paul and I got sucked in to (are you ready for this) The Millionaire Matchmaker...until 1 o'clock in the morning!  The whole time Paul kept saying, "I hope the base is closed tomorrow.  Where's the snow?  Why isn't it snowing?  I'm going to be so tired."  As I am a good wife at about 11pm I started to ask Paul if he was going to go to bed.  I just wanted to put it out there that I tried to get him to go to bed in case we didn't get snow (our meteorologists are notoriously wrong) so he wouldn't be tired.  And as is our usual once we got into bed we chatted and laughed for awhile.  We can sit next to each other all night on the couch and hardly say a word, but as soon as we get into bed we're regular chatty cathies (Cathy's, Cathies, Kathy's????).  It seems to be the time of night that we talk about Emma and how nervous/excited/terrified/happy we are that she'll be here soon.  We laugh because she usually is moving around (she loves the night life) and we talk to her.  The cutest thing is Paul putting his head next to my belly and talking to her or blowing raspberries on my stomach.  Miss Feisty loves that and usually responds with big kicks and stretches. 

But back to Patti and her band of matchmakers.  I really would like Bravo to do a special on any couples that have ended up getting married after having Patti set them up.  I know she says she has an "extremely high success rate;" however, I've yet to see one couple that dates more than a few times.  I'd like to see some actual successes.  I'm just saying....

If you haven't seen the 2 episodes we saw last night then you missed 2 doozies.  In the first episode Freddy Mitchell, who used to play for the Eagles, was on as well as a millionairess.  The date Freddy chose totally called him out after she googled him and saw that he wasn't paying his child support.  As she was a single parent I thought that was a legitimate concern.  I for sure would not want to date a guy who doesn't pay his child support.  But he was so outraged by her questioning him that it was clear, despite their cheer stunting on the roof top, that there would not be a second date.  Plus his date sounded like Britney Spears with a heavy southern accent.  The millionairess felt it was appropriate to start her date with a private screening of her movie about her...and lingerie.  I have never laughed so hard as when, they are being asked individually how they thought the date was going, and the date is saying how inappropriate and weird he thought the video was and she was saying how her date loved her movie.  Paul said she was an actress/model; however, she was like 45 years old and really I wouldn't pay her to model a garbage bag.  Her date was a trooper and still went to lunch with her; however, confessed over lunch that he was not attracted to her and felt no sexual chemistry with her.  Perhaps it was the fact that she ordered a salad and apparently could fit an entire head of lettuce in her mouth at once based on the size of the pieces she was putting in her mouth or the white salad dressing that was all over the outside of her mouth (you'd have thought that would've been a turn on for most men...a good omen of things to come and her...let's call them special skills) or that she showed a movie of her old ass self in lingerie, but whatever.  Instead of being happy with his honesty her narcissistic self got up and left.  The best part though was when her and Patti got into a fight. 

Speaking of fighting...Patti seems to think she is all that and a bag of chips.  For her working with millionaires you'd think she'd have a little more professional finesse instead of insulting people all the time and telling them how awful they are.  Granted it makes for good tv, but I don't think she'd be the matchmaker I'd choose (ok I lie I totally was gonna send her my picture before I met Paul, but honestly I just wanted a rich husband) to find true love (again, I'd just use her to find me a sugar daddy).  How do people put up with her?  I also love that her mohawk and purple dyed bangs weird clothes wearing assistants pass judgment on people.  Really? 

The second episode we watched featured what seemed like a genuinely nice guy.  Granted I did not agree with Patti's assessment of him being "hot," but he certainly was one of the better looking millionaires she has had on her show (why are all her millionaires fugly looking?????  I guess there is a reason beyond their general immaturity why they are usually over 40 and single).  His date seemed nice as well and the little blurb on the end remarked they were still dating (but for how long????  I need more updates people). 

The millionairess (I hesitate to use that word as her networth was only 1.8 million...not much in today's society for someone who lives in NYC) had her own PR company.  Who would choose this woman to handle their PR is beyond me, but people must.  She had a dog that she had botox done on, an apartment entirely done in pink, was obsessed with Hello Kitty, and was completely shallow.  She sounded like a high school girl every time she opened her mouth and apparently did not realize that there are people you can pay to teach you how to apply make up and do your hair (as I write this I haven't showered, am still in my jammies, and a tree sloth has better hair than what I'm rockin right now lol).  Plus she was a little overweight (I have no judgment here cause I weigh more than my husband and will be hooking up with Weight Watchers in the next month or so).  Her first mini date was with a retired cop who actually seemed to overlook the hyena like laughter coming out of her mouth (she truly was a terrible flirt and by terrible I don't mean she flirted with everyone, I mean she was awful bad at it like painful to watch bad).  Her second mini date was with a plumber who basically came out and said he was looking for a sugar mama.  Guess who Hello Kitty chose?  Ding, ding, ding...the plumber who the only qualities about him she could identify that she liked was that he was "hot."  Which she kept telling him...over and over and over. 

Their date consisted of bike riding (I enjoyed it when he made the comment that she didn't look like she exercised or even moved all that much) that he planned and an expensive ass dinner cruise that she planned.  Because Hello Kitty enjoyed her cocktails watching her become increasingly inebriated and inappropriate on her date was comical.  You could see the dollar signs lighting up in plumber's eyes as she promised to buy him a car and a motorcycle and finance his waiter for hire business.  At one point she stated, "I want to have sex with you," and while I threw up in my  mouth a little, plumber didn't miss a beat and replied, "Give me a handjob under the table."  The details of whether she did or not are fuzzy because thank goodness the camera man stopped filming as her hand snuck towards plumber under the table.  I guess even Bravo has standards although I think it's because the camera man was running to the bathroom to throw up. 

So, Patti meets with Hello Kitty after the date and flat out said plumber is only dating you for money and he is not attracted to you.  Hello Kitty seemed genuinely surprised by this (like I said she didn't seem like the brightest bulb in the room...this may be attributed to her love of the drink) and Patti basically kicked her ass out (how does Patti continue to have clients when she is always kicking people out of da club?).  Surprisingly this relationship did not last, but I have to wonder who broke up with who?  I don't think Hello Kitty  had the self awareness to realize he was, in fact, only using her for her money.  Perhaps plumber realized she didn't have quite the amount of money he required in a sugar mama or perhaps he just couldn't go through with the sex act.  Unfortunately we shall never know. 

The nightmares that came following these 2 train wrecks (Hello Kitty and the lingerie model) were totally worth it though.  Totally worth it.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Recliner=Epic Failure

I am so tired.  Last night we decided that I would try sleeping in the recliner in the living room in an effort to combat my out of control night time acid reflux.  The night before I had woken up choking on my own stomach acid, couldn't catch my breath, totally freaked out, crying, and ended up throwing up.  Poor Paul.  I think he thought he was going to have to call an ambulance.  I coughed like a smoker the rest of the night and pretty much most of the next day.  (Still no understanding why anyone would smoke if you end up coughing like was awful!  I mean then there's the cancer and smell and what not as added bonuses.)

So, I'm in the recliner and I'm pretty comfortable.  I read until about midnight and then get up to use the bathroom before settling in for what I am sure is going to be an awesome night of sleep.  I had left the foot part up on the recliner so I could tuck the sheet around the ends and getting out of the recliner was no problem.  The problem was I couldn't figure out how to get back into the recliner with my pillows, the blanket, not mess up the sheet, and not wake up Paul (God love my hubby who slept on the couch all night so I wouldn't be alone).  Plus I'm trying to do all this by the light of my flash light.  I finally climb into the recliner except now I end up sitting on one pillow and part of my blanket and I can't get them out from under me.  I end up having to sit up, put the foot rest down, climb back out of the recliner, fix everything, and then get re-settled. 

Now I'm huffing and puffing because I'm so out of breath, but I gamely try to get comfortable and relax.  Ahhhhh....and no sleep!  Sleep is no where to be found.  Eventually I drift off into that weird state between consciousness and unconsciousness where you aren't quite asleep, but you're not fully awake either.  1:30am I am so tired and have to get up to go to the bathroom.  Ugh!  What a chore!  2:30am awake again.  And my back hurts and I feel like I can't get the recliner back far enough to be comfortable.  4am and I want to cry.  And the entire time I'm drifting in that weird dream like state I am dreaming about the Kardashians.  The entire night!  Finally at 4:30am I give up, get up, and haul my blanket and pillows into the first floor guest room and curl up on top of the bed.  As soon as I lay on my left side....acid reflux.  Are you friggin kidding me?  I roll over to my right side and I'm freezing cold and then the heat kicks on and all I can hear is water dripping.  And then I'm wicked sweaty and I just cannot get comfortable.  Finally at 6:30am Paul's alarm goes off and I shuffle back into the living room and say, "I wanna go sleep upstairs." 

Paul gets ready for work while I am miserable.  He leaves around 7:15am and I finally fall back to sleep until my phone rings...twice.  I stay in bed until 11am, but I never really got any good sleep. 

I am so tired today that I can hardly stand it.  I just want to cry.  I did figure out why the Little M is so quiet during the day is because she moves the entire night!  It's like she is in there tap dancing and wings is her signature move.  She is gonna be out of control when she gets here!  lol 

And if one person comments that all these sleepless nights are just preparing me for when the baby gets here rest assured there is a good chance I will come to wherever you are, rip off your arm, and beat you with it.  I am almost 9 months pregnant and haven't slept in close to a month or more.  I am tired and I am cranky and I am not above physical violence.  Just wanted everyone to be forewarned.  Ok, thanks! 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Baby Boom

Back in 1993 the United State's first case of sextuplets was born...the Dilley's!  2 girls, 4 boys and America had their first super sized family.  The Dilley's had the occasional tv appearance and usually pop up on the Today show every May for the sextuplet's birthday.  Hmmmm, perhaps NOT having a television show and remaining grounded in the real world has helped keep this family intact because they seem like a happy family.  Since then though it seems that America has become obsessed with super sized families (okay, maybe not America, but for sure TLC).  As I've been stuck home for 14 weeks (but whose counting) I've watched a lot of television and of course have an opinion on these super sized families.  (FYI today I watched an Oprah episode that I've seen 3 times...I think I've seen everything on tv at this point.  TLC please stop showing Obese and Pregnant!) 

Jon and Kate Plus 8...does anyone remember how cute this family was in the beginning?  They seemed like a loving family with adorable babies.  And then we all saw the slow downward spiral that eventually turned this once loving family into the train wreck they are today.  Jon, fed up with Kate's constant emasculating and emotional/verbal abuse, left to take up with a 22 year old and live the life of a bachelor.  Kate, left to her own devices, became the fame whore that we see today.  She went from being a professional nurse to the whiny, narcissistic personality that continues to believe she should be famous for giving birth to a large number of children.  I hate how she portrays herself as this victim, stalked by the paparazzi when she actively seeks out situations to exploit herself and her children.  Kate's sole focus in life appears to be Kate.  Any thought for her children comes across as secondary to her fame whoring on her show and I hope TLC drops her like a hot potato (I have heard they are not renewing her show--perhaps America is as disgusted by her at this point as I am).  Kate, a word of advice...stop focusing on material goods and get back to what matters in life...renew your nursing license and get a real job now that your kiddos are in school, be a good example to them, and be a good person.  You do not come across as a good person on your show. 

TLC also loves the Duggers.  Now while I can't say I agree with having 19 children watching their show while on bedrest I am impressed with their apparent goodness.  They seem like a loving family and although they do tend to come across as a family whose older children are raising their younger siblings I am happy they don't rely on government benefits to subsidize their super size family.  I hope that they make some different choices in terms of birth control given that their last baby almost died from being born premature (and surely after about the 10th kid all the other kids are just walking out of that va jay jay on their own) and why would you want to risk putting another baby through that?  Plus you are grandparents.  Enjoy the children you have, enjoy your grandchildren, and stop overpopulating the world (it's a good thing they don't live in China).  But they do seem like nice people. 

Do we even need to talk about Octomom?  What a case in irresponsibility and I am so happy that she didn't get her own television show.   I hope the doctor that was willing to put all those embryos in her lost his license and I don't think she should be eligible for any state benefits. 

We TV gave us Raising Sextuplets featuring Bryan and Jenny Masche.  Another example that a large family does not make a happy family.  They continued the trend of featuring a troubled marriage with lots of kids on television and Bryan was arrested in 2010 for domestic violence after the couple got into an argument.  If a show will ever make you thankful for your own marriage this one is it.  Yikes!  In every episode you can tell this couple is in over their head and has no idea how to get out.  And Jenny is also a nurse (go figure).  Bryan appears to take all his anger and frustration out on Jenny and she appears to just take it.  I feel genuinely sorry for this family (although scarily Bryan does remind me of someone I know and how I'd imagine he'd act if faced with sextuplets).  It's really sad though that this family is struggling so much and displaying that on tv.  I have to imagine that the lure of an additional paycheck from their show is too much to pass by, but hopefully they can get their act together unlike Jon and Kate. 

But my absolutely favorite is the Jones family on Fit tv (why Fit tv has a show on a super size family is beyond me, but whatever).  This family is awesome.  They are high school sweethearts, Christians, and they come across on their show as a genuinely loving and happy family.  Their website is Jones Life and while I think they've only had 5 episodes (of which I've seen all) even with all their life stressors they do not argue on their show.  It is nice to see a couple in love on tv.  I am sure they fight like all couples do at different times, but they seem to really like spending time with their 6 children (their oldest daughter and the quintuplets).  If you get a chance to catch this show I highly recommend it.  And perhaps they will not fall victim to the curse that seems to plague super size families on tv. 

I have to admit I want a probably larger than average now a days family except I have no desire to be pregnant again (Paul and I are negotiating on one more pregnancy because he wants a boy, but we'll have to come to some sort of binding, written agreement ahead of time in case it's a girl again), but I desperately want to adopt.  After our Little M gets here my dream is to adopt a sibling group of 3 so with Little M, our second bio child, and the 3 we'll probably end up with 5 children.  We may hold off on the adoption piece until Paul retires so we aren't moving all over the country with a van load of kiddos, but we'll see.  God plans stuff for you that you have no idea about so it may not be our choice.  Our plan for a second baby will depend on what we find out in a year about when we'll PCS. 

I am looking forward though to enjoying our Little M for at least a year (and also to enjoy some cocktails--holy crap I was pregnant for most of 2010 between pregnancy #1 and Little M--I need me some wine and a martini or 5!). 

34 weeks today and a baby shower to look forward to this weekend.  I'll post some pics of my giant (and when I say giant I mean GIANT) belly from the shower.  I'm treating myself to a hair cut tomorrow and an eye brow wax (the caterpillars crawling across my forehead are out of control) and I am sooooo excited!  I don't think I've ever been this excited for a haircut before.  The thought of the stylist washing my hair and drying it sends me into fits of bliss.  BLISS I tell you.  You definitely develop a new appreciation for things when you've been stuck in the house for 14 weeks.  I haven't had a haircut in a year (maybe longer)!  Happy, happy, joy, joy! 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Nursery with pics

Finally the nursery is DONE!  Okay, almost done (we still need a cover for the changing table pad), but it's done enough that I feel happy to be able to post pictures of it.  Several people got my crazy help me pick a nursery theme emails when I first got put on bedrest.  I used to spend HOURS a day looking up crib bedding sets online.  Do you know how many websites there are devoted to crib bedding?  Rest assured when I tell you it's a LOT.  I thought for sure I'd end up with a pink and brown toile bedding set with a sleigh crib in cherry or white.  What we ended up with was totally different, but I love how it looks. 

After lots of research on Baby Bargains (my go to guide for all things baby) we ended up choosing the Graco Lauren crib in expresso...mostly because Target had it on sale for $160 and it included the changing table.  Can't beat $160 and the price made it easier to say bye bye to the sleigh crib.  Plus Baby Bargains gave it an A rating.

Emma's name over the crib.  Yay for Home Goods (minus the fact that none of the Home Goods near our house had all the letters and my MIL had to search in FL for the final M and mail it to us!  The butterflies covering the hooks were Paul's idea and I think they look fantastic!

The changing table.  Finally able to use my Longaberger baskets for something and they hold our cloth diapers nicely. 

The changing table fits perfectly in this little window alcove. 

My glider in the corner.  The quilt hanging on the wall matches the crib bedding. 

Daddy's gift to Emma (the rocking horse) and his gift to mommy (the Vera Bradley diaper bag)

A close up of the decals I used from Pottery Barn--aren't they so stinkin' cute!!!!

The dresser with an antique mirror from my dad. 

A teddy bear made by Sherry for the Little M. (yes, I put a picture of both Paul and I on M's dresser)

A Christmas gift from Auntie Karin.  It's a hand made glass ball.

The time out chair Daddy bought for the Little M. 

So the one thing Paul didn't want was an all pink nursery...oops!  I really had good intentions with the pink and green bedding and decals, but from there it sort of snowballed into this pink cotton candy dream.  In case you can't tell the walls are painted a very light pink (but Paul actually agreed on that color--of course this was before he saw the final product).  Oh well--hopefully the Little M likes it! (not that she'll be old enough to like or dislike it while we are in here)

And this afternoon I washed baby bottles which means it must be almost time for the Little M to get here!  2 weeks 2 days until my cerclage comes out.  Can't believe this journey is almost over, but then the best part begins!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Now is the time of my life that I miss my girlfriends the most.  I miss the sweetness that comes from spending time with someone who has known you your whole life...the good, the bad, and the ugly.  I miss the quietness that comes in the middle of the night when you just need to call your girlfriend for a good cry...over the guy who broke your heart or the one who didn't or for no reason at all.  I miss the hysterical laughter that comes with wine, coffee, chocolate, and everything in between while you watch movies, go to dinner, sit at the beach, swim topless in the pool (Cory, Katie, and Jen know what I'm talking about) while eating fruit salad when you're supposed to be at school.  I miss lazy days at the beach in a sun/sand coma lying next to each words necessary...unless a guy in a banana hammock walks by.  I miss slumber parties with silly videotaped interviews and scary movies and junk food and later on beer (and pepsi).  I miss the uncomplicatedness of life that happens when you're with a girlfriend.

It was so easy in high school to spend time with your girlfriends.  You all lived in the same place, went to school together every day, hung out on the weekends and after school.  And then college came.  Everyone headed off in separate directions and separate lives and spending time with your girlfriends got a little more challenging.  Now instead of hopping in the car and driving 5 minutes up the road to pick up your bestie you might have to drive 5 hours up the road or hop on a plane.  Planning was required, but it made the reunions all the sweeter.  Separation only cemented the friendship you have and you started to gain a fragile understanding that friendship is precious and time is short.

Then college was over.  Now the hard work really begins.  Girlfriends moved and got married and had babies, or didn't.  New friends were made and those new friends were just as special and as valuable as the ones made in elementary school, high school, and college.  Life begins passing by at an alarmingly fast rate and due to jobs those weekend trips become harder and harder to plan and commit to.  Life interferes in friendships or it can if you let it.  Even finding time to make a catch up phone call can take an extraordinary amount of planning...when are you off work, when are the kids asleep, when is the husband not around so you can gossip about the men you married and how you love them and how they irritate you and how good your sex life is. 

But through all this craziness, through all this life one thing always remains...those girlfriends, your true true can always make that middle of the night phone call, there is always wine to be drank and chocolate to be eaten, and tears to cry, and laughter.  That never changes.  And you can always tell a true girlfriend by how quickly time rewinds when you're together.  Suddenly you aren't in your 30's anymore with umpteen kids and mortgages and're 13 again or 18 or 25 and it's like no time has passed at all between when you last spoke much less saw each other. 

If I could have one wish this is what I would wish for...a weekend filled with girlfriends.  I'd gather up all my girlfriends, our kids, husbands, pets and we'd all spend the weekend at a huge lake house.   The girlfriends would sit in Adirondack chairs, drinking wine, and laughing as we watch our poor hapless husbands chase kids around the sand and water.  We'd let the kids and spouses sleep in while we ate eat carb heavy breakfasts and drank coffee with our feet tucked under us as we watched the morning mist rising on the lake.  We'd have serious talks and cry a little.  We'd grill out hot dogs and hamburgers for lunch and grill fresh caught fish for dinner.  There'd be swimming and lounging in the lake on those rafts you blow up yourself that cost 99 cents at the store.  There'd be lazy naps in hammocks and in blankets in the grass.  Kids would run barefoot all weekend while family dogs chased them.  There'd be lots of picture taking and lots of hugging.  Nightime would be early to bed for kids while the grown ups sat around the bon fire drinking wine and beer and eating smores...except we wouldn't be grown ups...we'd be 13 or 18 or 25 again.  And just for a weekend we could forget all the hard stuff that waited for us back home.  And everyone would leave at the end of the weekend walking a little taller, smiling a little broader, inhaling a little deeper, relaxed, refreshed, and with the kinds of memories that make you ready to come back and do it all again next year.  That is my idea of heaven of earth.  


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