Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pregnant at 70

Thank you TLC for another fine afternoon of television programming. Today's fine selection included a show called Pregnant at 70. The title was a little misleading as only one 70 year old couple in India was documented. The rest were all women in their late 50's.

India does not have any laws saying how old is too old to have a child so when this 70 year old couple left their village to travel to the big city to get in vitro fertilization the doctor deemed them the perfect candidates to have a child. His reasoning was that older couples are more mature than younger couples. Um, yeah cause they are chillaxing in God's waiting room every day just hanging out till their number is up. What do they have to be immature about? Also in vitro is hugely expensive in the US, but maybe not in India. I wasn't sure how this couple who lived in a hut had the funds to leave the village, travel to the city, and pay for in vitro. The best was when TLC showed the mom BREASTFEEDING! Maybe TLC paid for the in vitro just to have that shot.

Another woman had been blind her whole life, had 10 other children, married a younger man (her 3rd husband), and they decided to have not 1 but 2 more children. Her 1 daughter thought the email she got saying dear OLD mom was preggers was a joke. I can see how she would make that mistake. Of course blind mom made me feel totally better about myself because I figured if she could be 110 years old and blind and a good parent then surely I'll figure out enough to keep my kid alive.

One of the other woman had a child at age 58 and then twins at age 60. Her husband was 44. Now this woman said that she automatically introduces herself to new people as an older mother because she would rather people think she looks semi good for 60 than looks older than she really is. Okay, it might help your cause if you didn't wear dresses from the 1950's everyday, had the same hairstyle as Diane Lane in Secretariat (minus the well styled time period appropriateness of it and more of a wind blown, haven't been in a salon in 15 years kind of thing), and updated your look a little bit. I know there are some hot 60 year olds out there.

The other woman lived in England, had her baby, and was in the process of trying to get pregnant again. Really? Really? And her doctor said she was a good candidate. Who are these doctors????

When you are to the point that your children will outlive you by 70+ years or will be changing your diaper as a middle schooler then it's time to enjoy being a grandparent and just get on with life. Keep'em closed Granny. No baby wants to compete with bats and cobwebs when they're trying to be born.

In other fine television news...have you ever seen the show on WE called Raising Sextuplets? If ever a couple was gonna get divorced it's these 2. I almost can't even watch the show for their fighting all the time. My favorite of today's episode is when they lock their children in their bedrooms at bedtime so they can't get out. That seems like a good idea. I mean my parents at least only used a baby gate and only once did I knock it over trying to climb over almost falling down the stairs. Did they not ever see Jon and Kate? Don't they know that nothing good can come of a reality show based on the number of kids you have? The Duggers seem to be the weird exception so far and I think its because they partake a little too much of the happy juice or Mama Dugger has permanent brain damage from all the epidurals she's had.

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