Thursday, March 25, 2010


Losing a pet, losing a loved one, losing a cherished family heirloom...loss is loss. It pains me to think of my poor baby Sherman not here with me anymore, but I remember when I had to put my cat Norman to sleep. My friend Carol told me that even though I only had Norman for 3 years those were 3 years that he had a good home, wasn't in a shelter, and was loved and cherished. And the same is true to Sherman. Even though I only had her for maybe 7 years (and actually adopted her the week after I had to put Norman to sleep) those were 7 years in which she was loved and cherished. I still can't believe that Sherman is dead and I miss her terribly. I hope all my babies know how much I love them and cherish them. Pets are non judgemental and all they want is to show us how much they love us and how excited they are to see us when we get home at the end of the day. Its easy to forget that when they're jumping on us and want to play and we're tired. Pets always love unconditionally and we should always love them unconditionally. I let all my babies sleep with me last night which resulted in me not getting too much sleep since I was penned in and couldn't move all night. But they were happy so it was worth it.

I did go to the gym tonight and I actually WANTED to go! Holy shit! Tomorrow I know I won't go because we are having happy happy joy joy after work (aka happy hour) and then Paul and I are going out with our friends Josh and Tonya. Tonya and I sit by each other at work and I can't imagine my life without her. When I move into an office and can't be next to her (literally we sit so close to each other that she knocks crap off my desk with her chair) it will be a totally weird experience. She makes me laugh every second of every day. But we will be walking to the restaurant downtown so that's some exercise and I'll go to the gym over the weekend (along with the Boston flower and garden show which Paul is wicked excited about).

Tomorrow I have to clean client's house and a residential program all day...I don't even like to clean my own house!

See ya manana!

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