Saturday, March 13, 2010

Ouija boards are bad's been a long time since I've blogged on here! I guess getting married, settling down, renovating a house, and starting a new job had not left me much time for adventures. Although getting married, settling down, renovating a house, and starting a new job is an adventure in itself for sure. Living in MA has been an experience. We ain't in GA no more! My overall impression of MA is that Boston is an amazing city, people here (for the most part) are rude and in a hurry, and I've never seen such terrible drivers. Perhaps its the fact that there are no lines in the pot hole covered roads that make them so cranky, but I've lived anywhere that its acceptable to just pull out into the road and wait for someone coming from the other direction to stop so you can pull in front of them meanwhile causing the traffic in the lane you are blocking to begin backing up. I of course NEVER let anyone get in front of me if they've done such an asinine thing. I have met some really good people and definitely think I'll have some really cool adventures while we're up here.

Have you heard of the website It's a way to meet people who share your same interests. I started a photography meetup and then let someone else take it over mostly because I didn't want to pay for it anymore. Or plan the events. Last fall I also joined a paranormal meetup, but didn't go to any meetings. I went to the paranormal groups website and they have openings for investigators so I applied and didn't hear anything so I kind of forgot about it. In January I got a call and went through 2 interviews and got picked to be an investigator! Last week I went to my first meeting with this group and it was really interesting! WThe meetup topics covered were ouija boards, tarot cards, and television shows. Apparently ouija boards are bad. My parents, in their infinite wisdom, bought me one when I was in middle school. I made a comment about how it was good tomorrow was garbage day, but found out that apparently you aren't just supposed to throw ouija boards away! There's some kind of ritual involved to get rid of a ouija board that may or may not involved burying it. I can tell you what there ain't no way I'm burying that thing on my property. I'll have to sneak onto my neighbors property (the ones with the dog that barks all thet time) and bury it over there. The entire drive home from my meeting I thought about this stupid ouija board! My mom does not feel I'll be able to go into a "haunted" house to investigate and Paul thinks the night may end with me peeing on myself and running out of the house screaming, but I think I can be a little braver than that. Granted we watched Paranormal Activity 3 weeks ago and I am still scared that something is going to grab my leg during the night and drag me out of the bed, but regardless. It'll be okay. The other investigators are really nice and really funny and we are having a mock investigation tonight to go over equipment, etc. I think my first real investigation is going to be in April.

Other than that I'm still fat. I've lost no weight and have actually gained weight. Recently I started changing my diet and am trying to add working out into the mix, but its the damn wine. I love the wine! I know this love is not going to aid in my weight loss. I've been tossing around the idea of calorie counting and we'll see how that goes. I just don't want to get pregnant again and weigh so much! We'll be heading off to the gym soon.

It's a damp, rainy day here in MA and I can't wait for spring to get here!

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