Thursday, March 18, 2010

Fat girls, fat girls...whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

I've been hearing on the radio this week about this woman who wants to become the world's fattest woman. She currently weighs 550 lbs. and wants to get to a 1000 lbs. Her name is Donna Simpson and surprise, surprise she's from New Jersey (why does every trashy reality tv loser wannabe hail from NJ???). She already holds the record for the world's fattest mom (I'm sure her kids are proud). Hindering her quest for glory...running after her daughter (age3) is giving her too much physical activity and keeping her weight down. Let's explore something disturbing for a moment...some man had sex with this fat ass. AND she's currently married to a man who weighs 150 lbs. He is a self professed fat admirer. I'm not sure how its physically possible for him to A) have sex with her and B) I'd imagine she'd have a little cheese in her fat rolls (stanky!) She has a website where people can pay to watch her be fat.

Granted I have gained a LOT of weight in the last 5 years, but I would hope that someone would shoot me before I weighed 600 lbs. I wouldn't even be able to move!

The other part that pisses me off is that morbidly obese people typically don't work and go on disability. I will be so pissed if our tax dollars pay for this woman to be fat. I think the state of NJ should tell this woman right now that she is NOT eligible for SSI or SSDI if she chooses to try and become the world's fattest woman. What lessons is she teaching her children? I'm sure her 14 year old son is wicked proud of his mom and I'm sure his friends don't make fun of him at all.

In the spirit of me not becoming the world's fattest woman I've been working out! Paul and I went to the gym Tuesday before work and I've been running...okay, jogging...okay 8 minutes of jogging with 22 minutes of walking for the past 2 days. I'm doing the couch to 5k podcast from Itunes. The guy speaking cracks my ass up especially when during the 5th interval of running he prefices it with "You should be feeling the effects of your running, but should not feel out of breath or tired." By this interval I'm wheezing like an asthmatic, could sleep on the side of the road, trying not to throw up, and am DEFINITELY feeling the effects of my running. I also know that people drive by and laugh at me because I run so slow that a good fast paced walker could pass me. And I always laugh at those people when I see them "jogging." (I'm a bad person, I know)

In other paranormal news...I went to a "mock" investigation last weekend and scared the shit out of myself. We were practicing EVP work and sitting in the dark and after I got over my initial omg we're in the dark panic and calmed down I then thought I saw something walk by the window and almost peed on the sofa! I thought I held myself together pretty well and my coping skills allow me to talk myself down from full blown cardiac arrest to mild fast breathing. It was fun though and I learned how to use some cool stuff. I'm excited for our first real investigation. Hopefully I don't run screaming from the building or am found in the fetal position in a corner somewhere.

Peace out!

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