Sunday, November 4, 2012


Surprise!  I'm pregnant!  I just hit 12 weeks, we've had 3 ultrasounds, and heard the heartbeat on doppler.  The baby looks great.  I was so excited to have a normal pregnancy as compared to last time, but Thursday I got diagnosed with a partial placenta previa and a cyst on my ovary and told to take it easy.  Easier said than done with a toddler and a husband who is traveling and working more than usual.  We'll manage though.  Below are the two pictures we put on Facebook to tell our friends.  

Emma wore her soon to be a big sister shirt to the airport last week when we picked up my dad and his lady friend and my dad didn't even notice!  I finally had to say to him that Emma wore a special shirt for you.  haha  I knew Patsy would know as soon as she saw me that I was pregnant.  I have definitely popped!  It is true that with the second you start showing much earlier.  Of course I was happy because I heart maternity clothes and was extremely happy to put on those maternity pants. 

And I know I've been a blog slacker and I apologize, but I was so sick between week 4 and week 9.  I just couldn't work up any energy (I had to reserve my energy for vomiting, but on the plus side I lost 5lbs) for blogging, plus all I wanted to write about was being pregnant and we weren't telling people until we knew things looked okay.  Hopefully this pregnancy will be the one to get me out of that awful miscarriage club.  I would like to resign my membership. 

So tell your friends and look forward to funny pregnancy posts.  I promise to do a better job blogging! 

Hope everyone had a safe and happy Halloween!  

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel! I can't blog otherwise I'd blurt it out to the world and we want to wait until we are a bit further along to announce...although my belly is NOT keeping the secret! Hellloooo maternity jeans!



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