We are awesome parents and I have proof.
Emma and her boobies...she loves to put balls from her ball pit under her shirt. I think it's hysterical. Daddy does not. |
I was too lazy to make a real dinner last night or sit at the kitchen table. We had BLTs (I threw a piece of Kraft American processed cheese on Em's to make it healthier) and tater tots for dinner. Daddy watched football, Em watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the Ipad, and I read my book while we ate. Sigh. |
Some more post dinner ipad tv watching while she has her milk. |
We let Em help load and unload the dishwasher. She may or may not put utensils in her mouth. We may or may not put them back into the dishwasher.
I also turned Em's car seat around at 14 months, let her eat in the car (usually McDonald's, tater tots from Sonic, or goldfish), and let her watch tv in the morning (dude I am tired in the morning! I can't be all let's make some crafts at 7:30am.) We occasionally let Em have sweets especially if she's with us and we want sweets. How are we gonna eat ice cream and not give her any? Sometimes I go to the gym and pretend to ride the stationary bike so Em can play in the babysitting room and I can have a break.
BUT Em is healthy and happy and overall well taken care. I don't think we could love anyone more than we love Em.
And we'll see baby part two tomorrow at my MFM appointment and hopefully get some info on my placenta and what happens next with my cervix (which actually looked really good at last week's ultrasound).
I would say get out and vote but facebook has drained all ability to care about this election from my soul. No, it's not fair to blame facebook. It's everyone's constant posts on Facebook that are NOT about why you should vote for their candidate, but why you shouldn't vote for the other candidate. It definitely seemed this election that people were really hateful towards others with different opinions from them AND really emotional, instead of factual, in supporting their candidate. Can't we all just get along?
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