Friday, May 4, 2012

New Friends

Kellys Korner Blog ( why can't I get my blog to post links the correct way????) had a post yesterday on making friends as an adult. I admit that in my 20's most of my new adult friends were people I met at work. The other were people I met through Kappa Delta.

Now that I am no longer working the majority of new friends are people I meet through the Air Force. I LOVE our Air Force family and I am already so sad that we are pcs'ing (aka moving) next year and I hope we get stationed with some of our MA Air Force family (unlikely, but fingers crossed). Don't get me wrong...I do NOT like MA. Yes, living outside the birthplace of our nation is pretty cool, but all the rules and taxes and laws are enough to make me register Republican.

Kelly has blogged about meeting some of her closest friends from blogging. I would freaking LOVE to have a close friend that I met through blogging. That just seems so cool to me (of course I am a big nerd, too).

My name is Jenn. I'm an Air Force wife. I'm a mother and I blog. My friends mean the world to me and I think I'm pretty cool. And funny. Wanna be friends?


  1. Hi Jenn! I found you on Kelly's Korner! I'm guessing you're a Hanscom family? I'm from Concord, so I totally identify with the silly laws-- how'd you like our outlaw of bottled water? LOL!

  2. Hi! I found you through Kelly too! I'm not too far away in NH.

  3. Found you on Kelly's blog. I live in Boston. Sorry to hear you aren't liking MA much. I love it (except for the cold winters).

  4. I found your blog on Kelly's. Sorry to hear you don't like MA. I live in Boston! Just wanted to say hi!



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