Sunday, March 25, 2012

Stroller Strides

So, I've been going to Stroller Strides and last Friday was a banner day for me. To keep things in perspective for you, you can probably imagine how someone feels after finishing a marathon...super proud of themselves and exhausted...that's how I feel every time I work out. Every single time. I guess because exercise has made such a rare appearance in my life for the last few years that the fact that I have been consistently going for a month continues to amaze me.

Anyways, Stroller Strides. I met my friend Jessica last Monday for class and Tuesday could barely move. I hurt in places that I didn't even know I had muscles in. Friday when I showed up to class there were 4 pregnant women in class, one of whom was 38 weeks pregnant. I flashed back on to when I was 38 weeks pregnant with Em and I can guarantee my ass was NOT running, doing jumping jacks, or push ups. I can't even do a jumping jack now without becoming winded (as evidenced during SS on Friday). These pregnant women ran circles around me! Literally because we did a lot of running and I did get lapped a few times by a prego or 4. And my push ups...abysmal! We did push ups off a metal barrier thingy and I had my legs bent at a 90 degree angle to my waist to the point that my calves became sore. lol I guess flexibility isn't in my vocabulary either.

My other favorite part was that 3 of the pregos were thinner than I am and 1 of the non pregos in class was so thin that I am not sure how she carried a child inside her (actually most of the women in class are so thin that I wonder how they carried a child). It's never a good day when you're heavier than a pregnant woman. But it does motivate me to continue working out.

So on Friday I was proud of myself for going, I did enjoy class because we were outside and it was beautiful, but I was definitely embarrassed by my lack of physical fitness.

I need some ice cream. Ice cream makes everything better. Back to SS tomorrow.

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