Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Serious Question

Remember how when you were growing up the only thing that made the end of summer bearable was knowing that fall tv would soon be starting. As summer ended you could look forward secure in the knowledge that very soon Zach Morris, Cliff Huxtable, Doogie Howser, and Tim the Tool Man Taylor would be showing up at your house. NBC rocked Thursday nights with Friends and the original 90210 reigned supreme. Remember when Donna lost her virginity to David??? Remember when everyone else lost their virginity to Dylan??? Those were the days!

TV shows had seasons that went from late August/early September to May. That is like an entire school year and then when the shows had their season finales it was time again for summer break! Need I say it again...those were the days!

So what happened? It seems like now we are lucky if our favorite shows have 8 episodes! I can barely feel invested in a show with only 8 episodes. And just when you are good and wrapped up in a show then its pre-empted by basketball or baseball (shudder) or American Idol (seriously who still watches this??? No one who has won the show has lasted more than a year in the industry with a few exceptions...shout out Kelly Clarkson and Jennifer Hudson who I don't even think won...why is AI on all year long???).

Instead of being able to stay with your beloved characters for an entire season beginning in September you have to stalk the tv guide channel and internet to even find out when your show is starting. This one starts in September, this one in October, this one did start in September and then went off the air in November, and is coming back in April (did I mention I hate AI)...Bones I'm talking to you. Where have you been????? Just when I get interested in a show all the sudden the season is over (hello Terra Nova!).

It's almost enough to turn me off tv all together. I can't keep it all straight. So for Christmas this year Mr. Television Executive can we please just have a real tv season instead of mini seasons of 50 different shows?

Thank you and good night.

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